Saturday, July 27, 2024

Let the Students at UNZA sit for Exams-HH


By Hakainde Hichilema UPND President

Yet again, the UNZA administration is refusing to allow students to sit for their final exams due to unpaid fees. We believe that education is a right and not a privilege. As such, we must pursue an amicable compromise that enables our students to progress.

The PF government are well aware of the economic hardship and the difficulty that our people face to even have a day of balanced meals. In view of this, we must exercise compassion and allow our students to write their exams and give them time to pay before they are eligible to graduate.

As we have stated before, UNZA’s perennial problems have been left unattended for far too long and they won’t go away unless and until the PF systemizes allocation of public resources to core areas such as education of our youth.

We repeat, UNZA students must be allowed to write their exams and the PF must redirect the resources that they lavish on political campaigns and bribing people, to resolving the financial problems at the University of Zambia.

We further wish to reiterate our long held position as UPND that when elected into government, all deserving students especially those from poor families will be granted Bursaries and no one will be turned away from writing exams on account of not paying their University fees.

The UPND will ensure that education is once more a core priority of government, and in that regard will reintroduce meal allowances and expand and enhance bursary opportunities to all tertiary institutions, to ensure growth in human capital for the betterment of our communities.

Our children are the future and our investment in them is what will determine whether the future will be bright, or not.

Let the students write!


  1. Your colleague Bobi Wine of Uganda has lost!
    We cannot wait to see you lose for a record 6th time in August,2021!!
    UNZA has a policy of only allowing students who have paid fully(100%) to write exams.PF Govnt has nothing to do with this UNZA policy.
    In the past,students with balances were allowed to write exams,but still failed to settle balances once results were out,instead started demanding UNZA management to release their results without settling balances,this is why UNZA management changed their stance!!!
    UNZA do not provide free education,thus Kainde stop practicing evil politics!!
    HH is said to be the richest man in Zambia,so pay for those students for them to write exams!!

  2. Hh should learn to do things in a smart way. This matter concerns UNZA management, look at who you are addressing??? So everything about you must be politics?

  3. Why doesn’t the self proclaimed little God and billionaire HH pay for them from his pockets, if he truly cares? After all his money is ours as he undervalued our assets for kickbacks

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    I think the decent thing to do is allow them do the exams and then only ket tgem access the results after tgey have paid or having a verifiable plan on how to pay.

  5. Yayi baba Exams dont fall from heaven. They are prepared by human labour which has to be paid for. So if you want to sit for those exams pay. HH should just volunteer some of his wealth for these students

  6. Kaizer, HH’s money is his, what is ours is what Lungu, you, chitotela, chitalu chilufya, Bowman, Tasila and the others you know plundered. That money could have helped UNZA students, pensioners and … but you invest it in drinking and … pwisha ilyashi Kaizer niwe wishibe bwino Eli mwafisa!

  7. Tawayapo pa UNZA mukusambilila Kaizer so yeti wushibe how exams are organized. From time immemorial students were allowed to write and results are withheld if one has outstanding fees. HH Ali pa UNZA and knows the system. The drunkard just forgot after swindling the widow.

  8. To arrive at a fair solution to this unending saga of university education! The university needs its dues, the students need the papers to certify them having qualified/cleared the courses to progress/graduate! Let the students write their exams whose results would be withheld and released on individual basis dependent on proof of cleared payments! No student would want to be kept in the dark on whether they cleared the courses or if they have carryovers for not knowing prior the start of the ensuing academic year would mean them being out of class for year before eligibility to register for the repeat courses. Those that may have cleared their course would have no papers to back them in either job seeking or progression to other study programs/scholarships. This is a general disease in…

  9. HH is trying very hard to be relevant to the Zambian people by commenting on every issue. The Zambian people are more interested on what he will do if elected. We want to read his manifesto so that we decide whether to vote for him or not. By saying students should be allowed to sit for exams without he is inciting anarchy among the students. How will the university ran with payments from student? I would like a visit to one of Ichilema’s business to see if I will get a free service.

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