Sunday, February 16, 2025

ECZ lifts Kambwili’s suspension


The Electoral Commission of Zambia has lifted the ban slapped on Patriotic Front (PF) member Chishimba Kambwili not to participate in the election campaign.

On June 30 this year, ECZ announced the indefinite suspension of Mr Chishimba Kambwili, subject to review, from participating in any campaign activities in line with paragraph 11(i) (d) of the Electoral Code of Conduct.

The suspension was due to Mr Kambwili’s failure to adhere to the Electoral Code of Conduct, particularly, the use of hate speech and holding of campaign rallies despite the guidance provided.

However, ECZ corporate affairs manager Patricia Luhanga said Mr Kambwili has shown remorse through the apology he rendered to the Commission.

“Arising from this, the Commission would like to inform the media and members of the public that it has lifted the suspension of Mr Chishimba Kambwili effective midnight today,” she said.

Ms Luhanga said Mr Kambwili is further advised to use appropriate language when conducting any campaigns.

“The Commission would like to reiterate that use of language which incites hatred or violence in any form against any person shall not be tolerated as it contravenes the provisions of the Electoral Code of Conduct. Additionally, going against Commission decision to suspend rallies and roadshows does not only undermine the work of the stakeholders, it also puts the country at risk in as far as the spread of COVID-19 is concerned,” She said

Meanwhile, Ms Luhanga has disclosed that the Commission is also investigating other matters reported in various districts and that the public would be made aware of its findings or decision.


  1. Useless as a minister……was moved around by sata because none performance,

    useless as a business man……he can’t survive with GRZ

    Useless as a husband……his wife lives abroad

    Useless with his mouth…….Sued into submission by findley


  3. CK was suspended unfairly.
    He was not breaking any electro conduct laws.
    This was a case of ECZ infringing on Kambwili’s freedom of expression.
    Kambwili was and has been highlighting the UPND’s PRACTICAL TRIBALISM.
    He has been fighting tribalism for a very long time now.

  4. LIke I said, he didn’t say anything wrong. Pointing out that a whole province made up of 98% of one tribe Tonga people votes 98% for a party that’s 98% Tonga people hasn’t 98% Tonga representation in parliament and councilors and no opposition representation in their province is indication of a tribal party is not wrong. It indicates a 98% statistical probability that this is evidence of tribal behavior which is not in keeping with one Zambia one nation. I hope he continues to expose this cancer that can lead to a Rwanda situation if such people were ever handed the reigns of power.

  5. Use of Hate Speeches is a Crime. A crime is resolved thru the Court and not an apology. CK apologized for holding illegal Rallies and Road Shows and not for Hate Speeches. U lift a ban on CK but not on Rallies and Road Shows what is the point? How is Zambia going to have free,fair and credible without Political Parties holding Rallies and Road Shows? ECZ should set up Parameters for holding Rallies and Road Shows and get Political Parties to sign to an ECZ Peace Pact. ECZ must lift the ban on Rallies and Road Shows if Zambia is to have a semblance of Credible Elections. The writing is on the wall.

  6. So the question is why did they suspend him?
    Chishimba Kambwili is one person who has no any sense of shame and I don’t think he has stopped what he has been hired for Kubene bachisushi Ichanunka pipi.

  7. This is 100% proof that ECZ is in the pocket of Edgar China Lungu! One phone call from state house and they change their minds! What rubb!sh!

  8. i am surprised that PF still need this BUFFOON….Its just evident they have no message for the people of Zambia.

  9. There was no need for the suspension in the first place..Only one month remaining..#Alebwelelapo pa mupando..

  10. As PF why did we surely admit this man with primitive type of politics in our party, lets not send a signal of desperation out there, this man is just decampaigning us as PF with his lack of civilized politics.

  11. Total rampage on the Copperbelt with PF removing and burning all UPND campaign materials, be it billboards, posters, chitenge materials. It is bad, appears PF have put up a squad just for this dirty operation, and all this is happening when their leaders have been preaching unity and co existence and that we should follow Dr Kaundas legacy. Its bad, UPND is really on the receiving end here, and one thing for sure is that the perpetrators of all this will never be brought to book by the police

  12. ECZ has lifted this suspension too early. Infact Kambwili made those tribal remarks at a campaign rally, rallies which have been banned

  13. In the first place the ECZ didn’t have any basis on which to take the action it did on Kambwili. Everything that Kambwili has been saying about HH and the UPND is true. What have they done about Buumba Malambo who was telling her fellow Tonga that it was their time to have a Tonga President? The UPND agenda starts and ends with the installation of a Tonga as President. The UPND is an evil project. I urge Kambwili to continue to spread the message an enlighten people about the evil schemes of the UPND. There’s nothing wrong in telling the people the truth

  14. Kambwili should not be in front, please ba PF, Ba President sometime back you told this man that what brings problems on him is HIS OWN MOUTH. Just give him some other tasks ku Security. Am told he was once a door bouncer. Ba Sata balitweba ati he his not wise.

  15. It’s only the referee who decides whom to give a red card. Fwebashala tuli ma tombaz.
    Let’s just reorganise ourselves as brothers and sisters in readiness for 12th. For those in opposition STOP that nonsense of counting how many Bembaz or Tongaz are in government. And those in PF STOP doubting the Tongaz presence in the boat because our brothers and sisters are there.
    In short STOP mentioning tribes and regions. Decampaign individual names of players instead.
    Zambia for Zambians.

  16. It’s fine. Let’s not be rogues who terminate things. If he repeats the offense off he goes once again. Si teto?

  17. IMWINE WA CHISUSHI set free to pollute the atmosphere again.Climate change is real.
    This Patrotic Fools (PF) is disgracefully kolwestic.

  18. This is actually a blessing in disguise. Kambwili does more damage to the PF campaign just by opening his mouth than any campaign message from upnd.

  19. Without credible evidence ECZ blundered. They can’t be judge and jury.
    Alebwelelapo pamupando!
    More so all Zambians know that it’s PF100%, ECL100%, Zambia overdrive100%, Elite Zambians100%, Peace100%, Empowerment100%, More money in your pockets with hard work 100% and Prosperity100%

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