Saturday, July 27, 2024

Adopting me will bring more votes to our President and not less, says PF Kitwe Mayoral aspirant Jaya Ashani


Patriotic Front Kitwe Mayoral aspirant Jaya Ashani says being a Zambian of Asian origin is not a disadvantage in her quest to land the position.

Ashani is one of the several people that have applied to contest the Kitwe mayoral position on the PF ticket ahead of the August general election.

In an interview, the teacher, accountant, and business executive believe if adopted she will help to get more votes for the PF from many Zambians of Asian origin.

“Well, me being a Zambian of Asian origin, I believe it is an advantage. In the first place the cardinal point is I am a Zambia so my affiliation is to my Zambian family,” Ashani said.

“I believe it is a strong point in me that I am of Asian origin. The Asian community’s support is already on my side. For the Asian community they have seen that if the Asian lady supports his Excellency the President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, she must have seen the value of what he has done for us,” she said.

Ashani added:” I do believe I will be an asset to our party so adopting me will bring more votes to our President and not less.”

In previous interviews, Ashani has promised leadership anchored on integrity and honesty.

She has promised to revive recreation, sports facilities and open up proper alternative roads connecting the city to other towns beside the usual Chingola or Ndola Roads.

Patriotic Front Kitwe Mayoral aspirant Jaya Ashani
Patriotic Front Kitwe Mayoral aspirant Jaya Ashani


  1. The fact that you’re blind to the misery that PF has brought in this country says a lot about you Madam. People are making alliances to redeem this country from total collapse, and you’re joining PF?

  2. to you all CB voters vote away PF as they failed , vote for UPND at all levels from President, MP , councolirs and Mayor , let PF cry as did MMD

  3. People will vote for Political Leaders who subscribe to “The Zambia we want”. Zambians want the restoration of Rule of Law and Respect for their Human Rights. Under the ECL and PF there is a breakdown of Rule of Law and Respect for Human Rights and that is why the PF Govt must be voted out of Power and a new Govt under HH and UPND Alliance ushered in to deliver “The Zambia we want”. Under the ECL and PF Govt there is too much Corruption, Lawlessness, mismanagement of the Economy, misrule etc. All Zambians are urged to vote for “The Zambia we want ” under HH and UPND Alliance. It is unthinkable to give the Corrupt, Incompetent and Visionless ECL another 5 years to perpetuate our suffering and misery. Voters will vote for “The Zambia we want ” dispensation. What is crucially…

  4. It would be good to show to all and sundry that Zambia is accommodating by making her mayor, especially if she has what it takes to be mayor. Former President Rupiah Banda recently talked about how unique Zambia is. After he lost elections, late President Sata requested him to be part of the Zambian GRZ delegation to represent Zambia at the 2012 Africa cup of Nations. In that delegation was a white Zambian and then Vice-President, Dr. Guy Scott. In President Banda’s view, the composition of that team was a source of wonder and admiration to other African countries who witnessed this to see Zambia had a white man for Vice-President and that the incumbent President could pick on somebody he defeated at the polls in 2011 to be part of the Zambian delegation. That is the Zambia we should all…

  5. A song that gives hope and a song that has easily won my vote. I will tell my wife and other people to vote for her. She has clearly explained what she intends to achieve. ‘Ashani has promised leadership anchored on integrity and honesty. She has promised to revive recreation, sports facilities and open up proper alternative roads connecting the city to other towns beside the usual Chingola or Ndola Roads.’ Shouting ‘We are going to win the election and no one will stop us is a discouraging song and it amounts to a protest. No good approach for a civilized society. Honestly and sadly to say so, UPND have not up to now sang a song. PF adopt her. HH, here is free advise, say something positive about Kazungula bridge, it will you some votes.

  6. If Lusaka and CB Provinces vote for ” The Zambia we want ” Alliance then ECL and PF will loose the 2021 Elections. Let’s all vote for HH,UPND Alliance and “The Zambia we want” Alliance.This Alliance will restore Constitutionalism, Rule of Law, Good Governance and respect for Human Rights in Zambia. We all want to re-build and re-unite Zambia. If we all vote 4 “The Zambia we want ” Alliance then the only challenge is to protect that Vote on August 12. The only Ammunition that ECL has is to rig the Election. If we vote overwhelmingly for HH thru out the Country ECL will find it difficult to rig the August 12 Elections. “The Zambia we want” Alliance is causing ECL and his Election Riggers sleepless nights. Wait and see!

  7. London mayor is of Asian origin, the British cabinet has Asians in key ministerial positions, I wouldn’t mind having minister of finance, bank governor who is Asian, just like the CEO of Dangote group is Asian too.

  8. Excellent exceptional woman. You are evidence of how open and diverse the pf party is. Unlike the upnd where ***Misinformation alert***stand and hold positions. It is that type of tribalism which hold then back and why they will never lead this country. Maybe hh will be president for ingombe illede

  9. With due respect, I have never heard about this lady within the PF structures in Kitwe. She’ll be very lucky to be adopted. There are people that have worked in the PF structures since 2001 and have never been given chance to contest any election. There are some that have served as councilors and now want to move a step. Why can’t she begin as a councilor? It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from. Yusuf Badat or Dipak Patel served in the MMD government and they didn’t use their Asian descent as a campaign gimmick. I can disqualify you on that alone. I don’t understand why the PF has allowed people to start campaigns even before they’re adopted. This has brought about confusion and divisions. What advantage has Jaya Ashani over Mpasa Mwaya? Both are ladies so tell us

  10. Zambians don’t vote for ability……..

    They are more likely to vote for someone who shouts , swears, has a record of violence and shows off dubious money in public or boasts of stealing and good at dancing on stage……..

    A good track record of archivement does not count…….infact a record in criminality is more likely to favour you….

  11. Most Zambians will vote 4 “The Zambia we want” Alliance if educated about it. Most Zambians are fed up with ECL and PF Corrupt, incompetent and Violent Rule. ECL and PF have caused so much suffering and misery and People would welcome a New Govt which respects Rule of Law, Good Governance and Human Rights. “The Zambia we want ” Alliance will be voted for by the majority voters. The Alliance must put in place measures to protect the Vote at all costs. The only trump card that ECL and PF have is to rig that Election to retain Power. This must be countered at all costs. Zambia is ready for a New Govt; a New Beginning. HH and UPND Alliances are our only hope.


  13. You don’t look as tough as Nawakwi to take
    Up this post.This job is tough as you can ask
    Miles for advice.Anyway good luck to you.

  14. It’s a shame that Indians including Hindus and Muslims are supporting PF and providing campaign financial support for one reason only.

    That is to get rich with impunity with contracts and corruption

  15. I finished college in 2017 as a Clinic Officer 4 years no job, I have no money to bribe the corrupt officials to health, why should I forget party full of thugs who beat insult anyone no.

  16. I have been to India and I did not understand why the hotel driver wanted to be paid cash directly other than me paying at the hotel reception with cash/credit card. No, we are brothers in poverty and corruption. Madam is at home everywhere. Welcome to mwibala, abanensu!

  17. You might have good ideas for the city but unfortunately you are standing in the wrong party so bye bye.

  18. So the Asian community will only bring more votes to ECL if another Asian is adopted for mayor. In other words if a non Asian is adopted then they will not vote for ECL , am I the only one reading between the lines.

  19. The lady has no values or principles. All she wants is to benefit from PF Patronage System. Corruption knows no colour so as an Asian Lady she is eager to join the PF Corruption System. No doubt she will quickly know how to pronounce: “Uubomba Mwibala Alya Mwibala Alya Mwibala Alya “. As GBM said “if u want a big tummy like mine” join PF to eat and be fattened. This is not the Zambia we want and that’s why on August 12 People must vote 4 “The Zambia we want ” Alliance and turnaround the Economy and improve People’s lives. HH and UPND Alliance and “The Zambia we want ” Alliance is the only deal in Town. If People want to suffer some more let them vote for Corrupt, incompetent and Visionless ECL. They will regret this 4 the rest of their lives. The writing is on the wall.

  20. Cities must up their act so they can generate the bulk of own resources for development projects. Government grants are the reason why ability is displaced by visionless incapable people as city leaders! I am still of the view that local municipal jurisdiction leaders have their own elective cycle with no political party structures intervention alignment for loyalty and accountability should be to the people of the municipality!

  21. It is a known fact that Indians are the most racists people and are very opportunistic. Do not vote this woman in. Let her go to India and run.

  22. Kaizer Zulu you are the reason the people vomit when they call your name. This woman will run in India and not in Zambia.


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