Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Sishuwa is Wrong, Zambia Will Remain Peaceful and Prosperous Beyond August 2021

"His attempt to scandalise Zambia, harm its reputation and impose a false alarming international narrative will not succeed"


By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

It’s okey for one to provide a critical opinion about his own country, but it’s totally unacceptable for one to scandalise it, sow a false narrative and deliberately cause unjustified international alarm and cause untold reputation damage to it.

This is what Dr. Sishuwa Sishuwa has done in a written and paid for Op-Ed published in the Mail and Guardian newspaper (22 March 2021) of South Africa.

Sishuwa is a Lecturer in modern history, with research and teaching interests in 19th and 20th century African History at the University of Zambia.

He has “predicted” that Zambia will explode after the 12th August 2021, because of its alleged collapsing instutions, purported deep polarization, and what he claims is the prevalence of mass poverty, high intolerable levels of unemployment, extreme inequalities, restless and violent party cadres and a desperate political elite.
Sishuwa neglects to state that Zambia has tested democratic institutions, an alert and active civil society and a diligent population that is determined to maintain the development, peace and security of its country.

He has also neglected to state that Zambia has seen democratic and peaceful transfer of power in 1991, 2001, and 2011 and the holding of elections is a normal activity in its life and democratic calendar.

It should be stated that Zambia has seen the Opposition win election and remarkably and peacefully given power in 1991 and 2011. I do not need to remind Sishuwa that Zambia’s electoral system is ranked highly in Africa as shown on so many indices because it is deemed open, transparent, and credible.

Elections in Zambia are conducted in the full glare of public scrutiny, with local and international observers present. The politcal parties are allowed accredited agents and observers inside all polling and totalling centres. Most importantly, results are counted, announced and published at the polling station in the presence of party agents and elections observers.

To show that Sishuwa’s opinion is extremely unfounded and careless, I refered Zambia to the Continental Early Warning System(CEWS). The CEWS is a conflict early warning operation within the African Peace and Security architecture (APSA) of the African Union. This is a tool we use at the African Union to predict potential conflicts and threats to peace and security in Africa and its member states, and if possible recommend the best courses of action.

Zambia is not a failed State and is not about to become one as asserted in the alarming write-up and prisms of Sishuwa. Zambia has a thriving and enviable democracy. It has a fiercely independent Judiciary as seen by the many cases won against government, a thriving legislature that can even collapse heavily invested government Constitutional bills.

This can be said about other institutions of democracy in the country. The country has over 130 radio stations, over 40 independent television stations, an active civil society and clearly practices the rule of law. If this is the state, then what’s driving Sishuwa’s paid for Opinion?

After serving for four years as High Commissioner to South Africa, I can even guess who paid for that Op-Ed article in the Mail & Guardian. My appeal is that despite one’s disdain for the PF, or deep contempt for its government and its leader, we should never be driven to desperate levels deliberately designed to injure the reputation and good standing of our country.

For Zambia is above all of us, Zambia will be there beyond the ruling Patriotic Front. Why burn Zambia because one is facing a possible and inevitable electoral loss of his party or one that he or she sympathizes with? Mulefwaya uku filila munsenga?

Zambia will remain peaceful and the predictions and false narratives and prophecies about her, will never take root or come to pass.

The Author is Zambia’s ?? Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union.


  1. “It is never pleasant to be reading things frequently that are not agreeable news,” he continued, “but I would say it is invaluable arm of the presidency as a check really on what is going on in administration.”
    Kennedy went on to say the absence of a free press in the “totalitarian system” of the Soviet Union at the time was a “terrific disadvantage” for their country.
    “Even though we never like it, and even though we wish they didn’t write it, and even though we disapprove, there isn’t any doubt that we could not to the job at all in a free society without a very, very active press,” he said.JFK

    PF time out.

  2. Sishuwa pointed to problems with New Voters Roll, ECL’s Third Term Eligibility, the Cyber Security Bill, the Arming of ZPS etc. Mwamba has chosen not to discuss these issues that might make Zambia burn.Mwamba should tells why Sishuwa’s fears are unfounded. It’s not Sishuwa alone who is seeing the signs of Social unrest should the 2021 Elections be violent,rigged and disputed. There is nothing on the ground to support that 2021 Elections will be free, fair, transparent, credible and peaceful. Just to give a few examples. U cannot have a Credible Election without a Credible Voters Roll, the Constitution is breached. Unless those Election Rigging fears are addressed the outcome of the August 12 Elections will disputed with dire consequences.

  3. “……I refered Zambia to the Continental Early Warning System(CEWS). The CEWS is a conflict early warning operation within the African Peace and Security architecture (APSA) of the African Union. This is a tool we use at the African Union to predict potential conflicts and threats to peace and security in Africa……”

    Stop talking crap mwamba, did that tool predict the misery mugabe Brough on his people causing millions to flee, some getting burned alive in SA ????.

    That is a tool to keep tin pot african dictators in power…….

  4. Amen, ambassador. The real problem is the lack of credible opposition that had failed to convince and inspire its voting population. Hh made a pact with Fred M’membe (who was his firecrest critic before!! Even labelling him a bantustan leader) to mimic Sata’s strategy of criticising GRZ by using an unprecedented media attack as they both found a common “enemy” in Edgar Lungu. But instead of formulating a strong manifesto based on solid social-economic and political ideologies, he has used a personalised hate driven media campaign that has failed to move Zambians. Time has ran out and articles like Sishuwa’s are desperate acts by a losing team, chipante pante strategies.

  5. Nothing re-assuring here. The man has not dealt with Sishuwa’s concerns. What has never happened in Zambia can happen. We read about Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe next door. If we don’t manage our Economy prudently Hyperinflation is coming.

  6. Just count the deaths after August 12. Corrupt PF police officers will have shot and killed more than a dozen innocent citizens!

  7. Here is someone who is appointed by Lungu as an Ambassador and he wants us to take him serious with his articles…mind you are a civil servant you shouldn’t even be writing political articles critical of people who pay your salary: this is the the thing with this Mwamba he loves the luxury VIP status of a foreign diplomat but also wants to be a cadre at the same time….remember when he wanted to stand on the Matero seat in 2016 and wanted to campaign whilst he was RSA Ambassador only to back off when he was told he had to step down as a diplomat…him and that Anthony in Germany are in the same WhatsApp Group of bootlicking shameless Journalists that give seasoned Zambian diplomats a bad name. Just last month he was making covid-19 announcements about vaccines being donated by AU only…

  8. I agree with Emma for first time in 2 years.
    Ba Edgar and HH has returned Zambia into peaceful nation again, like in Chiluba and Mwanawasa times. Worse times was R.Banda and Sata era, the panga times.
    Now with HH government and Edgar in opposition, Zambia will be peaceful and Prosperous!!!

  9. by AU only to cautioned by MOH and this is not the first time….three years ago he was warned by Ministry of Foreign Affairs not to issue careless national statements.

  10. Ba Mwamba, just continue enjoying the pieces of chicken between your teeth, Zambians know where you are coming from. It is not mere claims that Zambia is this and that that can bring peace and unity, but the conduct of the people especially those who have made it their aim to oppress others. There is no country in the world that was made to be on fire, the fire was started by selfish and corrupt leaders who in their quest to dominate and oppress others, ended up provoking contention. So when people are talking, don’t be too quick to brush them aside or dismiss their views simply because you claim Zambia has been this and that. Listen, make changes, learn from advice, they say a wise man learns from other people’s mistakes and only a fool learns from his own.

  11. “,…..Sishuwa neglects to state that Zambia has tested democratic institutions, an alert and active civil society and a diligent population that is determined to maintain…..”

    More from mwamba ,

    ask any activist who wants to demonstrate or question the corruption and mismanagement by lungu…….

    ask pilato or Laura miti , or Sean tembo how he was beaten to a pulp by PF caders infront of police……

  12. Shushuwa is partly right…….

    Lungu will use the well armed militarised police to clap down on any dissent during and after elections……….

    The only problem is with Trump in power lungu had a blank check to brutalise any dissenting voices, but with the new administration in power in the USA, lungu won’t have a blank check and will have to tread carefully…….

  13. The country will burn becoz of the likes of you and tin pot dictator teeth, teeth, the dull worst president on earth who is pushing for a third term, u and other dull id1ots from PF have already bankrupted the country, what prosperity can u bring. Stup1d id1ot

  14. This man is a Civil Servants working in Ethiopia as Zambia’s Ambassador. He paid from Taxpayer’s Money and therefore not allowed to dabble in Politics. Why is Minister of Foreign Affairs allowing this Man to be a loose cannon?

  15. Mr Mwamba why worry about these demons in UPND. How many times have we heard of such predictions. We have heard of Armageddon before and where is it. How can a political party pray and wish misfortune in order for them to form government.

  16. Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
    ECL must continue as President after August, but just adjust on the complaints which Zambian are complaining about. HH he is good as opposition, he is not ready for Presidency. Please groom someone for next President, if not Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba take over because you can articulate issues. you have proved from you diplomatic powers.

  17. Totally different intellectual capacities. I am of the opinion that the Zambian political scene is a pigsty. You jump in, you are bound to be soaked in muck. Let us leave the Sus scrofa domesticus to wallow in the mire. Even when you wash them, they quickly return to their native environment.

  18. Well put Emmanuel, this Shushuwa is just a rubble rouser. He can’t just accept the fact that Under 5 is out of his depth and short of what it takes to win an election.


  19. Its sad that we can have people who wish to see blood in the streets of Zambia all in the name of politics. For me, this guy Sishuwa is a danger to Zambia due to his extremity views based on hate speech.

  20. @Kaizar, I can’t believe you still insulting and bullying others on this cyber. Wasn’t that useless law signed to target bafficala like you and bully Emmanuel?

  21. It is iniquitous on the part of Sishuwasishuwa to lose that critical sensitivity and be inclined to earn money from a sensationalized and potentially a dangerous and inflamatory article. Surely there are better ways to earn a leaving than to potentially put your own country at a risk. This narrative feeds the appetite of thugs that we are not short of in Zambia. This academic exercise must have limits.

  22. Mwamba if you are so wise…why doesn’t Lazy Lungu give you a job in Lusaka? Answer is no one trusts you and you are a snake

  23. The signs that 2021 Elections are going to be disputed are all there to see.U can’t have a Clean Elections without a Credible Voters Roll. ECL is committed to impose himself on Zambians thru an illegal and unconstitutional Third Term. PF have resolved to steal the 2021 Elections to retain Power at all costs. With these observations it is pretty obvious that our 2021 Elections will be violent,rigged and disputed. This is a recipe for Social unrest in Zambia. Unless there are new devts Sishuwa will be vindicated when Zambia implodes.The writing is on the wall.

  24. People are willing to scandalize their own country to the outside world for self interest. Where have you ever heard a national scandalizing his own countries reputation abroad? Don’t curse us, we are renowned as a peace loving nation despite our differences. In Rwanda they lock you and your family up for such behavior.

  25. Many bloggers including Mwamba don’t understand “If analysis “. Sishuwa prophesied that Zambia may burn if conditions for free, fair,credible and peaceful are not fulfilled. Sishuwa cited a number things that need to be done right if the burning is to be avoided. The New Voters Roll is compromised. So ECZ needs to fine tune the Voters Roll to make it Credible. ECL’s Eligibility is being questioned. So Concourt should hear and consider Petitions on his Third Term Eligibility. If Concourt Rules that ECL is legible in terms of the Republican Constitution then he will contest the 2021 Elections. If ECL imposes himself on Zambians thru an illegal and unconstitutional Third Term and goes on to steal the Elections then Zambia may burn 4 sure. The writing is on the wall.

  26. I am sure the way slavery started it was not the original idea of white people to use slave for free. It is the likes of Sishuwa unpatriotic black man who said, you know you do not even have pay anything to these people. I once worked for multinational company that used to pay a very decent wage. When that company later employment at black HR Manager the HR Manager told the company that the salaries are too high for Zambians. Black man at his best will do anything to impress the white man. These UPND that are always go to scandalize to white people will sell the country again.

  27. Sushuawa predicts blood shade every year….every year he writes atleast 1 to 2 or 3 alarming and baseless articles, one wonders what motivates him. I wonder what kind if lecturing he does at UNZA and he should thank God atleast he still has the opportunity to be at the institution. Because if really Zambia was a failed state , but now he wouldn’t have had such a privilege. Anyways whether he likes or not – Zambia will not burn before and after August 12,2021

  28. ‘Elections in Zambia are conducted in the full glare of public scrutiny, with local and international observers present. The politcal parties are allowed accredited agents and observers inside all polling and totalling centres. Most importantly, results are counted, announced and published at the polling station in the presence of party agents and elections observers’. REALLY, innocent Zambians from opposition parties have been dehumanised, harassed, beaten up and killed at the hands of PF cadres and culprits not arrested by Zambia Police who themselves are scared of loosing their job if they dare arrest PF cadres. Remember Esau Chulu in 2016 declaring more results in Lundazi than registered voters in favour of Lungu. Remember, Chavula a PF operative in ECZ computer server room…

  29. manipulating results as were being announced in 2016. Harassments of opposition appearing on radio stations and blocking opposition to freely campaign in the countryside, all appear normal to Mwamba. Mwamba takes pride that previous governments handed power peacefully. Yes, previous regimes acted with civility where as PF regime has killed and is ready to kill more Zambians at all costs to maintain itself in power. That is what vicious, fearful, dictatorships do all over the world and particularly in Africa.

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