Friday, October 25, 2024

We are Safe Despite Going Down 3-1 to PF in Our Strongholds, UPND Political Strategist Assures Members


A member of the United Party for National Development (UPND) has assured his fellow party members concerned about the loss suffered by the party in recent ward by-elections that the party is still headed for victory in the 12 Agust elections this year.

In a post on the party’s social media platform, Mainda Simataa, a political strategist, researcher and UPND aspiring councillor for Kamwala Ward 5 in Lusaka said that because the simmering hatred, anger and frustration which he claimed that 9 out of every 10 Zabians feel against the PF regime will literally explode in the ballot on August 12.

Below is the full post

By-election Performance Analysis
By Mainda Simataa | Political Strategist
Yesterday one lady WhatsApped me regarding the by-election performance and simply asked, “are we (UPND) safe?”
This short and simplified article is written to answer her question, and those of others with similar questions that have bombarded my inbox for an explanation as to why, to borrow football terminology, UPND went down 3 – 1 to PF, in our strongholds, and with only 7 months to go before the greatest election in Zambia’s 56 year history.


To answer the question simply, yes we are safe, UPND is very safe, and on sound footing to pull off the greatest upset in election history this August when PF will be trounced by a landslide protest vote.

Why? Because the simmering hatred, anger and frustration which 9 out of every 10 Zabians feel against the PF regime will literally explode in the ballot on August 12. Low turnout in 3 out of the four wards attests to this fact, Zambians are conserving their voting firepower for August 12 when they’ll come out all guns blazing to teach Lungu the lesson of his life – that silent waters run deep.


By-elections are what we refer to as low-hanging fruits in political language, because the govt of the day is always favorite to win by elections using government machinery – meaning all resources at the disposal of government, legal or illegal, to rig the outcome.

In all 4 Ward elections without exception, the DMMU has been on the heels of PF campaign teams, giving Christmas relief food – beans, Kapenta, meali-meal etc. Also in tow, has been FISP pro PF government officials distributing farming inputs to voters, not forgetting social welfare PF officials disbursing ‘social cash transfer monies’ of K100 per vote with a bonus to be paid after a favorable outcome.

So dear lady, fellow citizens, it’s in such an environment that you see the brutal citizen-killers, PF winning in poverty and hunger stricken Zambia where a rural voter is literally held at bag-point – a bag of meali-meal or bag of fertilizer for a vote. Livingstone is the exception, and that explains why only a Ward nestled in an urban economy base like Livingstone could overcome this carrot tactic.

Mark my words, just like Livingstone, Lusaka and Copperbelt will turnout 90% votes for UPND on August 12 2020 despite all the money PF pours into the cities nestled in an urban economy teeming with disgruntled unemployed youths ready to teach Lungu the lesson of his lifetime. Take heart, we’re very safe.

Mainda Simataa is a political strategist, researcher and UPND aspiring councillor for Kamwala Ward 5 in Lusaka. He’s also a political correspondent for the African Observor tabloid based in Kampala, Uganda


    • Work hard UPND, don’t relax. But even RB and MMD were winning bye elections big time before loosing the main election

  1. How can you be safe when that happened in your strong hold? have you won in any of the PF strong hold as well, if the ans is no then you are not safe. UPND has to win the presidential election soon or they risk being overtaken by another opposition political party like the way PF did in 2006.

    • James Zulu unfortunately you seem to have a wrapped grey matter which can not radicalise proactively beyond your pocket and belly.As those with radical and outward oriented perspective to enlighten you on this social discourse

  2. What kind of opposition are you, you just get hammered all the time, time to review leadership in your cult….. the people don’t like your ka candidate

  3. What kind of opposition are you, you just get hammered all the time, time to review leadership in your c@lt….. the people don’t like your ka candidate

  4. ARE u sure UPND can win copperbelt and lusaka by 90%. eeeeee dreaming dont under rate other political parties

  5. And these are kainde’s advisors??? What upnd don’t realise is that the political environment in 2011 and now is different. Winning Livingstone is because of the similarity in the voting pattern of 2016 and now. Had upnd been busy working in North Western, PF would stand no chance, but they abandoned the province and it has come back to bite them as PF is campaigning hard there. Upnd concentrated on the “regime change by slander” strategy using unprecedented media attacks instead of working in their constituencies and countering the PF’s “sontapo” strategy. Now time has ran out and they have no answers for their constituents. With strategists like Simaata, it’s “Alalila owe, iyo, chikonko mwikate uyo!!”

  6. In political mobilization, structures are important. More so grass root structures. If you are loosing grass root grip as UPND is doing in its strong hold, it should trigger worry and introspection. If you were to plot a graph of UPND performance from 2001 to date you would note that there is nose diving trend to political oblivion.

  7. the anger and frustration that people have against PF is going to simmer down Simataa as we approach elections because of positive movements in the economy. One major factor will be elimination of electricity load shedding. Also, if the current actions to boost reserves start yielding results and the Kwacha starts to show some appreciation, your safety will be greatly eroded. Just a few positive adjustments to the economy and job creation will be tough for you Simataa and so far it looks like PF is in a strong position. Worse still add a bumper harvest – safe? I think not.

  8. just push hard UPND, don’t relax, even RB and MMD used to win bye elections big time before crushing in the main election, So don’t relent, all odds are against the ruling party as the economy is in the doldrums and Zambians cant approve continuation of the status

  9. that’s one wrong question, the question should be is zambia safe? remember whoever you elect will not be running the affairs of PF or UPND but the zambian economy, so the ideal question should be is zambia safe.

  10. Your strategist is just using you and taking you for a ride. What credentials does this strategist have. A strategist who tells you it is ok to lose? Ala naseka sana hahahaha. Upnd is finished. I am even using the toilet as I type this comment, that is how unimportant I think upnd is

    • Immediately I opened this page there was a stink all over..Kanshi ni chi Kaizar. Cha nyelawila internet yonse. Tarino Orange chashimeko air freshener na sanitizer. In fact sanitizer tayabombe find a sani Kaizar. If this is what PF tolerates in their hopeless party no wonder they are a stinking sinking party.

  11. This is and has been a problem with UPND’s approach: failing to organise themselves with a winning strategy, hoping to capitalise on PF’s problems ,mistakes or national misfortunes!! That is like failing to propose to a girl one admires hoping that when one gets her the relationship would break and that is when she would consider them , as she would have no options, forgetting that there are others eyeing the same jewel!! PLEASE REORGANISE YOURSELVES AND TELL ZAMBIANS WHAT YOUR NATIONAL PROGRAMME IS!! BALLY WILL FIX IT IS NOT ENOUGH FOR A DISCERNING VOTER ESPECIALLY IN URBAN AREAS WHERE YOU HOPE TO GET MORE NUMBERS, PEOPLE MAY JUST GIVE THEIR VOTE TO OTHER PARTIES WHO WILL TELL THEM THE RIGHT MESSAGE!! YOU CAN’T LOSE WHAT WAS YOURS AND SAY YOU ARE SAFE! SHAKE UP THAT NATIONAL…

  12. This is and has been a problem with UPND’s approach: failing to organise themselves with a winning strategy, hoping to capitalise on PF’s problems ,mistakes or national misfortunes!! That is like failing to propose to a girl one admires hoping that when one gets her the relationship would break and that is when she would consider them , as she would have no options, forgetting that there are others eyeing the same jewel!! PLEASE REORGANISE YOURSELVES AND TELL ZAMBIANS WHAT YOUR NATIONAL PROGRAMME IS!! BALLY WILL FIX IT IS NOT ENOUGH FOR A DISCERNING VOTER ESPECIALLY IN URBAN AREAS WHERE YOU HOPE TO GET MORE NUMBERS, PEOPLE MAY JUST GIVE THEIR VOTE TO OTHER PARTIES WHO WILL TELL THEM THE RIGHT MESSAGE!! YOU CAN’T LOSE WHAT WAS YOURS AND SAY YOU ARE SAFE! SHAKE UP THAT NMC,FIND A NEW…


  14. ECL and PF launched the ERP, with a clear strategy to help the economy recover and correct the flawed mining policy. PF have put new mineral discoveries in GRZ hands not in investors hands like the Zambia Gold Company. They have built Kafue Lower to correct the energy policy. Their agenda is clear. What is upnds agenda?? To fix the PF and undo anything they have achieved?? Their chairman for mining recently asked GRZ to give back KCM to Vedanta despite Vedanta’s breach of contract, what message are they sending to Zambians????

  15. Ba Shimata sitalateji palibe.. Unless you are relying upon mfwiti. If these are the UPND’s strategists tiyibaleko che

  16. First thing, this is not the greatest election in our relatively young history, 1991 was.
    Secondly, the UPND need to stop this defeatist mentality. ‘Oh yeah,we lost, it’s okay, the reasons are ABC and D’.
    This is rather nonsensical, does this person speak officially for the party?
    Irrespective of how much money is given to ‘rural’ voters, if the message is not clear, that we understand you are hungry, get the money from the PF, use it and remember to vote for us, once in power we shall ensure you are fed every day.
    The author suggests that rural voters are easily bought off, that it’s to be expected and not to be addressed.
    Ba UPND need to stop politics on social media, PF has more to lose and hence why they are working everywhere, every ward.
    UPND seems to think they will win…

  17. @ KZ unmasked by your kin brother Munir Zulu who went bribing people in the constituency shamelessly even on the voting day itself and was reported to ECZ and police did nothing. You have passed on to Munir Zulu your brother the dehumanising traits of Zambians in your family – pathetic. The Chinese company which you are making as a front is under radar to monitor your dehumanising activities of Zambians.

  18. Win the election simply because the PF is failing. Losing even one by-election should worry them greatly.
    The fact that their own councillors have been bought off and coerced to resign means they need to worry about the quality of their leaders too.
    If your councillors are resigned because they have been promised TVs, you need to worry.
    Playing blame game and rightly stating the fact that the government begun using the DMMMU, social cash transfer as well as the Farmer input support as a campaign too equally means you are not doing enough!
    If people can be convinced to vote PF and not see you as an alternative for the future, think harder.
    The next logical thing here would be to go back to those wards, and explain your plans.

  19. Remove HH for presidency and have those vibrant men like Nkombo who can think evenly if you have to win next year’s General election. I can assure you fielding HH you are going to loose general elections again. There are more brain chaps in Upnd who can take the party forward and start wining elections. HH has got no stamina to win an election as he doesn’t even know what happens in Parliament as he has never been an MP and Election wining is not about how wealthy the candidate is? . If you continue with this man you will never win an election till you disband. Mark my advice. Have a convention and choose some body else. Its getting late.

  20. UPND and other Political players must fight for a Level playing field.
    1.They must sought for equal coverage on public media Broadcast like ZNBC Radio and Television to be head by all.
    2.Public order act must be sorted out such that Police should not only give permits and security to Pf gatherings.If it’s an excuse for Public health this should apply to all Parties.On this anticipate covid19-21 fatal virus to heighten it’s spread in cold winter by June and July.Hence media campaign via Radio stations and Television channels will be utilised so much to avoid physical contact that mostly cause virus contraction and political cadre violence.
    3.Advise Chiefs and church leaders must be non Partisan so as to cartel influence

  21. Keep comforting yourselves. FISP is a success this season, Loadsheding has reduced to almost zero, good rains likely to have bumper harvest etc all factors working against you and you’re there saying you’re safe?? If you don’t have a problem, then you are a problem and must be fired if at all you were appointed to that your position.

  22. No you are not safe you are heading for a disaster it is time to reorganize yourselves and do the right thing, losing those bye elections speak a lot don’t belittle what people are saying through those votes in bye elections they are the same people who will vote in seven months time.
    You talked about giving gifts to the electorate, well let us think about the campaign funds that you get from your admirers that money is there to push your agenda buy something for the electorate and give them because they are working for your good don’t be stingy do good for your followers and Zambians at-large, the reason why there is politics is to spend on those people most of them have nothing to give them a living if they are supporting you then they are working for you should pay them not…

  23. MMMMMM UPND is a joke. You lose in your strong hold or at home ground and ironically you say you are safe.?? Just laughing … I end here guys.

  24. You can throw insults at me, but I am not the guy who has been losing elections for decades. Matter of fact I have been part of the winning team. Historically I played a key role in unseating a ruling party which is rare in African politics. You can choose to heed my advice and continue losing or you can choose to listen to winners. Takatekepo. You are wasting your time with your failed formula. Celebrating losses .you are mad all of you

  25. What do you expect? We all know Only PF had the right to campaign to this point , we will see what happens on the BIG ONE come August.

  26. Upnd will cry again,they pretend to be ok but deep down, their hearts are heavy and deadly worried.Uwa fitala akaimwena says hh nipano tuli.As for me and my house will vote for pf ba upnd kuba konkeleza you can have an heart attack.

  27. It’s not looking very good is it? Mass defections to PF, the writing is on the wall.

    Advise to accept defeat right now. In any case with Covid19 ruining the economy and it’s prospects in the next five years, it best to skip office as it’s all hard work. Only PF can sort this. New inexperienced President would have too much on his plate, what with learning the job on top of all the coming problems.

  28. UPND is not a party even to waste a vote for.The Fact remain that this party is a tribal party and has no strategy.Their strategy is that PF has stolen.How are u going to stop people from stealing without a solution. That party is so use—-less.Upto now there is no vice president.Big opposition without a vice and u wanna change govt?This tribal party will cry.It’s 50%/50% nega nega

  29. UPND can never win with HH in leadership. The majority of Zambians don’t like him. As simple as that. When people vote for PF or other political party candidates it’s not that they hate UPND candidates. They are simply rejecting HH.

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