Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Vote for the Socialist Party is a Vote for those who want to engage in an honest conversation


By Fred M’membe President of the Socialist Party

Elections in Zambia – like everywhere – are a very special tradition, because they are driven by you. They’re an opportunity to change your future. If you think about it, the Electoral Commission of Zambia doesn’t do much. It publishes the election timetable, sets up polling stations, and prints the ballot papers. Everything else is done by you. The Electoral Commission of Zambia might set up the stage, but it is you who writes the script and plays the central part. The story is yours.

And every person can make a difference in an election.

A vote for the Socialist Party is a vote for those who want to engage in an honest conversation about the way the country is headed and are prepared to stand-up and be counted for doing the right thing.

A vote for the Socialist Party is a vote for a Zambia where the next generation can make a difference in their own lives and the lives of those they care about, not be fodder for politicians and their schemes of deception, manipulation and abuse. I say to you, the Socialist Party is your voice of a generation.

A vote for the Socialist Party is a vote for those small business owners who know more about the real economy than any economist. To be able to create a product customers want to buy at a price they can afford, and jobs along the way. I say to you, the Socialist Party is your voice too. And yes, a vote for the Socialist Party is a vote for a genuine chance to jump-start the economy.

We can create a government that is efficient, effective and orderly, as well as delivering the essential services that people depend upon – free and socialised education and health services, water and sanitation, and so on and so forth.

PF and UPND have both recently released their manifestos. Nobody can tell the difference. They want a rendition of the same old show of 2015 and 2016. PF vs UPND. But if their policies are the same there will be no policy debate about the future of our country. Don’t let them get away with it. I say to you that it can be different. But it can only change, if we show the courage of our convictions and choose to change – real change, revolutionary change.

So yes, the opportunity is for the Socialist Party at this election. The Socialist Party can win this election for the poor, for Zambia. It takes real courage to make real changes in your life.

Young people are coming to the Socialist Party, because they see a party that truly listens to them and has more of them to stand as councillors and members of parliament than any other party. A party that is prepared to break the mould. And a party that is committed to ensuring that there’s real change – revolutionary change, not just any change.

You can really change your future. So, now the stage is set and the election campaign begins in earnest. What you do now really matters. I will travel the length and breadth of this country to make and remake the case. But ultimately, this is your story.

Every friend you tell about us. Every message you forward on, on our behalf. It all counts. Let us be your choice, to Change Your Future in a real way.


  1. Mmembe takes Zambians for f00Is. This is the same yakumbuy0 bab00n who failed to pay taxes owed to poor zambian and yet today he stands before us claiming he cares for you and me. Mmembe you are a big f00Iish pile of ma2uvi

  2. Whereas I do not know the brand of socialism this one preaches can only say his stance and objectives in politics is murky! His Party seems to be passive on the political scene and he seems to have fixation on UPND.

    Sad that he enabled PF so much but it swallowed his Post Newspapers..a clear testimony to misplaced loyalty.

  3. @1Kaizar Zulu, you r a stupid ***** nincompoop. Has your daily mail ever paid any tax, has Times of Zambia ever remitted a single mere to ZRA? Leave that aside ZRAwas working at he behest of fart1ng Chikwanda whose illicit child Davel love never paid tax and why did he not close his bankrupt insurance company. To save his company he let all insurance companies go Scot free with billion of kwacha of untremitted VAT, PAYE, Withholding tax and in his son’s case even the levy payment to the Pensions and Insurance Authority. We the colleagues of Fred at ZSIC know him better than thieves of PF. Bark more and I will expose your master’s billions siphoning to Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Ghana, England. All his transactions are monitored through financial intelligence worldwide. As for you, yours a few…

  4. Nostradamus, so it looks. UPNDwill win, followed by SP. PF has dug its grave by stealing morsel from the poorest of the poor

  5. Hachibola you are a demented Bush kangaroo. Who do you think you can scare you little boy. Tawukwete na data iwe. You are the type of boys I beat up

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