Saturday, July 27, 2024

Thursday’s polls must not divide Zambia – Prof Mwape


The College of Bishops of the Christian coalition has said that Thursday’s general election must not divide the country but strengthen democracy to ensure that peace prevails in the country.

Coalition President Professor Charles Mwape has says it is important for Christians to check the campaigns of all the political parties to see if they have engaged the church.

“ The coalition must know how contesting political parties would actualize the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation and maintain the 18th of October the day of prayer, fasting and reconciliation and further to ensure the house of National prayer is completed, “ he said.

ZANIS reports Prof. Mwape in a statement further urged Christians to defend the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation which turns 30 this year which other political parties have not respected and intend to remove if elected into power.

“ The Coalition wishes to commend the Democratic Party (D.P), Socialist Party and the People’s Alliance for Change (PAC) for ensuring that the bring issue based politics in the Zambian political scenery.

“ The Coalition also urges other political parties to emulate the campaigns of the three opposition political parties and learn some things from them, “ he said.

And Prof. Mwape says voting for President Edgar Lungu and the Patriotic Front is the only hope that Zambians had to remain a Christian nation, as the P.F government had demonstrated that it would consider the church as its key Stakeholders in national development as shown during this campaign.

He further said that during this campaign President Edgar Lungu, the Vice President Her honor Mrs. Inonge Wina and President Lungu’s running mate Professor Nkandu Luo have been engaging with the clergy.

He has since appealed to Zambians to ensure that they vote for the Patriotic Front in Thursday’s election to ensure that they continue with their developmental Agenda.

And the election observation mission of the International Conference for the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) towards the 2021 general elections has been launched.

Head of the election observation mission of ICGLR, Agostinho Da Silva Neto, said the mission is a contribution to the attainment of the electoral objectives established in the Zambian constitution.

Mr. Neto said the mission will endeavor to provide greater coverage to the electoral process in order for democracy to continue prevailing in Zambia.

He was speaking at the official opening and launch of the mission in Lusaka today.

He explained that the mission will encompass issues to do with technical details on the process of coordinating the coverage of the ICGLR mission during the elections.

Mr. Neto added that the mission will carry out its work in collaboration with the African Union (AU) among other regional organisation missions.

“The mission will do its best to provide greater coverage to the electoral process, despite the constraints imposed by the Covid-19 global pandemic,” he said.

He noted that the presence of various observers across the region in Zambia demonstrates the commitment to the continued stability of the African continent.

The head of the election observer mission of the ICGLR also thanked government for creating an enabling environment for the mission to carry out its work accordingly.

And ICGLR president of the parliamentarian forum, Kenneth Lusaka, observed that free and fair elections were the greatest pillar of democracy.

Mr. Lusaka, therefore, noted that the mission will assist in delivering a free and fair election for the people of Zambia to get the governance of their choice.

He said the election observation mission was present to ensure that the electoral process is carried out in a conducive environment for all Zambians.

He further explained that the mission will make observations aimed at deterring issues of fraud, expose problems and irregularities and also give an accurate measure of the quality of the elections to inspire confidence in the people.

“Our pride will be that Zambians get a free and fair election. Voting is just an event but the electoral process is longer than that so we have to look at all the stages,” Mr. Lusaka told the observers.

Mr. Lusaka has since urged the mission observers to ensure that their recommendations on the elections will be to improve the electoral process in other countries of the region.

He further revealed that the Zambian elections will be a defining moment for the mission to make recommendations in improving democracy even in other countries where it will be operating from.

On August 12. 2021, Zambians will go to vote in the general elections


  1. After Thursday the country will be divided into the beneficiaries of PF corruption and the victims of that corruption.

  2. $300 000 given to hh by vedetta is troubling. Zambians before you go to sleep, today 11 August 2021, cast out Satan in the name of Jesus.





  4. This prof started off well until he mentioned lungu. Then I knew he was just another hungry mouth looking for handouts.

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