Friday, October 25, 2024

UPND is Dead Worried, PF was not losing seats to MMD at the rate the opposition is losing them-Antonio Mwanza


The Ruling Patriotic Front (PF) Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza has said that the opposition United Party for National Development(UPND) is dead worried that, amidst all their propaganda and hate campaign against PF and President Lungu, and despite what may seem like social media support on their propaganda platforms, such as Watchdog and Koswe, the opposition party continues to lose elections in their own strongholds.

In a social media post, after the ruling party won the majority of their ward seats in UPND strongholds, Mr. Mwanza trashed what he called “the facade that even MMD used to win by-elections” by saving that PF was not losing their own seats to MMD in the manner in which UPND is losing their seats to PF

Mr. Mwanza went on to say that, in fact, PF in opposition maintained almost all their seats from MMD, even when they expelled about 22 MPs, they went ahead and defended almost all those seats from MMD in the subsequent general election.

Below is the full post

The popularity of any political party is measured by its ability to win elections.

You can not claim to be popular yet you keep on losing election after election.

You can massage your pride and give all manner of excuses and accusations as to why you have lost to give yourself and your supporters some false comfort but in the final analysis you must face reality and accept that there are things you aren’t doing right.

Three days ago we had 15 by-elections and out of 15, PF won 10 and UPND won 5.

What is telling is not just the fact that the PF won the majority of the seats but that they actually won them from UPND in their own so called strongholds. These were UPND seats and they have grabbed from them by the PF.

No matter how much the UPND might pretend, the truth is that they are dead worried that amidst all their propaganda and hate campaign against PF and ECL and despite what may seem as social media support on their propaganda platforms such as Watchdog and Koswe, when it comes to the actual elections, the UPND has continued to lose, worse more they are losing their own seats in their own strongholds.

Forget about the facade that even MMD used to win by-elections, PF was not losing their own seats to MMD in such a fashion, NO. In fact PF in opposition maintained almost all their seats from MMD. Even when they expelled about 22 MPs, they went ahead and defended almost all those seats from MMD in the subsequent general election.

The question is why is UPND losing their own seats to PF in such unprecedented manner: the reason is simple: you can say all you want on social media or anywhere else against PF but the people, the voters pa ground are able to see and feel the benefits of the PF developmental agenda, people pa ground are able to see and feel the benefits of the new schools, hospitals, clinics, bridges, roads, inputs, jobs, government scholarships, business opportunities etc that the PF government has created in the last 8 years. It’s SONTA all the way.


  1. Your analysis will greatly unsettle kleptomaniac h².
    I am meant to believe by-elections are not entirely reflective of general election outcomes.
    That said, h² upndead continuous unpopularity doesn’t come from the blues but the aging and growing decrease of energy from Africa’s long serving opposition leader h².
    In the time h² has been on the party’s helm, heathier and younger new blood leaders would have helped revitalize upnd.

    • Even when they expelled about 22 MPs, they went ahead and defended almost all those seats from MMD in the subsequent general election.


  2. H² is like a fading song or like an outdating song or like a fizzling sound or like a susdizing wave or like disappearing day in the evening, or like an easing ecstatic episode of an 20 second lasting h0rg@$!mmmic stant.
    Like a fainting train horn.

  3. Ba Antonio it’s a good thing to celebrate when even you win K5000 if you have been betting for a long time.

    PF as ruling party has everything at its disposal going into a by election. PF can moblise money, campaign materials, vehicles and manpower to go campaign in one two three four constituencies. And the result is what we are seeing.

    In a general election, no resources, manpower will be concentrated in one constituency, you should learn from what happened to the two upnd mps from southern province who defected to pf they lost in the general elections with big margins.

    And moreover councilors are just a nuisance, they are just allocating land illegally with Cadres.

  4. By elections are not general elections my Dear fool, you are a trader degenerate poop.
    Your day will come for you to year.
    You think everyone is happy with your stupid administration.

    PF must Go

  5. Mr Mwanza PF won elections, why don’t you just celebrate victory instead of referring to UPND all the time. Leave the reflection on how UPND performed to them.

  6. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Forest Reserve 27 Wildlife Private Game Ranches Gold Mining Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Forest Reserve 27 Wildlife Private Game Ranches Gold Mining

    The new medical syndrome called HH syndrome, otherwise known as the PF syndrome or Edgar Chagwa Lungu syndrome. This is a new syndrome where a winner is unhappy and is constantly talking about the person they have allegedly defeated. It comes from the fact that the winner didn’t genuinely win but used all sorts of unfair tactics, including manipulation and rigging.

    Anthony Mwanza, isn’t this the dude who was in FDD and abandoned his party because he was hungry and wanted to go and share the loot in PF… very hypocritical, unprincipled and lacks integrity.

  7. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    The new medical syndrome called HH syndrome, otherwise known as the PF syndrome or Edgar Chagwa Lungu syndrome. This is a new syndrome where a winner is unhappy and is constantly talking about the person they have allegedly defeated. It comes from the fact that the winner didn’t genuinely win but used all sorts of unfair tactics, including manipulation and rigging.

    Anthony Mwanza, isn’t this the dude who was in FDD and abandoned his party because he was hungry and wanted to go and share the loot in PF… very hypocritical, unprincipled and lacks integrity.

  8. If PF maintained and defended their seats is bcoz we had a civilised party in power that guaranteed freedom of speech,assembly and association and thus promoted democracy in addition MMD under Levy hated corruption hence could not induce by-elections by buying MPs and Councilors. PF is a complete opposite of all that. Upon taking power PF petitioned many seats in their vain attempt of wishing to create a one party dictatorship. They are, a dange to our democracy,should thus be routed out before they destroy everything that made us proud!

  9. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Having said that the UPND really needs to work harder to defeat this PF with all the rigging and state machinery at their disposal. Coming on here to declare they are winning in 2021 isn’t good enough. I think the PF are actually helping you guys although they don’t know it, and think they are embarrassing you. Take their free advice!

    I have always said, it will take a really great strategy to get rid of this PF because they have dismantled and manipulated all the structures that used to be there in the past – civil society is almost nonexistent now; the police, courts, ECZ have almost lost the little impartiality they used to have; there’s no credible independent media organisations (aka the Post); etc. So your work is cut out already!

  10. I am tired of offering free advice to upnd. It’s too late for them now. They will never win an election. They harbour alot of hate and frustration. Just look at their diasporan supporters who are so hateful to us but can’t even vote. Good luck in 2021

  11. What else do you expect Antonio?
    PF is now richer than UPND and the rest of the opposition parties whose sponsors have dwindled!
    The ones who win Elections now in Zambia are those who are able to dish out the most money to the impoverished electorates! Do you want to know how cheap Zambian voters are? Just a Coin is enough to secure a vote. Now think of the K20 kwachas PF is dishing out? In the end, it’s not HH and UPND who are the real losers but them who sell their birthrights! The only thing PF needs to do to maintain power is to continue dununaring Zambians into more poverty!

  12. The only way upnd can stand a small chance of winning elections in next 20 years is if they let charmaine stand as president. I have spent time with her in Kafue and can vouch for her. Very beautiful sweet intelligent woman who can bring some fresh ideas to upnd. I like this woman so much that if she stands as president I will support her by lending my vote to upnd. Very warm and sweet woman

  13. The only way upnd can stand a small chance of winning elections in next 20 years is if they let charmaine stand as president. I have spent time with her in Kafue and can vouch for her. Very beautiful sweet intelligent woman who can bring some fresh ideas to upnd. I like this woman so much that if she stands as president I will support her by lending my vote to upnd. Very warm and sweet woman

    Kaizar z ( in my personal capacity)

  14. The voter turn out in these by elections is too small to justify any reality. Even elections held at any secondary school can beat these numbers. This simply means any political party in this case pf can simply mobilize their own few 800 or so voters to vote for them. Its easy to give a few tokens to this number like melee meal and K 50 notes to induce such a small number to vote for you. These are not real elections to boost about as they are not a true reflection of the actual feelings of the people but a few pf members. A caution to these pf cadres stop leaving in dream land believing all is well because come next years general elections the pattern shall not be the same. You are going to get the shock of your lives as the voter turn out will be more. People now are not…

  15. Antonio Mwanza you won chilanga in a by election and lost it in the general election really you want to comfort yourself there will be a new registration of voters in october do u know hw those will vote the turn out of voters in the by elections is just 30% why are the majority not finding it worthwhile to vote in the by elections i thot you can do a better analysis bcoz u have been to school but it seems you want to comfort urself am even surprised bcoz in MMD ward elections wud come and go without so much notice but under PF they have taken a new meaning .

  16. Antonio Mwanza u r educated enough to know that in a by election whose turn out is 30% does not usually paint the collect picture of what is on the ground new voters will be registered in october do u know what their feelings and decisions will be thats a simplistic analysis from u

  17. What else do you expect Antonio? PF has more rich people than UPND! Within less than 10 years, people who could not afford a wheelbarrow own unimaginable wealth today. You know that ichipalamika pa nsaka musumba wa bwali. You need to understand how Zambians vote. If you don’t bribe them, forget! So, PF with China and akasaka ka ndalama or Treasury and government resources are no match for an Opposition party funded by a few individuals!. If PF want to rule Zambians forever, make them poor so that they appreciate tuma K20 bribes during Elections!!!

  18. Ki-Ki-Ki-Ki-ki-k-ki-ki-ki ki-ki……. ati PF dehumanising Zambians, So, Zambians know this is pf agenda?

  19. Finally we have a Bemba bull too. The Tonga domination has been broken. In Zambia we now have Tonga bulls and Bemba bulls. Go, go, go guys. But do not send pics to your girlfriends but wives.

  20. I knew fake KZ would wag his tail. He gets excited at the mention of HH and UPND…I wonder what this boy “KZ” does in his council UK flat. Anyway you may continue to INFER using an outdated voters roll amidst COVID. Just wait for 2021. For now ANTONIO ,MONDAY and KZ can yap all they can. Just watch what the YOUTH will do to u in LUSAKA and COPPERBELT in 2021. Meanwhile UPND and NDC has been eating in your “STRONG HOLDS”. Talking about WESTERN , NW , SOUTHERN ..PF Please forget about these…YOU WILL NEVER EVER GET THEM

  21. Well, really, who wants to vote for a violent unpleasant party that spends too much time on social media spreading fake news?

    Concentrate on the job at hand not maligning others with propaganda lies.

  22. Mwansza is lying.u remove a goal keeper then u kick the penalty and acore. and u start celebrating.? Only a moron does that.

  23. It is a well known fact in politics that people do not vote when they think that the result will not change anything. Zambians are interested in politics but they just do not trust the politicians. The reasons are as follows: 1. Political turncoats, like the man here 2. The failure to fight corruption. Michael Sata wrote, ‘The fight against corruption shall be driven by independent institutions of government in collaboration with an independent judiciary which commands the respect and confidence of our citizens.’ Public confidence in these institutions has been eroded. President Lungu HIMSELF complained about these institutions failing to act without being told. But when they do act, they do not seem to have the support of their commander in chief who becomes a lawyer and not a…

  24. a lawyer and not a President. 3. Failed promises. We still do not have free basic education and healthcare in Zambia 9 years into the 2011 PF manifesto. 4. Failure to create jobs. 5. There is LESS money in pockets since the Kwacha has been terribly devalued.

  25. not a President. 3. Failed promises. We still do not have free basic education and healthcare in Zambia 9 years into the 2011 PF manifesto. 4. Failure to create jobs. 5. There is LESS money in pockets since the Kwacha has been terribly devalued.
    Michael Sata further wrote, ‘ Despite Zambia having been declared a Christian nation under the constitution the MMD government has continued to antagonize the church and marginalize it in matters of governance and national development with the civil society suffering the same fate against all democratic principles known to any civilized society in the 21st century.’ He could as well have been writing about Lungu’s PF.

  26. ‘Access to quality education and health care for the majority of our people has remained only a pipedream while the elite continue to promote their predatory social and economic habits at the expense of the majority. Fellow Zambians, only an irresponsible government can continue to be oblivious and turn a blind eye to such social and economic inequities amongst its citizens. The human dignity of a country lies in its citizens irrespective of their station in life. To guarantee human rights in the constitution without the promotion of human dignity of individual citizens is not only a meaningless exercise but also a mockery to them. Our people are in need of food, shelter, access to clean water, health care facilities, a sustainable environment, social justice and employment. To keep…

  27. When is government going to tell us who gassed n killed 55 Zambians kanshi? They need to if they really care for the people.

  28. Anthonio Mwanza and Sunday Chanda should be allowed to stand as MPs and rewarded with Ministerial jobs in the 2021 ECL Government. Antonio and Sunday are loyal and both young men have integrity.

  29. UPND should change. You can’t be doing the same thing over and over again. UPND likes losing elections then waiting for the next election.

  30. Mr/s Kudos : No need for insults. Bally will fix the corrupt system.

    Lusaka times , please delete Mr Kudos insults.

    Mr Kudos! Why have you sank so LOW? You and I come very far on on this platform.

  31. After all is said, done and concluded by humans, there remains the one factor which no man can ever predict: the deity factor.

  32. 5/15 .?……we need to change something in our campaign team otherwise we are not going anywhere in 2021, by election in our strong hold that can’t never!!.

  33. Antonio Mwanza—-mouth for hire. A man with no spine nor morales. Condemning pf criminality one day and singing their praises the next. The people deserve a better breed of politician.

  34. We never had soooo many useless elections. What do these elections do to uplift the welfare of our citizens?

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