Saturday, July 27, 2024

PART V: Who’s Who In 2021 Zambia Presidential Elections


By Field Ruwe EdD

Edgar Chagwa Lungu President of Zambia and Leader of the Patriotic Front

Who really is Edgar Chagwa Lungu? Who is this man Zambians have entrusted with leadership beyond question? Are we a better people under his leadership? What creative ideas has he provided to better our economy? Why is he at the center of the most devastating scandals—authoritarianism, bribery, corruption, gassing, trafficking, and money laundering? What marks him a success or failure? Does he deserve another five years? Good questions addressed here in a nutshell. When you are done reading, use the comments provision to answer some of the above questions.

It’s the Economy Stupid

Hold on a minute Kanganja. Let me explain what I mean lest I am accused of defaming the president. The above phrase was coined in 1992 by Bill Clinton’s lead strategist James Carville at the height of the Clinton vs. Bush Sr. campaign to emphasize the near-recession state of the U.S. economy. The cliché urges voters to treat the economy as a priority. I employ the cliché to address perhaps the most important question: What creative ideas has Lungu provided to better our economy?

Back in 2017, Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo said: “We’ve to get away from this mindset of dependency.” The words were directed at Africans in the presence of French President Emmanuel Macron. “Our concern should be what do we need to do in the 21st century to move Africa away from being cap in hand and begging for aid, for charity, for handouts? The African continent when you look at its resources, should be giving monies to other places…we need to have a mindset that says we can do it.”

The word “resources” hit home. Mineral resources are Zambia’s biggest asset, accounting for 77% of its exports. I said to myself what if Lungu ingeniously flipped ownership of Kantanshi copper-gold mines to 20% First Quantum Minerals (FQM) and 80% Zambia? It would mean out of the 340,000 tonnes of copper, Zambia would be entitled to 272,000 and FQM 68,000 per year. Just this one move would lift a good number of Zambians into the middle class.

The adverb “ingeniously” is a key factor here. Five years in his reign, President Roch Kaboré of Burkina Faso has “ingeniously” salvaged Africa’s poorest country by creating a new market for gold exploration and exportation. Nineteen years after the Rwanda genocide President Paul Kagame has turned his country into “Africa’s Singapore” by “ingeniously” stabilizing the country’s economy, curbing tribalism, and bettering education, healthcare and housing.

As for Akufo-Addo, he has since assumed the title of “Ghana’s number one worker.” Since assuming office on January 7, 2017, Akufo-Addo has fought corruption, and created about a million job opportunities. Rightfully, a series of Africa’s Best Presidents polls published between 2016 and 2020 place Akufo-Addo at the top, and Lungu at the bottom of the totem pole.

Why is Lungu at the bottom?

Here, I provide my findings. Almost every modern scholar’s survey, polling, and rating, gives the abiding sense that Lungu is an inconsequential president. Some describe him as an obtuse, incoherent, slothful, lackluster leader with no idea how to steer Zambia to prosperity. Many intimate that although he has some intellectual force, and radiates a good nature, he is not a thinker, casuist, sophist, or mastermind—he is not a mover and shaker.
It is true. Lungu’s country is in a calamitous recession. He has recklessly borrowed about $3 billion from Chinese entities, and is still borrowing. Worse still, Lungu has brought Zambia to the brink of defaulting on unsustainable $12 billion external debt load. Debt default has paved the way for the Chinese and international creditors to impose modus operandi on the country’s copper, gold, uranium, cobalt, land resources and major parastatals.

Consequently, the majority of Zambians are still living in abject poverty, 68% living on $1.7 a day, and 28% on less than 30 cents. And with Covid-19 still looming, the economy is headed for a catastrophic crash what with serious macroeconomic challenges, such as double digit inflation, reaching 22.2% last February.

Why can’t Lungu emulate President João Lourenco of Angola, who upon taking office in 2018, exposed corruption and nepotism and recovered millions of dollars from his predecessor and daughter; or soccer legend now President of Liberia George Weah who has made education free up to university, so that he can surround himself not with a coterie of lawless semi-literate advisors but intellectuals who can do battles with marauders of African resources, and read the fine print in Chinese infrastructure contracts.

Records show that even before he entered politics Lungu was not a person who maps a successful path of his own and does things out of the ordinary—an outlier, a gamesman, maverick, innovator or nonconformist. He was not among the crème de la crème of Zambia’s lawyers. Upon graduating from law school Lungu dashed to Andrea Masiye and Company while some of his creative peers figured out how to run their own law firms.

It is said Lungu spent the chunk of his legal practice by simply showing up in court on behalf of his employer, and laying the law by the book with no wit, eloquence, and creative strategy of salvaging a client at his most urgent need. In fact, Lungu is not known to have successfully defended a high-profile client.

Documents further reveal that in 2010, the Law Association of Zambia found Lungu guilty of professional misconduct and suspended his license. It is alleged that Lungu misappropriated client’s money. If true, then we have a Commander-in-Thief at State House. “Once a thief always a thief,” so the saying goes. With this in mind, the PF party should have disqualified Lungu at the 2014 General Conference. A president’s ethics and uprightness should be beyond doubt.

Lungu emerged a winner and entered State House as an interregnum president on November 30, 2014. He sat on the throne woefully under-qualified with no usable experience, vision, skill, or mission. The quality of his leadership was revealed when he announced he was going to rely on Sata’s vision and took his oath of office upon that. Six years later, Lungu has led Zambians into the valley of debt in which we are grappling with the worst recession since 1998. That’s what China was hoping, to bring Lungu to his knees.

Imagine for a moment if Lungu was like the late Tanzanian President John Magufuli who in 2020 cancelled the loan worth $10 billion offered by China, stating “Only a drunkard will accept the terms” of the loan agreement. I am not implying that he was referring to Lungu, which might be the case since the incumbent is known to like the bottle. Unlike Lungu, the Great Magufuli knew the dire consequences of reckless borrowing.

Give credit to Magufuli (RIP), he was fully aware of the millions of dollars that would go into his personal account if he appended his signature, yet chose not to. Why? Because he knew corruption was hindering economic, political and social development.

How Lungu Sowed the Seed of Corruption

Joshua Meservey writes in “The Heritage” that African leaders deal with Chinese government mainly out of self-interest. Meservey also reports that Lungu and other African leaders enjoy perks from a warm relationship with Beijing. Every handshake with Xi Jinping, every deal struck, agreement or contract signed, is a hefty check [cheque] in the personal account of the signatory. This shameful and unethical gesture is one of the reasons political corruption has become the biggest challenge in Zambia. Does this then mean money is at the heart of Lungu’s reign?

Shall we then assume that President Edgar Lungu is the same unscrupulous lawyer discussed in this article—one that put money before justice. Could greed be the reason Lungu has been signing contract after contract with no regard for the Zambian economy? Should this help to explain why PF officials are bribing voters with cash?

Shock and Awe

Just the other day, shock and awe reverberated around the country at seeing Vice President Inonge Wina engage in the egregious act of bribery. She has since denied any wrongdoing. That’s well understood. But if the viral video was used in court, it would be as undisputable as that of George Floyd. The judge would find the VP guilty of offering a gratification for the advantage or benefit of the ruling party, and send her to jail.

Freedom fighter Inonge Wina, a woman of integrity, wife of Zambia’s first Finance Minister buckled, and joined the likes of Bowman Lusambo, thanks to Edgar Lungu. If former President Kaunda, who exhibited inflexibility to corruption saw the video he would be flabbergasted. In his hay days he would have ordered a dawn raid and arrest of not only her but also Bowman Lusambo and all those involved in the dishing out of money in an election year.

The video shows how President Edgar Lungu, his VP, and the Patriotic Front Party capitalizes on the vulnerability of poor Zambians, upping the levels of moral decay and allowing corruption to rear its ugliest head. Corruption is the most disgraceful achievement of the Patriotic Front party.

Caution: Edgar Chagwa Lungu Might Win the Election

The verb “might” is important here.” One of the most enchanting gifts the Chinese “Palace Diplomacy” offers is maintenance of power and support of the ruling party in a presidential election. Since Lungu’s last visit to China, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has found him and the PF party best positioned to protect Chinese settlers, investment and assets in Zambia. Lungu offers gullibility on which to strategically execute future transfer of power from Zambia to China.

Currently, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) maintains particularly strong ties with the Patriotic Front Party (PF) and its leader Edgar Lungu. Corruption is one of the reasons Edgar Lungu might win in August. The cash dished out to voters by PF candidates leaves a Chinese trail. The other reason is China’s meddling in Zambian politics. At the top of China’s agenda is to kill democratic governance because of its negative impact on China’s covert neo-colonialism program in Africa.

CCP operatives are working around the clock to ensure Lungu is re-elected president in August. Unless the opposition finds a way to intercept “Digital Silk Road”—a subset of BRI through which Chinese operatives can deploy interference efforts and rig the election beyond the Zambian eye, Huawei, ZTE and Hikvision will deliver victory to Lungu come August.

Not done yet. Who is Next?


  1. What can you expect from a staunch upnd sympathiser and hh supporter?? He copies and pastes all the upnd propaganda we’ve heard since 2015 when the little known lawyer defeated hh. Hh had thought his time had come as the old guard had passed on after Sata’s death. It infuriated him that an unknown lawyer who was Chawama MP at the time had “stolen” his “birthright”. He was so angered he resorted to hate and lies so as to disparage Edgar Lungu. That anger and hate is very apparent in the above article. Very useless article by this upnd cadre masquerading as an academic-it’s expected of these upnd donkeys anyway…..

  2. It’s like praising the neighbors while ignoring what your parents do for you. It’s under ECL that GRZ has taken ownership of KCM and Mopani. Under Mwanawasa, women gave birth on wet floors at UTH-Sata kicked off a massive drive to increase the number of hospitals and ECL continued the projects that has seen the completion of several district hospitals and major ones like the Levy University Hospital. Since 1974, it is ECL who has completed groundbreaking projects like the 750MW Kafue Lower power plant and the Kazungula Bridge that replaces the colonial pontoon. Levy Mwanawasa ran a dilapidated education infrastructure system inherited from UNIP and the infamous basic schools while the PF under Sata and now ECL have set out a drive to build more schools and thus reducing the…

  3. The mistake was made in 2015 when ECL with a Criminal Record was allowed to ascend to Zambia’s Presidency. The man had stolen a Widow’ s Pension and then Zambians voted him into Power. Well he has been doing what he knows best and no wonder Corruption within the PF Govt is rampant. To encourage Corruption ECL reminded Zambians that there was nothing wrong with Corruption: “Uubomba Mwibala Alya Mwibala Alya Mwibala Alya “. That’s the spirit in PF. ECL is a Son of the Panga Family hence PF Cadre Militias and Vigilantes have taken root in our markets. PF Cadres beat Policemen on duty at Central Police Station. PF Cadres are more powerful than Ministers and Permanent Secretaries. Another 5 years in Power Zambians should expect more Corruption,burning of markets, Gassing,ZPS killing…

  4. What can you expect from a staunch upnd sympathiser and hh supporter?? He copies and pastes all the upnd propaganda we’ve heard since 2015 when the little known lawyer defeated hh. Hh had thought his time had come as the old guard had passed on after Sata’s death. It infuriated him that an unknown lawyer who was Chawama MP at the time had “stolen” his “birthright”. He was so angered he resorted to hate and lies so as to disparage Edgar Lungu. That anger and hate is very apparent in the above article. Very useless article by this upnd cadre masquerading as an academic-it’s expected of these upnd donkeys anyway

  5. I am glad I avoided that kind of education. Hate. academician, you have refused to acknowledge the impact ECL has made by grabbing KCM from the crooks and avoiding to put Mopani under care and maintenance. These actions will come to pass as the wisest decisions made by Zambia. With hate, you have refused to expand on the meaning of Kawabata-Cassava-Elthanol thinking impact on Zambia, PF started it and ECL is taking it to its conclusion. I do not know, if it hates you to agree that all provinces are better than they were before. I am not implying that HH cannot do better, but it is of vital importance he should explain how he can do it better. Even if he was not in charge, we could by now have seen his contribution. It is no there. Academician, you fed us with, You gave me Lungu and…

  6. Thank you for telling us that ECL will win again. Going by your last paragraph , I suggest you go back to read the constitution and start preparing to to court as always. But remember it is 14 DAYS wasting time. Let your Lawyers understand this fact.

  7. This article is give me a man, I will find a case against him. Field Ruwe, try it on yourself or HH you will produce the same article.

  8. If this is what power has done to our President, then it is very sad. I believe he has capacity to redeem himself and emerge as a leader of integrity. But to do that, he needs to listen to what the people are saying and not what the cadres are telling him. And he may win the Aug polls but what will be the impact of that on our economy, livelihoods of people, democracy and the rule of law? May we all support the democracy we fought for in 1990/91 but in the spirit of one Zambia One nation One people.

  9. ….and thus reducing the teacher/pupil ratio from MMDs 1:75 to 1:45. MMD under Levy Mwanawasa reduced the once glorious ZCCM to a mere spectator holding company, holding paltry 10-15% in mining operations but ECL has brought it back to its footing by the recent acquisitions of KCM/Mopani and the Zambia Gold Company and the creation of the IDC Group. Why praise Addo and Magufuli and disparage your own???

  10. As always well articulated article with facts and not fluffy words. My prayer is that we have more Zambians with intellect to understand the gravity of the coming elections & have the courage to change the destiny of this country.
    Unfortunately this article is way above an average voting Zambian as already shown by some shallow commentary above. I hope hunger will be an equalizer which will force the majority Zambians to vote wisely thereby averting Zambia going down an abyss of eternal destruction.

  11. The Chinese control the US apart from Trump, who had to be overthrown through a rigged election. I hope next time Ruwe can write how China has bribed US governors, US colleges, congressmen, major companies which use China as a factory and they ignore human rights abuses. Amazing how people like Ruwe talk about China talking over Zambia but don’t talk about the CCP conguering the US.

  12. Ignore this attention seeking pervert. What do you expect from a Form 5 failure masquerading as an intellectual? He got 9F in Form 5. He can not stand as a Councillor following the famous Grade 12 certificate decision by the Concourt. Give us a break

  13. … hefty check [cheque] in the personal account of the signatory.” If Ruwe was called upon to provide evidence on this libelous quote, one wonder if he would be in a position to substantiate this. What Ruwe here is saying in agreement with Meservey is that whatever contracts or agreements President Lungu’s government entered into with the Chinese came with a hefty cheque in the personal account of President Lungu or any other public officer representing GRZ. This is very irresponsible of Field Ruwe to quote Meservey who never vouched for the veracity of the claim he made. With the little education he has gotten in his old age, courtesy of his medical doctor wife, Ruwe would think twice before quoting something he cannot himself substantiate if called upon to.

  14. You said China is rigging the election but where are your proofs? It is shameful to stigmanise others but have nothing to prove.

  15. Ba quest just go and develop bantustan. Zambia is too heavy for people like you. You always want to show off that you know when actually you don’t know. Let us just campaign and not write stupid articles hiding in America and enjoying sweat of others. Chaps like you and the author jump about without thinking of others. What matters is you and your minions.

  16. Field Ruwe continues with his irresponsible way of expressing his views when he again writes that “Corruption is one of the reasons Edgar Lungu might win in August. The cash dished out to voters by PF candidates leaves a Chinese trail.” Again, if Ruwe was asked to provided evidence for his claim, would he be able to point to the corruption he talks about from as far as the US? Would he mention names of PF candidates (and not just one) who are dishing out cash? Would he be able to provide evidence from as far as the US where he writes to show money purportedly being dished out by PF candidates is from the Chinese? If Ruwe is fed up with his life in his old age to the back of his teeth, it should be no reason for him to be so irresponsible in the way he writes and continue to make…

  17. Very strange that a so called Dr can write things on people based on speculations/conspiracy theories and he expect everyone to praise him.,when he is questioned he starts insulting/belittling others.

  18. … unsubstantiated claims. Despite being in the evenings of his life, Field Ruwe lacks wisdom. He also lacks the academic writing skills one expects of a person with a university degree or degrees worth the name. His failure to provide evidence for the claims he makes is evidence enough of the lack of academic writing skills on his part. You cannot make claims on the basis of what others say when there is no evidence what they say is itself substantiated. Even when he writes positively about other African countries and their leaders, he fails to acknowledge the fact that there are negative things that have been said about Magufuli or Akufo-Addo by the same westerners he quotes. But it is clear, Ruwe deliberately and in unpatriotic fashion picks out what positive things have been said…

  19. I now understand why my late father said that some educated people are f00Iish and idlots.

    This man had to use my name in his last article to get attention in readiness for this silly article. As a upnd puppet we expected no different from him. What is worrying is that a man who claims to be educated is lowering the value of education by being a mere puppet or diasporan cadre for a tribal party. This ugly ba00n ruwe knows that ECL is winning but he lives on false hope. ***ad hominem **

  20. I now understand why my late father said that some educated people are f00Iish and ldl0ts.

    This man had to use my name in his last article to get attention in readiness for this silly article. As a upnd puppet we expected no different from him. What is worrying is that a man who claims to be educated is lowering the value of education by being a mere puppet or diasporan cadre for a tribal party. This ugly bab00n ruwe knows that ECL is winning but he lives on false hope. The f00I is being kept there abroad after he failed to support his family here in Zambia. He is a cowardIy failure. F.u.c.k off field

  21. And he wonders why he was criticised on his previous articles. Even majority of his fellow upnd supporters do not support his rubblsh. They know that he is decampaigning them. This is what happens when you grow grey hairs while struggling in diaspora and being kept by your wlfe.

  22. This article addresses the main reasons UPND is losing the August 12 election again – mindless bitterness and hatred for bembas / Easterners. The lack of truthfulness from Ruwe is disgusting and shows unresearched and sub standard journalism. His preferred candidate HH is a pawn for imperialism – UPND supports handing back Zambian mines to foreigners connected to HH. Ruwe can’t even mention the major infrastructure developments that have taken place in the last 10 years. This jealousy syndrome and “kano ebo” attitude from a section of Zambians is the reason UPND is losing again. This will be a bitter pill for Ruwe.

  23. I’ll comment at the end of the series. However, this part hasn’t revealed anything, it wasn’t even exciting to read. Kambwili’s nonsensical tantrum would sell better than this

  24. Editor,
    Why have you removed the first part of my response to Field Ruwe? I wrote something like,
    Field Ruwe writes about President Lungu that: “Records show that even before he entered politics Lungu was not a person who maps a successful path of his own and does things out of the ordinary”. What things has Field Ruwe himself done out of the ordinary? Even his going to the US and doing his so-called EdD was courtesy of his wife. He further writes, ” Meservey also reports that Lungu and other African leaders enjoy perks from a warm relationship with Beijing. Every handshake with Xi Jinping, every deal struck, agreement or contract signed, is a…

  25. If you never lived in the first republic then you would say ECL has messed up the country and he is the worst president Zambia has ever had. ECL is reversing the worst years of privatisation spearheaded by MMD and the surrogates of western imperialists that have ravaged the economy of Zambia. Hate him love him ECL has presided over the nation at the most difficult politically hostile environment and external factors such as drought, fresh floods, arm worms and now covid yet the country remains resilient. Great leaders are developed in hardship and one ECL has been baked through these harsh environment thats why he has my vote over the armchair critic and agent of the very cartel that want to see Africa and Zambia remain under developed and source of natural material exploitation.

  26. It is very well researched and very well written. Poverty of intellectual ability will lead many to resort to ins_ults and name calling. Let us answer to the FACTS of the case presented. I see nothing that is amiss here. The PF will win the elections with the help of China. It is China which has funded nearly all the developmental projects by lending us money. It is China that controls ZNBC. It is China that controls ZICTA. It is China that is driving the digital technology in Zambia. It is China that is funding and controlling ZESCO. It is China which equips and funds our military. Whether we like it or not, China is in our politics. The camel has kicked out the Arab from the tent.

  27. Really laughable how the so called hacks at the PF secretariat, Plot No. F/110/187, Luanshya Road, Lusaka. …have scrambled into action typing away but unable to put up a sober counter argument as usual.

  28. Again LT is there censoring the profanity in the impostors post…you let this troll continue breaching all the rules if this was any other blogger you would have banned the usage of that alias.

  29. What did you expect? An article by Field Ruwe will obviously be critical of ECL. Ruwe, you yourself worked for other people before your wife took you to school. The vitriol from this couch critic is so cheap it is embarrasing. Shame on you, failure for life idi.ot.

  30. You are looking for a job in UPND. But you are not going to yield it because PF has a very strong support base in Zambia from Zambians. It has nothing to do with ZTE, Huawei or HKVision. Didn’t the Chinese help MMD in 2011? Did RB win? No.
    Stop insulting the electorate.

  31. Lungu is the bottom of the list of african presidents according to all scores …..

    It is not UPND or HH who complied that list …..

  32. Last time Field Ruwe was encouraging divisive Tonga tribalism. Now he is propagating east-west regionalism. He says the August 12 elections are more about China for Lungu than America for Hakainde.
    Ruwe is a dangerous historian who wishes to rewrite history with hate and malice. Zambians already know who to vote for.

  33. “…..Rightfully, a series of Africa’s Best Presidents polls published between 2016 and 2020 place Akufo-Addo at the top, and Lungu at the bottom of the totem pole….”

    Those polls are nothing to do with upnd …..

    Lungu is simply useless……

    The next presidents of zambia are safe , no-one can take that title from lungu , even if they tried….

  34. 1 ]
    The article is biased because as usual, Ruwe cannot find one single thing that has been achieved under Lungu.

    That itself is prerequisite of a single minded person.  Why because Ruwe has failed to pin down a fair and balanced piece. That said, I encourage Ruwe to address national matters. But not with a biased motive.

  35. 2 ]

    For those of us that we have delt with HH, in the business faculties there is a lot that we can write how HH is a Corrupt and Abusive User. That’s why all the Political Pacts or Alliances he has tried to form in the past have ended in bitter divorces.

    That said this article is not about HH. So pardon me.!!!

  36. 3 ]

    The problem with scholars is they do everything from the booklet & static template without practical substance to show.

    Too many times we see Lawyers pretending to be experts on Economic subjects. And Economists trying to be experts on Law.

  37. 4 ]

    I am glad that Field Ruwe mentioned the quotes from the President of Ghana. Ruwe is spot on to have used Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo words of wisdom. Because that’s what we all need in developing nations, especially in Africa.

    However, Nana Akufo-Addo words can only produce fruits if both the PRIVATE SECTOR and the GOVERNMENT, especially the PRIVATE SECTOR become job creators. And that’s how the wisdom from Nana Akufo-Addo must be interpreted.

  38. 5 ]

    Field Ruwe is smart enough to know that economic growth or development in a Nation booms when the private citizens become Entrepreneurs. Without that, all talk is cheap and means nothing !!!!

    Ruwe lives in the USA. He has first hand examples. He knows that a state like California is a powerful economy because of the individual entrepreneurs who dared to start their dreams, often without capital but just with great ideas.

  39. 7 ]

    Unfortunately, in Zambia we are too lazy waiting for the government to create jobs. We vent our failures & frustrations on the governments. We are afraid to try and take risks. Without taking risks there is no growth and development.


  40. 8 ]

    Jobs are created by the private sectors, which pays taxes into the Government. All governments in the word only can go to a certain point to create Civil Services jobs such as in Teaching, Policing, Heath, Social, Education Public Services etc.

    And not  I am giving Lungu a FREE PASS. He has to do more.

    However, the onus is always on everyone of us, the Private Sectors or Start-UPs Businesses, Entrepreneurs. Because where there is a GREAT IDEA, Investors or Banks will pump in money

  41. 9 ]

    I am not fun or for FRED MMEMBE. But I will use him  as one example.

    From being an Accounts Clerk at Zambia State Insurance MMEMBE started a Weekly Bulletin, The Weekly Post. Then to  end up printing The Post seven days a week and employed Journalists.

    Then he set up Post Courier that also created jobs. Finally he set up Airline.

    But greed got to his head and started refusing to pay taxes.

  42. 10 ]

    Now can you imagine what Zambia would be if in every 5000 People one person started like Fred Mmembe. How many jobs would be created, to pay taxes for better Public Services.

    +++ The best assets we are all born with, is the MIND.

    With the CREATIVE  MIND comes all CREATION & WEALTH that has ever existed.

    The above is not Rocket Science. +++++

  43. 11 ]

    Lastly, Field Ruwe use the platform Lusakatimes gives you to Inspire & Motivate. Provide constructive criticism that is health and fair

    Not banging all the the time with Negativity and pure Political Biased  Essays.

  44. All you bloggers supporting Lungu, you know very well that the man said it and all Zambians heard him loud and clear, when he said and I quote, ” I don’t have a vision for Zambia” end of quote.
    You know that Lungu stole $48,000.00 through corrupt tender practices when he awarded a tender to procure second hand fire engines to his wife.
    You are aware when out of the blues ,”Tasila” Lungu the daughter has become an overnight owner of Chimtengo forest through corruption clout.
    You all know very well that people lost lives and families lost beloved ones through gassing to date nobody has been brought to book. I know that to many of you a life of Zambian does not matter, it is a shame to see big people like exhibiting high levels dullness. Being educated or finishing grade twelve…

  45. I’m in the diaspora, but I’ve come to recognize that most people in the diaspora are disconnected armchair critics with a utopia view of the world. I’ve come to understand why most African governments loath those in the diaspora, Their text book simplistic opinions don’t add value to the process. No skin in the game. Gone too long.

  46. Field Ruwe is not as intelligent as he appears to be , actually his nemesis M’membe is even more intelligent that the copy and paste Ruwe who lied to all if us that he was a PhD candidate in Media studies at George Fox university but now after nearly 10 years he is now a PhD graduate in education . I could not waste my time on this trash like I used to follow the Hunt For Successor series which he abandoned when he became compromised supposedly deu to being in poverty and needing cash from HH he became an HH praise singer . The chap will never write anything negative on HH because it took only one blogger’s threat and the guy’s tail wagged better his legs and fr the he has never dated write anything negative or true about HH ,he is now a staunch member of the HH choir or praise…

  47. But Mrs Lungu never procured any fire engines , she got gifted by LA Fire Department . Ebwafya fye Bea Ba HH supporters no substance just like their nicompoop President

  48. Wholesome, Independent Observer. One problem that hinders entrepreneurship in Zed is lack of capital. Let’s imagine a group of Lozi guys in Western province who harvest rosewood trees. Having a woodmeiser machine and other cutting/planing tools to add value to their timber would require a good $50k investment, but which financial institution would take that risk?? Then a Chinese guy comes along with the necessary equipment with a 3%/long term loan from back home and dominates this market and creates and industry out of it, should we complain??

  49. @ Kaiza. Bambo mankhwala yasila. The Doctor said you must see him for your illness. Imwe kukonda ndalama muli ndwii. Ruwe anakamba ati: Under severe psychotic attack, blogger Zulu would soil his pants, foam from the mouth and bite any one in his way. In addition to hallucinations, and delusions, substance abuse can cause violent behavior and hypoglycemia. Once a year since 2001, Zulu has to report to the hospital to control serious complications that develop in him time and again. Please take your medicine. Koma Lungu a mi pashisha a bambo. Tukuna chabe niyo nchito.

  50. The attacks on Dr, Field Ruwe is why Zambia is going nowhere. It is clear that most of the attacks here are from individuals with a mild education who cannot debate points raised in the article. Others are cadres who are beneficiaries to the theft and distruction of this beautiful country. It is really sad that Zambia is filled with such people, some who are in responsible positions. I commend Dr. Ruwe for being so daring as to point out the wrongs of the Lungu regime. Dr. Ruwe is most of the time attacking politicians because there is nothing positive to write about under the current government. I believe 10 more of Dr. Ruwe’s clout and courage would make us realize we have to come out of this cocoon.

  51. @ Cry the beloved Country. Well stated. This country need free education up to university so that children of these dunderheads who cannot read and respond rationally, can rescue this country from distruction. It’s a pity, there are some readers who find joy in the insults meted on author.

  52. I lived in Zambia for 30 years and understand why Blacks will never develop, at least not in my lifetime. You all allegic to reason. You are a jealous lot. Most all you are bloody lazy. The stuff I have read here confirms my point. Keep suffering.

  53. @Sad muzungu-there’s a difference between reason and s.t.u.p!di.ty. Just because Ruwe supports hh, it doesn’t mean ECL is bad. Why not challenge ECL on social/economic/political policies not false corruption allegations that can’t even stand in court. The jealousy is coming from Ruwe not the bloggers above. If you choose to live in second class citizen bliss abroad, let us enjoy our free country here, sir!

  54. Powerful and engaging article though with an abrupt ending. Field Ruwe goes deep in raising issues that have surrounded the presidency of a one ECL in this country. The jury is out.

  55. @Zambian Citizen, I beg to disagree with you sir. Yours is not a free country, You might be among the few who are enjoying freedom, the majority are in misery. Half of them cannot afford a meal three times a day. I was a member of the Lions Club of Zambia, and we would go into poverty stricken areas that always left me emotionally drained. The jelous is not comming from Dr. Ruwe who has ably tabulated what is wrong with the Lungu regime. You sir, give me one remarkable achievement by your president. Just one. If you refer to the bridges, and the Chinese infrustructure then you sir must be the s.t.u.p.i.d. one and not Dr. Ruwe. Let the man tell people like you to wake up, or are you among those pundering the economy. If so, very sad indeed.

  56. @Amafacts, you are a true Zambian. Thank you for your comment. People like the ones above can see the country has hardly moved from the 1990s, but fail to raise points that can he shared so Zambia improves its economy. Instead they rush for personal attacks and insults. Keep it up sir.

  57. The last tym I read Mr Ruwe mocking r founding Father KK as a Nyasalandian by heritage and Zambian by birth. Mr Ruwe Senior, his father, including the mother of Field were Nyasalandians,werewas making Field Zambian only by birth, not too entitled to tell indeginious Zambians how best to run this country and wrong we choose preferred presidents each time we have to vote. Fred please enjoy USA and respect our local democracy. Or just return home and contest for the presidency without castigating other citizens preferred candidate. Campaign or no campaign God has already anointed only one next presido out of Sixteen contestants. And most likely it is the one you hate most.

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