Saturday, July 27, 2024

Collaboration with the Zambia Army has always existed in bringing law and order- Zambia Police


The Zambia Police Service Spokesperson, Esther Katongo says police collaboration with the Zambia Army has always existed in bringing law and order in the country.

Mrs Katongo said that the deployment of the army is not something new, adding that their presence in communities should not worry members of the public.

She said that police and the army have strategies and existing structures where their commanders at different levels collaborate on issues of security in the country.

Mrs Katongo explained that citizens should not live in fear of political violence because the army working with police will ensure there is peace, law and order before, during and after elections.

She added that it is also the responsibility of the police to make sure law and order is maintained during this period.

“In the past we have had issues where in some areas electorates were disturbed from going vote and made to return home by some political parties and as police we have ensured to put that into consideration,” she said.

She said the deployed troops are working with the police and conducting patrols to curb any form of political violence.

Mrs Katongo was speaking during the breakfast show on radio 4, dubbed Breakfast on Four radio programme.

Meanwhile Mrs Katongo said the deployment of police officers to police elections will be done according to the requests made by the respective provinces.


  1. Where’s was this collaboration as a guest house was being torched in Kasama in broad daylight? Kasama is a provincial capital where both the Zambia Army and Zambia Police are present.

  2. Taxation without representation. Let this sink in. This is not freedom this is not independence. Telltale sign of Fragile State.

    “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. From time to time we’ve been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people.” Ronald Reagan

  3. Fragile states have characteristics that substantially impair their economic and social performance. These include weak governance, limited administrative capacity, chronic humanitarian crises, persistent social tensions, and often, violence or the legacy of armed conflict and civil war.“

    PF time out this happening under your watch.

    “Under one’s supervision; while one is in a position of power, authority, or responsibility. I can’t believe you let this happen on your watch. It’s strange—even though it wasn’t on my watch, I still feel partly responsible for the robbery.”

  4. Tarino Orange @5, place blame where it belongs. U will end up hurting innocent people who are mere pawns in a big power game.

  5. You don’t need to explain to under 5’s, they will not understand. They don’t have the information you have so pointless to explain. In fact all the candidates should be briefed by the security wings of the impending threat to our fragile democracy. They need to understand that the danger here is outside forces looking to create confusion during our election period.”One Zambia, One Nation”.

  6. Deployment of Army on the street
    Creates fear to the people. Election time is when Zambians
    Should happily cast their votes
    Not in fear.Army can remain on
    Alert in case police fail to handle
    Any violence.

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