Saturday, July 27, 2024

I Will Make Sure Mr Hichilema Is Not On The Ballot Until Courts Clear Him-Tayali


The Economic and Equity Party (EEP) has vowed to report UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema to the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) tomorrow morning.

Party president Chilufya Tayali has told Journalists in Lusaka that he has overwhelming evidence that will lead to the successful Prosecution of the opposition leader for his alleged dubious transactions during privatization.

Mr. Tayali has said that that he will place a mandamus, a judicial writ issued as a command to an inferior court or ordering a person to perform a public or statutory duty, on the commission if it fails to act on the matter because he believes that Mr. Hichilema’s alleged dubious activities deprived many Zambians of their livelihoods.

Mr. Tayali said he will ensure that Mr. Hichilema doesn’t participate in next year’s elections until he is cleared of all the privatization allegations leveled against him, calling on other citizens who feel aggrieved by Mr.Hichilema’s alleged actions to come forth and be part of his witnesses.

“I have said that there are people who were deprived of their property, who have not been paid who were kicked out of employment in the name of privatization. Ladies and gentlemen, I am not joking am not being malicious I have spoken to these people I have seen how they are suffering some of them if you see them you will actually feel pity.” He reaffirmed.

Mr. Tayali said during his search for the truth he has come to a realization that Mr. Hichilema has two different National Registration Cards (NRCs) attached to different properties, a move he believes is illegal and calls on the police command to act.

“In my course of going around looking for this evidence it has come to my attention that Mr. Hakainde Hichilema has two NRCs this is what I have obtained and am giving it to the police to investigate there is an NRC and take note of the NRC there’s one which is 261786/72/1 and another one 128873/72/1. these NRCs are all pointing to Mr.Hakainde Hichilema. I am a whistleblower in this instance and I want the police to investigate. I don’t hate Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, these are facts!” Said Mr. Tayali.

Mr. Tayali also revealed that Mr. Hichilema did not declare an interest when he allegedly purchased properties that were being privatized by Grand Thornton a company he was part of.

“There is another property farm number 1924 in Kalomo belonging to Samson Siatembo , this property was mortgaged to Lima bank when Lima bank was being privatized this property was still under Lima bank but as we speak today this farm belongs to Mr. Hakainde Hichilema. In 2004 this property changed to Mr. Hakainde Hichilema’s name. When he was changing the company’s name he was still the managing partner of grand Thornton, I have tried to check if he declared interest but there is nothing. How did he acquire this property when he was a liquidator? I want him to respond !” Mr. Tayal said.

Mr. Tayali said he will personally ensure that the matter comes to a logical conclusion.

“I want to see a logical conclusion to these matters because these matters are very serious. I don’t want arguments that he is the largest opposition leader, Takuli ifyo, a crime is a crime, corruption is corruption it doesn’t matter who commits it no matter how big you are no matter how popular you are no matter how much money you have, and me I operate on the notion that we are all equal before the law.” Mr. Tayali said.

He said when the elite commit crimes they too should be arrested and prosecuted just like ordinary citizens.

“Poor people are being arrested for stealing chicken insala yamwikata umuntu he goes and picks a chicken from the neighbors, he is arrested and sent to jail, why do we want to make excuses for the rich people ?” Mr. Tayali asked.

Mr. Tayali also said that he wants to ensure that only the right people are on the ballot paper next year, and he didn’t care if he only shares the space with the Patriots for Economic Progress leader Sean Tembo.


  1. Red herring alert! Our eyes are on $18 Billion today, not $6 Million from 20 years ago. Another example of people who are clueless about the astronomical difference between a million and a billion.

  2. Pay no attention to him. He’s a good for nothing paid mouth. He should place a ”Mouth for hire” on himself. He’s a good example of ”arrested development”.

  3. I don’t know why but I think tayali has data which we don’t have. During the kambwili issue I thought he was just talking nonsense until the day kambwili got convicted. Tayali has something that may take hh down. It is tayali right as a citizen to pursue matters of national interest. I wish you well tayali. At least you stand for the truth. Go ahead my chimbuya

  4. Now we will be side-lined with this news instead of the debt crisis the country is facing as Hakienda will soon be summoned by both ACC and ZP the media will be following that …rats like Tayali are like internet trolls very common on LT they don’t want you to debate what is in the article but their own agenda. As for Hakienda I hope he has chosen a Veep as it will be a busy schedule for him.
    As Nandi always told his son Shaka, “son never leave an enemy behind as he will come back to haunt you”….really laughable…Hakienda you backed off when you sued this rat Tayali when he came pleading on the floor now he has comeback more energised to waste more of your time.

  5. This young man needs help and no later than now!

    Your pay masters will abondone you. Ask Nawakwi where is she with those rants?

    PF must go!

  6. Tayali, just make sure your wife is not taking revenge on your infidelity.

    Everyone knows that you and your side chick are now an item. You are a disgrace as a husband. An embarrassment to your daughter.

    You really think Zambia is better off under Lungu because he throws you a bone here and there? Crumbs.

  7. Ever wondered why hh has not added tayali to the defamation case? Think deeply about that because from where I am standing , if truly this was a case of defamation then tayali would be the first to bear the brunt. Why is hh scared of tayali. The truth has a funny way of coming out.

  8. Really, the cry of setting up a commission of inquiry on privatisation by president Lungu has died a natural death. Over to Tayali now(bull dog) for the master. Privatisation inquiry would have brought the entire former MMD government to court and account to Zambians people. That would have brought justice to Zambian people and many government officers both in MMD and others who transited to current PF government would have their day in court. Tayali would have been remembered well. Alas!, we have a saying in Chewa “Kunena kwa ndithe ndithe Namunthambwe anazitengela”
    Tayali you may end up having no sympathy even from the courts for wasting their precious time but come out with a huge fine of damages you and the rest of your family/clan will live unable to settle. All the best “He who…

  9. Where were you when Chiluba was still alive? The man had over 100 suits and pairs of shoes atching the clothes while many Zambians were dressed in rugs failing to have three meals a day. Chiluba and his MMD destroyed what KK built.

    Can Tayali explain how the idea of privatisation started if he was not a KID
    KK once said he will not let Zed be ruled by thugs… But one listened, this is why the majoirity are suffering

  10. Tayali you managed to take Kambwili down but don’t mess with HH. Ask Edith ‘Legana’ Nawakwi. Sensible people should be saying “someone should not be on the ballot paper next year because he has been elected twice as President” . And all of us know who it is. What kind of opposition leaders are these who fight a fellow oppposition leader??…..

  11. Politician – So you think Hakienda should be untouchable just because he is in opposition….let him just clear himself, he has a whole army of lawyers to do that.

  12. Tayali must be cut off now. Why are PF using him on things that do not matter?
    Does Tayali a human being or what kind of an animal is He who can behave like a lizard in the sun and it cold it goes to hibarnate?

  13. Tayali the attention seeker,
    Wife abadorned Tayali she went back to Ethopia Bukungulume No Bushimbe Bwafya Sana kuli Tayali. Find something to do all Zambians know it’s a caculated move to remove the main PF threat. No wonder other candidates have already declared themselves as winners of 22021 elections even before voting Kick starts. I f really want to salvage what you may deem as umulandu why not star with those that have overwhelming evidence already those who had embezzled Widows money,becoming rich overnight 2015 K2million and in 2016 K22million,Tayali how much have been promised mwaiche ?

  14. Friends take note that all those diasporans and these commenting negatives and downvoting on what I may post here have been in my social media inbox for years begging for money , but didn’t get a response from me. CHIBABA if not responded to.

  15. HH ,

    You see these rabid dogs you forgave first time round ???

    Just dedicate $100,000 to your lawyers to have this bottom feeder stripped by the courts for defermations….it will be money well spent.

  16. Kosapo. This is what Hichilema should worry about and not Nawakwi because she’ll obviously be witness in this scheme. So she can’t be in a civil matter on the same grounds unless the criminal case is disposed of.

  17. Chilufya Tayali has proved nothing here. Did SP Mulenga &Associates International send the money from Mr Jere to the Zimco liquidator? There’s no evidence here that the Zimco liquidator had contracted SP Mulenga &Associates to sell the house. Tayali is in a way accusing Mr Mbazima and HH of fraudulently depriving Mr Jere of the house he had rightly bought. Why didn’t Mr Jere report to the police? Sonny Paul Mulenga is still alive. This one will get interesting and Tayali had better speak to SP Mulenga.

  18. Go Tayali, go.
    Previously, I used to think that Tayali just blabs. I have statrted respecting the ‘boy’ after he cornered CK.
    Bring the truth on. We only want/need clean people in the Zambian presidence.

  19. It is so funny…. if Mr Jere got an offer and paid for the house via S P Mulenga,
    1. Why did S.P Mulenga not pay ZIMCO and transfer the house to Mr Jere?
    2. Why has Tayali not gone to S.P Mulenga?
    3. If Mr Jere paid for the house and never got it, why did he not go to court or report a crime?

    The evidence just does not add up

  20. If the evidence is genuine, what has the ACC been doing, sleeping.

    There is nothing new in his news conference, trust me if there any shred of evidence of what this PF paid cadre is saying, HH would be in prison.

  21. Aweer Just come open guys (BA PF) Think about Tayali’s life after 2021elections. Iwe Tayali naiwe don’t be like you are not educated stupid, they are busy putting you Ku 44ront not realising on your life after elections. The same people sending You Will deny you 3 times in 2 minutes!!! Ketauchi

  22. TheEngineer- The dates dont add up from the time Mr Jere got the house in 1996/97 and the time Hakienda got property in 2000. It looks like Jere had it for two years then sold it on!!

  23. Tayali your motive is very selective. There is current corruption in Lungu’s government right now. Why are you not putting effort into these issue that are directly affecting Zambians compared to rumors that occurred 20 years. If you are so confident in your facts. Go to Court and prove beyond reasonable doubt what you are stating. Why are you running to the media?

  24. Tayali behaves akin an arsonist who starts a fire and sits back saying it’s the responsibility of fire fighters to put out the fire “I just lit it!” Tayali’s noise whether true or false is capable of derailing an agenda a political party may have set for itself moving forward to the August 2021 elections and treating it with kid gloves is not the best way of handling it. UPND and especially HH must sue Tayali and this time around the “heart” must not come in between. Good luck to all parties in this matter!

  25. SP Mulenga & Associates hv a simple question to answer here. Land transactions always leave a trail. The question of how the Zimco liquidation was supervised by the Ministry of Finance also arises here.

  26. If a person is in procession of two NRCs, can he use them to obtain two voters cards? Can it be illegal to vote twice using the same cards in the same general election. What is the meaning of a ghost voter?

  27. Cash-strapped Zambia proceeds with presidential jet or

    Despite the country teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, Zambia is to go ahead with the purchase of a new presidential superjet from Russia, according to reports from Moscow.

    This comes as holders of Zambia’s Eurobonds rejected on November 13 a request from the Zambian government to defer interest payments, setting the country on a path towards becoming Africa’s first COVID-era sovereign default, Reuters reported.

  28. Aka ka Ci colour is being misled by KZ the lab tech turned political adviser and the useless lawyer Tutwa Ngulu . Focus your energy on repairing your marriage .The Ethiopian girl looks more sensible than you .

  29. LET YOUR demigod Hh defend himself, not ukutinya abantu nama usd3,000,000 for questioning his wealth. This guy can be a dictator…..Let Your god HH express himself on PRIVATISATION. BA UPeeNdie stop insulting Tell your god to come out clean from from this issue.

  30. Tayali does not lie. He has what it take to have HH in the dock for his DuBois dealings in the past and now. I now beginning to question the genuiness on HH forgiveness of tayali. Will I be wrong to think maybe he might have blackmailed him into forgiving Him . He may haveshow the big man these facts and asked him to withdraw the case then and that he will not make puplic the things he us saying now. Ba upnd please sober up and be careful the way you deal with the truth. Otherwise the truth always wins

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