Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dr Kaunda set yardstick for leadership – Maureen Mwanawasa


Former First Lady, Maureen Mwanawasa says late President Dr Kenneth Kaunda laid a foundation and set a yardstick of what leadership should be.

Mrs. Mwanawasa says Dr. Kaunda’s leadership style was that of servanthood which Zambians can learn and practice in order to honour his memory.

She said this when she visited the funeral house of the late Dr. Kaunda in Lusaka today.

Mrs. Mwanawasa said the only way the late president can be honour is by living by his principles of peace, hardwork and leadership of servanthood.

“He has laid the foundation and all we need to do is go back to those notes. If he preached peace and we want to honour him, are we preaching peace? If he preached hard work, are we doing that? If he displayed leadership of servanthood are we doing that? In order to celebrate his life. We need to do all that,” she said.

Mrs. Mwanawasa said instead of making the day Kaunda died a holiday, it should instead be made a humanism day that was celebrated back in the day because Kaunda was a workaholic and loved hard work.

She said reinventing the humanism principles will help the country recover the moral fiber that has been lost in the youth, and humanism can help them understand the importance of hard work and being a part of community activities.

“This one day for humanism day can help us start repairing the moral fiber which was lost,” she said.

Mrs. Mwanawasa said it was unfortunate that Dr Kaunda has died at a time when the country cannot mourn him the way he should have been mourned because of the Covid – 19 pandemic.


  1. Well said Madam Mwanawasa,,,,,,Humanism was a hallmark for KK to inculcate hard work and responsibility in citizens at the time. Alas we have since departed from everythng KK’s government laid. I conquer with you to reintroduce humanism in this country. Further the TIYENDE PAMODZI song is very unifying,,,,it needs to be remixed, so that it can be sung occasionally here in zambia.

  2. Well said mama. Revisiting and encalcating the spirit of Humanisim as promoted by KK will be the best way to honour him. 17th June becomes Humanism day!!


  4. When my president, KK left statehouse , he was found with $5,000 in his account.

    Lungu has refused to declear his assets comming into this yrars presidential race.

    What he has refused to declear is only the tip. 80 % of his loot is hidden,……..

    But will be sniffed out by international bounty hunters who are paid 1/4 of the recovered stolen money.
    He will be left with nothing.

  5. Thank you so much mama maureen. We are mourning with you too. Oh God help us. It hurts.

    Akaps go get fcuked by your international bounty hunters. We know f00Iish t.o.n.g.a upnd diasporans like you put your faith in your whlte masters. This is the republic of Zambia you motherfcuking dog. If those bounty hunters want to leave with their a.s.sh0Ies in their hands then by all means tell them to come here

  6. THE TR00ll is getting more cross by the day as he’s knows PF time is up
    why he is even here is a mystery cause he gets 95 % thumbs down all the time

  7. Let’s learn to Respect each other.
    Even in funerals it’s UPND vs PF.
    Let’s forget politics at funeral houses.

  8. If there is going to be a new holiday then a old holiday must be deleted , we can’t keep adding holidays , we need to work and make our country strong not have the most holidays of any african country at present.

  9. It’s comforting to note that we still have principled people in Zambia. It could be that they choose to be silent to allow those that are a few sandwiches short of a picnic to expose and make a f00l of themselves. Zambians surely don’t realise their potential until it’s gone. We hounded president Mwanawasa the same way and realised what he stood for in death. Zambia’s safety net is now gone, we shall miss KK, one of a kind.

  10. akapS – Lungu has not refused to declare his assets the information is there at ECZ…the problem with you chaps is you bark aimlessly go to ECZ and request this information in writing or in person if they refuse get Concourt involved but you guys are always sleeping.

  11. LT Editor still tolerates the profanity by the UK based troll/Imposter…why dont you just ban that alias as this is clearly defamation of character.

  12. Lazy Lungu can never be KK better still he is not worthy to tie the old man’s shoes…Lazy is a disgrace as BUFFOON CK used to call him he was a Chawama drunkard driving a clapped out smoky RAV4.

  13. Maureen said something very important that can unite us but instead some people on this forum learnt nothing. Immediately they fall back on their default blind loyalty. It seems impossible for some to read a article, such as this one, and make comments that build the nation. Please let’s not continue dividing our nation like that. I agree with mama Maureen, a day like that will remind some of our people on this platform that Zambia is bigger than all of us.

  14. This tribalist thief, national looter, kaizar zulu should be hunted down like an animal when pf is voted out

  15. Benson why wait until pf is out of power? I am readily available and people know where I live and where my offices are. Come now and find me so that I beat the tribalism out of you.

  16. Tarino Orange
    “akapS – Lungu has not refused to declare his assets the information is there at ECZ…the problem with you chaps is you bark aimlessly go to ECZ and request this information in writing ….”

    What planet do you live on ??.
    Ati request the info in writing???

    You are naive…..

    The judiciary , the police , ECZ are all controlled by lungu.

    You think zambia would be corrupt as it is if none of those bodies were controlled by lungu ???

  17. KZ

    Don’t bectoo upset….the money belongs to Zambians

    Yes , you and lungu will be stripped of all stolen monies , including where you hide it making homo hand bags in dubai…

  18. At some point it was kk,s wish to integrate his humanism socialism ideas into communism to which the church objected though he strongly believed they all bore within them some practical Christian values
    To this day this remains a scary paradox continuing to claim many nationalist ideas
    As a socialist kk argued that there was no cause to demonize communism, a lesser evil to capitalism

  19. Kz , I can’t buy her those homo bags ……..

    ……….., that would be like supporting slavery since you are based on stolen poor Zambian peoples money….

  20. akapS – So why are you making careless allegations …this is why you end up in jail alone. The reason I have stated a written request is to get an official response from ECZ instead of you spewing utter unsubstantiated rubbish here. If opposition had brains they wont requested this publicly its their right.
    I detest Lazy Lungu and his leadership but I don’t tolerate irresponsible utterances….dont behave like this UK based troll who has nothing to lose as he is an impostor and fake.

  21. akapS – So why are you making careless allegations …this is why you end up in jail alone. The reason I have stated a written request is to get an official response from ECZ instead of you spewing utter unsubstantiated rubbish here. If opposition had brains they wont requested this publicly its their right.
    I detest Lazy Lungu and his leadership but I don’t tolerate irresponsible utterances….dont behave like this UK based troll who has nothing to lose as he is an impostor and fak e.

  22. Tarino Orange

    You don’t know what you are talking about………

    You think the opposition have not requested ECZ publish candidates wealth ?

    The problem with you is you think the opposition are doing nothing……..

    When no organisation or GRZ body is allowed to do anything perceived ati lungu and PF …..

    Everybody in zambia is scared of losing their job if they do anything perceived as against lungu.

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