Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kungo put to rest


President Edgar Lungu has described late Northwestern Province Patriotic Front (PF) Chairperson, Jackson Kungo as a patriot who positively contributed to the growth of the party.

President Lungu says the circumstances in which Mr. Kungo was murdered was unZambian and unwarranted which must be condemned by every citizen.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu was speaking in Solwezi today during the burial of Mr Kungo at Kimiteto cemetery.

President Lungu has since urged all Zambians to strongly condemn political violence as it destabilizes the peace and unity in the country.

And President Lungu has assured Mr. Hichilema of his support in ensuring the smooth transition of power as well as ensuring that the country is safe.

“I am encouraging members of the PF to mourn Mr Kungo with the love of Christ and let us not seek vengeance but leave it to God,” he advised.

Meanwhile, PF Secretary General, Davies Mwila expressed grief over the death of Mr. Kungo, saying he wronged no one to be murdered in that manner leaving his children suffering behind.

Mr Mwila urged all those who know that they are culprits and guilty of Kungo’s death to freely surrender themselves to Police.

And Mr.Kungo’s widow, Munalula described her late husband as a loving and caring person.

Other people that attended the burial include PF party presidential running mate, Nkandu Luo, Lusaka PF Provincial Chairperson Ngonga Mukupa, members of the central committee, Provincial Permanent Secretary Willies Mangimela, Senior provincial party officials among others and members of the general public.

Mr. Kungo 39, was brutally murdered at Kyawama Polling Station on Thursday, August 12, 2021 by people purporting to be UPND cadres who were casting their votes and suspected him of being in possession of pre-marked ballot papers.

Mr. Kungo is survived by a wife and five children.


  1. Killed by criminal PF cadres, on instructions from Edgar China Lungu. And now he has lost the election, lots of crocodile tears! Hypocrite!

  2. Sad, but….
    If Kungo humbled himself like Ba Edgar he could have been alive today.
    Remember that guy with the gold jarabos in North Western? Not so nice guy, kind of mafia.

  3. @No Corruption Zambia. You morally corrupt like HH during privatization. You seem too ambitious typical of mature entries with lagged cognitive development.

  4. The man’s death lies squarly on lungus shoulders………

    He was killed by citizens fed up of lungus crookedness who suspected rigging… ……..

    BTW did this corrupt theif mourn the 50 other innocent civilians lynched to death by mobs because of his gassing ??? Looks to me lungu is seeking sympathy to avoid retribution for his thuggery……

  5. Anonymous you have taken the words out of my mouth. Remember when I said that each election we see lives lost because upnd need blood for their evil schemes. Well this time it worked because they managed to kill a top official in pf. Their satanlc ritual has worked. But remember the soul of a murdered man doesn’t rest until the responsible one dies. In this case we know hh gave the directions.

  6. Those who committed this crime are criminals. Police you are now free to perfrom your duties freely without fear of a cadre. Please move in and bring this matter to an end

  7. @ K.Zulu you have reached the end of the ROAD. Your foe is on the drivers seat. Nawakwi must be hiding somewhere.
    Now police should go for GBM to give them updates on PF cadres employed in ZP and the people behind the gassing that rocked the country.

  8. 2026 Zambians vote the Southern Way and will someone will end up as a one term President….
    He formed a fake alliance with the known Bandit Lawyer KBF…..check LAZ records and you will see that KBF was disbarred for theft…he used to steal his clients money…

  9. The UK based troll/ impostor now looks even more fooooolish with that alias of someone very busy hiding his loot…lesson to all its wise to be original not a fraud

  10. Now this useless Edgar is concerned about political violence…yet he has never released any report issued to him in 7 years

  11. He was killed because he was sent by losing Edgar Lungu to rig the election… people got fed up.. so u do evil, you die, no regrets. I even wish it was more of these thieves in the pf who stole money that they now boast on.

    So Zambians, don’t rest, all the thieves have to be prosecuted…

  12. The criminals who murdered Kungo must be brought to book, even as we hear allegations of some PF camps attacking each other, a thorough investigation is required

  13. We thought we have entered into era by HH winning and insults and civility could have been the way forward from all political parties but am seeing insults all over again. Are we serious or we shall continue with this stupidity of insults from both sides. Let us develop our country together opposition and ruling party and borrowing should be stopped immediatel. The new government should work on cash budget not borrowing. Governing of the mammoth task and it needs involvement by all stake holders. Insults will be never develop Zambia.

  14. Its very difficult to comprehend the circumstances which lead to the death of brother Jackson Kungo. The young man used to be very vibrant and respected but how things went badly for him to be brutally attached on voting day is still puzzling. The question that begs answers is what made people react violently. There is more to it than meets the eye. I used to follow his political statements on North Western Province and he was talking of developmental issues seriously. He was kicked out of PF only to be brought back to be killed by those who had hated PF way of doing things. He died fighting for other peoples’ battles. Some one has Jackson Kungo’s blood on their hands.

  15. Lusakatimes continue censoring anything negative that is said about hh. Don’t think you will win favours by kissing his backside unless you are from a certain tribe. You are the reason we can’t develop. You lack independence as an online public forum. You will lose popularity if you continue on this trajectory

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