Saturday, July 27, 2024

Remember when Zambia borrowed money to build a modern railway system? Kenya did it!


At least 120,000 city commuters will use the diesel multiple units deployed by the Kenya Railways Corporation as part of a plan to decongest Nairobi roads. The DMU’s will service 10 routes across Nairobi operating throughout the day. This as part of plans to revamp the train services in the country.


  1. Meanwhile the is a F.ool from Chawama who is not ashamed of borrowing billions with nothing to show for it and not even able to pay.

  2. Instead of letting Prof Chirwa proceed with his plans of a modern railway system PF prosecuted him over rent and squandered the EuroBond .Now look at us defaulting on debt repayments. Reducing on travel time increases productivity, currentlypeople spend so many man hours on the road and some have even lost their lives. PF have failed miserably to take Zambia forward.

  3. That is because Kenya did not have an arrogant self important diasporan leading the project. A diasporan who felt he was God’s gift to man just because he had a British passport. Also go and read the corruption that affected the Kenyan rail way project even now they are still trying to uncover it. For us we would rather do the right thing.if doing things the right way means we cannot have such a train, then let it be so .

  4. I dont think using Kenya as an example is just wrong because it had got funds for modern electric trains only to deliver cheap diesel trains.

  5. The SATA train is a sorry sight to see as though it were not in PF Government. If it were in another Political Party we would say, it is jealousy. But this is the man who made PF Party which is being abused lift right centre because now it is uncle’s Party. When you look at the SATA train, it is like it is losing teeth. It wobbles now and then on the rail truck like a jack train within the PF government in place. Look at the rail trucks… Is the PF government in Zambia or in space that they hardly respect Uncle Sata as long us they can take what they want.
    PF Party has been stolen too

  6. I remember using the commuter train from Chilenje to Matero. Some carpenters used to go to Buseko to buy timber and put it on the commuter train ; It became popular and was conviniet and economical. There was no political will to save the commuter train service from total collapse. The whole insfrustructure has been vandalized as though there was no management to safeguard such. Even the current Lusaka City decongestion project will not provide long term solutions. For instance Leopards Hill road should have been upgraded from Kabulonga round about up to Cooperative College instead of Lake Road up to Hill Top. Makishi Road is very busy one from Church road up to Emmasdale police. In addition Independence Road needs upgrading to six lanes from Woodlands Shopping Centre up to High Court…

  7. Kenyans even though they said to be corrupt but we can see abit of progressive developments.

    Not these Mwanks we have in Zambia, the only thing they best know is to eat and shiiit pit latrines.

    They will build mansions and drive expensive cars on roads with full of potholes.

    PF must go!

  8. Forensic accountants should be hired to locate the money stolen by Lungu and his accomplices when his term ends.

  9. Tarino Orange better the Kenyans who delivered half a loaf than PF who delivers zero.Kenyans are wise they knew their electric capacity couldn’t cope with electric trains.

  10. We borrowed for a train system, we borrowed for Zambia Airways reincarnation, we borrowed to stop loadshedding, just to mention a few. None of these happened and we don’t know where the money has gone.

  11. Here in Zambia, it is all jokes. They can’t even point where the 120 million US dollars went on our railway lines

  12. As an engineer myself , pro chirwa lost me when he started talking about solar energy to power Zambias electric trains ?????

  13. One thing going for Kenyans they don’t believe in God choosing leaders but in working hard for success, its then that God blesses you with more achievements! Moreover education and/or skill is cheered that’s why parliament in Kenya engages in fiery productive debates!

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