Saturday, July 27, 2024

ZIFLP commences distribution of 1400 improved cooking stoves in Eastern province


The Zambia Forest and Landscape Project (ZIFLP) has commenced the distribution of 1400 improved cooking stoves to selected communities and boarding schools in Eastern Province.

Under the energy component of the ZIFLP project, the exercise is in a bid to encourage communities to cut down on deforestation by using wood fuel-efficient stoves which have lesser pollutants than the traditional braziers.

Speaking in an interview, Ministry of Energy Principal Energy Officer (PEO) Anna Banda, said the 1400 cookstoves are being distributed to Chipangali, Vubwi, Chipata, and Mambwe Districts under the first phase of the energy intervention.

“We are donating the improved cookstoves with the view of improving efficiency on how we are using wood fuel for cooking.

“ You will agree with me that the rate at which we are harvesting the trees and depleting our forest is so much that if we do not do anything now, so many years down the line we will not see the trees as we see them currently.

“ We need to put up interventions and this is one such intervention under the ZIFLP project, “she said.

Ms Banda, who is spearheading the ZIFLP component on energy, said all the 14 district in Eastern Province will receive 100 improved cook stoves, each.

The improved household cook stoves will use less wood fuel thereby giving the trees space to naturally regenerate because forests will not be harvested as at the current rate.

The donated utensils are of two types namely the Pulumusa and Rasmas modules which uses less wood fuel during cooking as compared to the inefficient ordinary braziers normally in use.

Through this project , the ZIFLP is hoping to reduce high levels of deforestation in the region.

ZIFLP targets to distribute 86,000 improved cook something in Eastern Province under the energy component.

Meanwhile, she said that ZIFLP under the guidance of the Ministry of Education in Eastern Province has started the distribution of 28 institutional stoves that use less wood fuel.

ZIFLP has already donated the stoves to Magwero School for the Blind, Chizongwe Boys Boarding School, Monica’s Girls Secondary School and Magwero School for the Deaf, all in Chipata District, respectively.

The organisation also donated institutional stoves to Eastern Girls Secondary School and St Margaret Girls Boarding School in Chipangali district.


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