Saturday, July 27, 2024

US Envoy Says that he is confident that Zambia will continue upholding democratic values


United States of America Embassy Charge d’affairs David Young has expressed confidence that Zambia will continue with its good democratic tenets.

Mr Young said this when he called on Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya at her office in Lusaka today.

Mr Young urged all Zambians to turn up in numbers to register as voters on the 28th October in readiness to participate in the 2021 general elections next year.

He said it is important that everybody registers to vote in elections as it is democratic in a country like Zambia.

The US Envoy said his country is ready and willing to partner with the Zambian government in all areas including sharing information on elections with the media.

“We have public service announcements that we can share with your Zambian government in the preparation of the elections and also with the stakeholders including with the media throughout the country,” he said .

Mr Young said the US government is committed to supporting the electoral process and ensuring that democratic values are upheld between the two countries.

And Information and Broadcasting Minister Dora Siliya said the government appreciates the collaboration that the two countries have been engaged in over the past years.

She said Zambia shares the same democratic values with the US government in the electoral process.

“The message from the Government is always very clear that electrons cost money so the citizens must value their rights to vote because it’s their taxpayers money that is used in the elections and so nobody should deny themselves that liberty to right to vote,” she noted .

Ms Siliya said that with new technology, people should take advantage of the online registration exercise.


  1. And then I should hear ati piiiiiimmm!!! From a f00lish upnd diasporan. The representative of the countries you ran away to and which you judge us by have just praised our record in democratic values more so after the mrs kambwili f00lishness. So what have you all got to say about this ? Even the Americans know that slapping a police officer is plain arrogant and unacceptable. Only the looney ngocc and HRC have come out in support of that fat woman and her obese daughter.

  2. I don’t understand what the diplomat is saying as praise other than urging the government conducts itself true to democratic principle! Carefully worded as the diplomat he is, what he has expressed is both for the party in government and opposition parties being political players for Zambia. What everyone should be doing is understanding what the “good democratic tenets” are and put them to practice!

  3. Read the code: when a population is specially urged to vote it is another way of asking the nation to turnover its leadership! That is the case in the USA as of now; people are being urged to turn up in droves to remove Trump. That is how diplomats speak… I urge everyone to register and vote! Waya-waya! Wasala-wasala!

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