Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND says PF held a selective National Convention


The opposition UPND has congratulated the ruling PF for holding what it says was a selection national Convention.

UPND Deputy National Secretary Patrick Mucheleka said the PF was selective.

“We would like to ‘congratulate’ our colleagues in the PF for successfully holding their virtual convention in peaceful atmosphere. We take note of public outcry that the PF convention ushered in their Central Committee without casting a single vote,” Mr Mucheleka said.

“We also note that the youths and women were largely left out of the newly appointed PF leadership and there is no regional balancing, something very worrying especially that they are a ruling party,” he said.

“But we recognise that just like our party, the PF is a mere club with its own rules and aspirations and they can decide to do what they want in accordance with their desires. It is up to the Zambian people to choose a political party that is truly uniting and offers the best policies.”

He added, “With majority of the political parties now having held their conventions, we look forward to having a peaceful campaign period devoid of hate language and violence.We should offer the Zambian people positive messages of what we intend to do in alleviating poverty and hunger ravaging the country.”

“We have released our vision for the country through our manifesto which we launched on Friday. We now look forward to the PF and all other political parties to release and debate their manifestos instead of character assassinations.”


  1. So the upnd see it fit to comment on our convention which was done in line with our party constitution. Was this son of beech even there to say this? Jealousy will kill these tribal buff00ns. They should be more concerned about having a leader who has been standing as candidate even before pf came into existence. Perpetual loser who is always fielded and yet loses each time. For a party that claim to have intelligent members, the upnd seem very shallow and as dull as a rock. Fuseke

  2. There should have been a proper open PF election contest for party presidency between Lungu and Kevin Bwalya Fube.

  3. It’s true there were no elections at the PF Convention;there were only appointments. In appointing the CCMs there was no attempt to Tribal and Gender Balance. The Youth and People with disabilities were not considered. The UPND Convention was better organised than that of the PF Party. We now await PF’s Manifesto with a focus on “Uubomba Mwibala Alya Mwibala”. There is plenty of Money in the Economy so ECL said and “People are living well”. We shall see.


  5. @ KZ, there is a saying “The needy goose squeaks the most ”
    Your ECL has just said this ”
    “ Let’s not be regional and tribal . I didn’t expect Easter Province to start being tribal… You have the President, the big one, as a Member of the Central Committee,… ” said President Lungu.”

    SO WHY ARE YOU GETTING MAD AT UPND, WHEN THEY JUST REPEATED WHAT ECL IS SAYING? Doesn’t make sense. And BTW, are you sure YOURSELF or PF did not comment on UPND after its Convention?

  6. Tikki the commenter #3 is 100% right.Twas a selective , rubber stamp convention much like China’s communist party meetings.

  7. Mzambia says you who supports upnd which only has tonga mps and a Tonga president. How does this work?

  8. Not a single vote cast, that’s a new definition of “intra-party democracy. !!!! ‘. .. Reminds me of how we used to select chimpombwa backyard teams in our teen years. The Chimpombwa owner simply selected his buddies, chose a goalkeeper, a couple of burly defenders & the rest played as midfielders & strikers….

  9. Congrats to PF. Whether it was selective or not, it is done! It is now game on. Let the campaigns begin and let it be free, fair and peaceful in the spirit of One Zambia One nation!

  10. I support MMD and UNIP only.Those other fake personality cult and tuntemba parties i’ve never agreed with bcoz of their poor records especially on matters economy and human rights.

  11. Kaizar leaders debate issue not calling names ,any you are not a leader so how do I expect you to know such things

  12. If I was the UPND, I would start working on a manifesto document that is NOT riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes. You expect people to vote for you when you can’t even spell properly? If you can’t spell you can’t govern!

  13. The party under the leader who changed the Party Constitution to get ultimate powers for him should not try to lecture the others. First go and ask your master, why he didn’t allow people to file nominations for the post of party president.

  14. Why don’t you concentrate on your party affairs? It is crumbling like a house of cards. It would be better if you put your time and energy in saving the party rather than worrying about PF.

  15. Dear Muckelela, have your read the constitution of PF? Do you know anything about the guidelines on how to conduct the convention? Why don’t you keep your mouth shut? Don’t poke your nose where it doesn’t belong.

  16. Before calling names to PF, why don’t you recall how UPND conducted its convention and how HH was re-elected President of the party? Do you think that is any different than servants bowing to their master and obeying whatever he says?

  17. Can you be generous enough to tell me the composition of tribes in UPND? Why there on majority of Tonga MPs. Why no other tribesman has been able to become president of party?

  18. My sincere request to you sir, is don’t get into all this petty politics. Try and save your party. The way UPND leaders and MPs are quitting, there would be hardly anyone to contest the elections. Think about that. PF will manage its own house.

  19. How many people voted for HH to make him party president? And you are criticising PF. Don’t have courage to counter the dictator and here you are lecturing the democratic party!

  20. PF’s manifesto is all over. You can see that. The roads, flyover bridges, agricultural reforms, industrial reforms, massive export of agricultural products. The PF manifesto is massive increase in maize production from 2.852,687 MT in 2012 to 3,387,469 MT this year. PF manifesto is construction of international airport, hospitals, setting up of communication towers… the list is unending.

  21. Do you know that KBF is not the member of the party? Then how can he contest the elections? Leave this issue. Tell me how many UPDN members were allowed to challenge HH in the party elections? Isn’t it a funny that those who conducted party elections at gun point are advising those who follow every democratic procedure!


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