Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu honours five for distinguished, exemplary service


Zambia has toasted 56 years of freedom as a unitary sovereign state with President Edgar Lungu honouring five individuals for distinguished and exemplary service to the country at an investiture ceremony held at State House in Lusaka.

The usual pomp and splendor that characterizes Zambia’s Independence Day celebrations over the last five decades was missing when President Edgar Lungu joined his invited guests to mark the country’s 56th independence anniversary, under the theme “Zambia at 56, One Land, One Nation, building our future proud and free”.

The Independence Day celebrations were devoid of the usual pomp and splendor due to the prescribed public health safety guidelines and measures intended to curb the spread of the novel Coronavirus pandemic that is ravaging the globe.

State House grounds, which are normally characterized by traditional, gospel and secular music and dances from a cluster of bands and artistes as invited guests dance to Uhuru fever, were uncharacteristically quiet, with the Zambia Air force Band belting out local instrumental serenades.

The norm of a visiting Head of State gracing the commemorations of Zambia’s independence anniversary was this year broken as no visiting head of state showed up to continue with the custom due to continued travel restrictions amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

First President Kenneth Kaunda was not in attendance as well as fourth republican President Rupiah Banda who was recently diagnosed with colon cancer.

However President Edgar Lungu and First Lady Esther, were honoured with the presence of Vice President Inonge Wina, PF Secretary General Davies Mwila, Service Chiefs, Cabinet Ministers, some Members of the Diplomatic Corp and a cross section of Zambians who included former Vice President Enock Kavindele and former Prime Minister Malimba Masheke.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu bestowed five different classes of honour and recognition to 5 individuals.

The Head of State bestowed the President’s Medal for Gallantry to John Siame who exhibited bravery on April 26, 2015, risking his life when he rescued eight people who were drowning on Lake Mweru Wantipu.

President Lungu also bestowed the Order of the Eagle of Zambia Second division to James Mapoma for his immense contributions to the country’s socio-economic development and governance through a lengthy career in the civil service and ministerial level.

Mr Mapoma was one of the first crop of highly educated Zambians that saw him work for 14 years under the British Colonial rule and another 28 years after Zambia gained independence and served in various positions.

President Lungu also honoured Paul Chapuswike with the Order of the Grand Companion of Freedom, third division for his contribution to the liberation struggle.

Harriet Miyato was honoured posthumously with the Order of distinguished service, first division for her dedication and commitment to the teaching service and role in the establishment of the Zambia Open Community Schools to promote access to education to orphans and vulnerable children.

The late Ms Miyato grew ZOCS from nothing to a presence in 95 districts across the country servicing over 600,000 pupils and engaging the government on the development of the country’s education sector through policy reforms and implementation.

President Lungu also honoured Johannes Leach with the President’s Insignia of Recognition for dedicating his life to serving the community through the church in Chavuma district.

Mr Leach has been an asset to the community donating educational materials, distributing clothing, and providing transport to stranded locals among others and been pivotal in curbing the spread of the corona virus through donation of facemasks.


  1. I will be on that list one day in the future. I am very inspired and will work hard for the nation as a civil servant and hopefully one day my work will be recognised by his excellency. One Zambia one nation

  2. Inspiring achievements. Well done ECL.

    Others with violent tendencies such as shootings, beatings, threats to people including referees and bloggers as well as burning houses will not see such honor.

  3. KZ. Once again you spit out absolute nonsense. All you have done is earn through corruption, intimidate people. You have no legacy. You are not worth to be remembered for except for a common thief.

    That goes to your ex boss lungu. A common thief. In 9 years has destroyed this blessed country. What do you expect when you give a conman a country to lead no vision

  4. This though in a Covid year, was the best independence in Zambia and state house. No unnecessary expenditures on festivities and T-bone steaks at the state house and independence stadium. Money that can be spent on education and agriculture.

  5. You have rallies where you bring thousands of people together and suddenly you are talking of covid-19 for this function, rubbish

  6. This is just heart melting. It’s good that crowds were avoided this year otherwise Covid would be all over state house now.

  7. One thing we need to do is to move the Freedom statue from Independence Avenue to Heroes Stadium! The terrible inconvenience of closing a busy road for such annual rituals disturbs a lot of services and Economic activities! Hope something can be done. Times have changed and we need to adapt to change.

  8. It’ll be interesting to hear what will be said about KZ as he receives his medal for distinguished service. It’ll go like “whereby you were drinking at East Park Mall and provoked another patron, whereby he insulted you ati chikkala, whereby you drew a pistol and threatened to shoot him that he had insulted the president. Blablablabla

  9. Mr KZ, whereby you were drinking at East Park Mall, whereby you provoked another patron, whereby he called you Cikala, whereby you drew a pistol and threatened to shoot him that he had insulted the president, whereby you deserve an honor as the greatest defender of HE ECL. I look forward to that day

  10. whereby you did threaten caf official shouting ‘do you know me’…and whereby you at a drinking place ordered thugs commonly known as cadres to beat another…you did drive on the wrong side of the road an caused an accident with a school bus carrying children you again wielded a pistol and beat up a poor bus driver…you also pulled a pistol in chipata not forgetting discharged a firearm against a son of a former veep because he took away who you purported to have been you side piece….indeed you are already on a list…..never mind the saga at a named river based lodge

  11. Very unfair. HH should have been honored for the most number of presidential challenges by any Zedian. PF and their one eyed view of our nation!

  12. My father in 1967 saved Thousands of people &military personnel and indeed an Army Barracks in Ndola he drove a Landrover from Kalewa Barracks after loading it up to a quarry and destroyed it 250lbs of sweating dynamite that was stored in the armoury. Somewhat 45 years later 2012 he was awarded the Meritorious medal from Zambia !!! He has passed away now I have sent documentation via London Zambia high commission to Lusaka as posthumously he should have been awarded the Presidential Eagle of Zambia as a hero not saving 8 lives but thousands. Had the Armoury exploded the barracks and probably near by Chifubu may not have been on the map of Ndola. A brave soldier on contract teaching officer cadets such as Panji Kaunda. A great story KK was on a visit around that time also, so hush hush. An…

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