Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND and its leadership have no vision for Zambia and resembles PF in every aspect


Patriots for Economic Progress Leader Sean Tembo is happy with the accelerated rate at which the Zambian people have embraced his party as an alternative Government in waiting that can deliver on the economic, social and governance aspirations of citizens.

Mr Tembo says as, on Monday, 10th August 2020, the total paid-up membership of the Patriots for Economic Progress crossed the 600,000 mark.

He says for a political party that has been in existence for barely four years, this is no mean achievement.

Mr Tembo says Given the PeP exponential growth in the past few years, coupled with the visionary leadership of the PeP National Organizing Committee and the increasing appetite of the Zambian people to elect into office fresh blood that is devoid of recycled politicians that generally characterize Zambia’s political landscape, the political future of the Patriots for Economic Progress is bright.

He said given all the variables, he believes that it is in order to now declare the Patriots for Economic Progress as Zambia’s Third Political Force.

“Suffice to mention that it is not our desire to remain third-ranked for long. In the one year from now to Election Day, we shall be making a very spirited attempt to emerge victorious in the general elections, and to obtain the mandate of the Zambian people to preside over the affairs of this Republic”, he said.

Mr Tembo says the Patriots for Economic Progress are not in an Alliance with any political party, and the possibility of any Alliance with any political party between now and the Election Day in 2021 is totally out of question.

He says any other political party and their respective leaders shall be considered as their political opponents and they will be treated as such.

Mr Tembo says the theme of the PeP message to the Zambian people will be threefold ahead of 2021 firstly, how the ruling PF and its Government have failed to run the affairs of this nation and need to be replaced.

He said secondly, how the main opposition UPND and its leadership have no vision for this country and resemble the ruling PF in every aspect except the fact that they are not in power and thirdly, why the Patriots for Economic Progress and it’s leadership are the most suitable grouping to be next accorded the opportunity of running the affairs of this beautiful nation and to turn around this country’s economic fortunes as well as restore the rule of law.

Mr Tembo says his party saw it necessary to state its position as above so that there is no doubt in the minds of political opponents as well as the Zambian people in terms of where they stand and what their campaign message themes will be, going forward.


  1. You are right with the first part of your statement. However in relation to us being like upnd, that is where the screws in your big head went loose. You are not a political heavy weight and what you say don’t make a difference or impact on who ends up ruling this country. We wouldn’t be in government now if we were useless unless you are saying those that voted us in are useless. And in saying so you are referring to majority of zambians

  2. If you think PEP is bigger than UPND the elections will tell but i have never heard UPND worry about PEP so why r u worried about them.

  3. PF was on paper for less than three months and produced an MP in mufulira. PeP is talking of 4 years and not even a single councilor and someone says they are gaining popularity. Wow! Utunensu….ukuyumfwishyako bwino

  4. Bandit PF how much is mealie meal? Has load shedding finished? How much is fuel? How is the economy doing? Bandit lungu never give power to the government need to audit budgets from 1995 to current. if corruption need to finish.1 year to the next elections.

  5. Sean Tembo, you look/sound more dignified when you channel your energy towards PF…Trying to make yourself relevant by taking on UPND makes you look/sound mediocre and out of touch reality. You may be president of a party but you’re “small”, that’s why HH doesnt dignify your baby rantings against him with a response. Grow up (politically) gracefully.

  6. Bandit PF ba lungu never give power to the speaker. So everything is illegal .. PF Bandits 1 year to the next elections. Next Government need to audit budgets from 1995 to current. Corruption is full and everywhere,

  7. I have never heard HH and senior UPND officials stand on an anthill and dress down any opposition party because they are focused on the bullseye, politics is like archery games you gain more by hitting the middle, its not just about throwing arrows and aiming aimlessly, FOCUS.

  8. Is PeP a Brief Case Party. Who are the Leaders of PeP and what is its Manifesto? How can a genuine Opposition Party criticize UPND the Official Opposition Party with several MPs in Parliament? Is PeP a surrogate Political Party to PF? Apart from criticising others Sean Tembo has nothing to offer to the People of Zambia. It looks like PeP is a One Man Party bent on sellingout genuine Opposition Parties to PF ,the Ruling Party. No wonder Sean Tembo cannot be trusted by Opposition Alliance Parties.

  9. politics is like the game of archery, always aim for bullseye, if only he could channel all this energy towards pf.

  10. Seaman Tembo, That is your opinion dear time has come and you may try your Luck. PF is going since I know that no matter how much plans it has to share its people who are tribal party but UPND will remain intact with all well meaning Zambians. Enough is enough. PF kuya bebele.

  11. UPND! A big party without a manifesto for twenty years. A big party without election for over 15 years. Its just a mass of confusion. How can a party worth its salt still be singing wamuyaya wamuyaya in modem democracy. How do you run a party that has no contract with the people (manifesto). What are they afraid of? Is this not a sign they (UPND) are hiding something evil?

  12. They all come with mawala like this before elections, wait you see how they will shout the elections were rigged when they are wired. Sean Tembo should have gone to UPND and negotiated for a Commerce portfolio as he has very good ideas like the other marijuana chap.

  13. That’s how they all talk before elections, wait for either the silence after they are wired in the polls or the loud shout of rigging, Ambitions are not an offense buy must be matched with reality, can we surely work up next year and find PEP in power? How sure? The jokes in this country are just amazing

  14. Ba upnd Ba dabwitsa maningi,sure all these years No manifesto only ten bullet points! shaaaaame ati govt in waiting.

  15. @Jacob you are still crying over 2016 elections honestly? What have you done or put in place has UPND to make sure that:
    1. The lawyers you have now do not abandon HH in case UPND loses and they petition the elections.
    2. To ensure you don’t waste time with preliminaries in case of a petition.
    3. Your lawyers understand that 14 days include weekends since bill 10 is dead which wanted to change that.
    4. Your lawyers should understand that the speaker can only take over the running of the country if theres a re-run as a result of nullification of earlier results and not when theres a declared winner.

  16. Even the boy Tayali can say on Facebook that he has 900,000 paid up members without showing any form of proof…really laughable…too many jokers in Zambian Politics.


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