Saturday, July 27, 2024

Placing Investigative Wings Under office of the President does not take away the independence of their operations-Vice President


Vice President Mutale Nalumango has said that placing the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) and Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) under the office of the President does not take away the independence of their operations.

Mrs. Nalumango said that the institutions will continue to operate independently without any form of interference.

She has stressed that President Hakainde Hichilema is committed to fighting corruption.

Mrs. Nalumango was responding to a question raised by Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Brian Mundubile during the Vice President’s question time today in Parliament.

Mr. Mundubile wanted to find out on gazette notice number eleven, 23 of 2021 which places the ACC, DEC, FIC under the office of the President.

The Vice President assured Zambians that no form of interference will be allowed in the operations of the DEC, FIC and the ACC.

Mrs. Nalumango was responding to a follow-up question from Shiwangàndu Member of Parliament Stephen Kampyongo who wanted to find out how the institutions will be guaranteed of autonomy.

Meanwhile, Vice President Nalumango has said that it is unfair to ask the UPND Administration to create jobs within a month of forming the government, adding that the creation of employment will be done gradually.

Responding to a question from Chitambo Member of Parliament Remember Mutale who wanted to find out how soon the government will create employment for young people, Mrs Nalumango said that the 2022 National Budget will highlight components of job creation.

The Vice President who urged Parliamentarians not to politicize the creation of employment said it is the government’s desire to create jobs for the young people in the country.

Mrs Nalumango said there are trained nurses and teachers who are not employed and the government intends to create jobs for them.

She further said the government will continue to provide an enabling environment for the private sector to participate in the creation of employment for young people.
Mrs. Nalumango further said that politics must not be used as a means to amass personal wealth at the expense of serving Zambians.

She observed that politics has become extremely lucrative to some people instead of its purpose of improving the livelihood of citizens.

Mrs. Nalumango said young people must not look forward to becoming politicians with the sole purpose of making money, stating that wealth can only be attained through hard work.
She also said people in public office must be willing to undergo a lifestyle audit if they are to continue serving the public.

Responding to a question from Mwembeshi Member of Parliament Machila Jamba who wanted to find out if the law requiring people in public office to have a lifestyle audit has been abolished, Mrs Nalumango said a political office must not be used to acquire wealth.


  1. Once we’re in government we become as blind as our predecessors. Just going around in a circle like the game we used to play as children.

  2. When asked if the law to audit life style has been abolished, Mrs Nalumango said in reply POLITICAL OFFICE SHOULD NOT BE USED TO ACQUIRE WEALTH. Frankly she didn’t answer that question.

  3. what if the corrupt acts involve the a President himself and his inner circle as it did Chiluba and the Zamtrop account? These institutions have now lost all credibility in the eyes of justice and fairness. Justice must not only be done but must be seen to be done. If these wings go for anyone in opposition who will believe that it’s not a political hack job. As it is there are unfinished allegations of impropriety during the privatization exercise, how will these wings pursue those allegations if at all since the president himself was mentioned as a person of interest? Let’s get serious.

  4. Defending even when you know the president is wrong.Africa will never develop with such leaders.I can even conclude that we in it for another five years.Let us brace ourselves with corruption.

  5. Nemwe banakulu Ba Nalumango, why are you justifying the indefensible? What is so noble about Bally placing investigative wings under his armpits? This whole issue just stinks all the way down to hell. Is the idea not for Bally to be calling the shots in terms of who is investigated and who is prosecuted? How can there be impartiality in investigations and prosecutions if this involves Bally himself and those close to him? How can there be impartiality in investigations and prosecutions if this involves Bally’s perceived political enemies? It is just to soon to be hatching up this nonsense and defending it. Zambia deserves better!

  6. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    So this shyt if ACC, DEC being under HH’s petticoat is true… my gosh, are you freaking kidding me right now? This is worse than Lungu, the tinpot dictator! Unbelievable!
    Come on man, how can ACC be under someone who is the potential corrupt #1? Just pause and imagine for a minute that the ACC; FIC, DEC and Auditor General were under Lungu… imagine that?
    What is wrong with this country people?

  7. If you want to see the true colors of man give him power…..there you have…and we warned you..DONT BLAME ME I DONT VOTE IN ZAMBIA…Don’t you miss Lungu yet…imagine how much damage he will do in 5 years this chimbwi no plan…BMW

  8. The man with no vision has been replaced by the man with tunnel vision ‘forward’ even if we fall off the cliff. At least HEHH warned you to be ‘careful with who you vote for the presidency’ albeit after the fact.

  9. Judge the results of the act not just the action… up in arms and yet you have not seen any results good or bad from this decision.

  10. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    Look I was willing to give this HH and UPND the benefit of doubt as they find their feet and making some mistakes here and there. But this is no mistake; this is a big stuff up and I’m not impressed. Intentions may be good but you don’t put corruption watchdogs under your wing and expect them to investigate you and your government. There are better ways to make these institutions accountable and independent. Unbelievable!

  11. Power is sweet and this is what HH has been missing all his life…just be careful you don’t end up with a life President…he is already getting ready to rig elections in 2026….just watch how he will manipulate ECZ…..we warned you and KK warned you…you never listened…meanwhile how much is melie meal…how much is fuel…where is free education…how much is fertilizer…he is busy doing things he wasn’t mentioning during campaigns and ignoring all his campaign promises…mwanya muzadya oxygen…..anyway let me go to Sam’s club and get me groceries…today is Friday i need to stock booze for the weekend…will invite De Javu and Kaizar Zulu…so we can sip some champagne all weekend

  12. It’s one way to cut red tape… The big task now is too recover stolen monies. Once that fight is over, we can re-organize. Looks like Presido is guilty until proven innocent. The expectation and almost guaranteeing that corruption will happen based on past occupants of the big office is a sad legacy our past leaders have left us.

  13. Those investigative wings need real guidance ……….

    They have had so called autonomy yet zambia saw some of the worst cases of corruption and looting………..

    The PF zealots don’t want their compromised caders heading government organisations sacked , and again they don’t want them under presidential scrutiny ??

    It’s either HEHH sack these entire leadership of these PF compromised underperformed investigative wings or places them under scrutiny…….

  14. Those investigative wings need real guidance ……….

    They have had so called autonomy yet zambia saw some of the worst cases of corruption and looting………..

    The PF diehards don’t want their compromised caders heading government organisations sacked , and again they don’t want them under presidential scrutiny ??

    It’s either HEHH sack these entire leadership of these PF compromised underperformed investigative wings or places them under scrutiny…….

  15. Those investigative wings need real guidance ……….

    They have had so called autonomy yet zambia saw some of the worst cases of corrup.tion and………..

    It’s either HEHH sack these entire leadership of these PF compromised underperformed investigative wings or places them under scrutiny…….

  16. No, no, and no. Stop trying the shoes that voters threw away please. Remember how MMD added to PF disasters when it’s members like Dora muddied the waters? Namwe mwayambanso. Madam VP we shall show all of you the door. Zambians are not joking now. If you do not follow the constitution you swore to uphold muzayenda amambala.

  17. You haven’t seen anything yet…ask yourself why KBF is still not yet appointed and why its too long for Chimbwi No Plan to come up with a cabinet….This is what power does…already he has forgotten about the Jobless youths….poverty everywhere…..still no medicine in hospitals,,,,fuel very expensive..load shedding has started…Now he wants to make himself a dictator by default

  18. ” Elyo lwanya nomba” tuli mumakumbi. This is a very sad story indeed. We have only one incorruptible man in Zambia and that is HH who holds shares in sun hotel after being party of a privatisation campaign for the Govt. ACC must be gaggled as soon as possible before they start spilling the beans about HH’s corruption. He has smelt a rat. Pure dictatorship hardly half a year in Govt. God forgive us for our sins.

  19. Lets be clear headed. In Zambia, the effectiveness of these institutions has nothing to do with who they report to. They did not report to the president in the previous government, and they failed miserably despite all the inveighing. That you have hope that they make any difference going forward is down to the will of the current president. For better for worse, it is all up to the current president whether they are effective.

    By your own laws you have chosen for yourself, it will be another 5 years before you can fire/hire/rehire a president. Its only been a month. Let see whether the results will speak for themselves.

  20. Whenever Lungu bungled, the PF die hards would come to his defense even threatening violence or even arrest. It’s happening even now after the change of government. It’s like Mukuba Secondary playing Shakespeare today Wole Soyinka tomorrow…. different plays with same people as actors.

  21. I mean get real… we are talking about almost 10 years of PF in power vs 1 month and some days. There is no comparison. People are so afraid of a PF replay… they see a threat to shake their fists at even in their own shadows. Be on guard, but let the seed germinate and bear fruit. Judge the tree by its fruit.

  22. Office of the President is an intelligence agency hence the need to have it guide the other small agencies because they are struggling with gathering intel. To leave FIC AAC and DEC to investigate is wishful thinking. HH should be commended for this.

    • Iwe nawe cadre wa kwao. Let us follow the constitution. If the constitution says follow the path between the two hills we do; if it says go under the sea ticite conco nase. The idea that all is OK because you the rulers say so iyayi. That is why we took PF off the table. Stop the sycophants. Nitandizeko na Iwe.

  23. Power is becoming sweet to HH and Nalumango. This is not the Zambia we campaigned for. You taking us back to Chambia. The President must let go ACC and Public Protector. Sata brought RDA under control for a purpose, they wanted to get rich from contracts. So what is our intention now? It’s clear we want to abuse these institutions to our advantage. Mr President listen to us who voted than those who told you that you must control these institutions. It will eat you up. You will spend 5 years fighting the last regime using these moribund institutions.

  24. During PF rule all these agencies worked autonomously – can anyone here(PF cadres above) point any single achievement they made?

  25. And the answer is a definite nothing (Zero). So, let’s try something different that might work. Place them under OP cos the president means business with corruption & recovery of stolen assets. So this is what agitates pf cadres cos they know HH will not allow corruption, whether these instructions are under his wing or not but corruption, theft,racism na HH don’t step foot together. You will see this soon when he personally fires people immediately once found wanting. PF thinks HH is weak, wait bafikala , all of you ll face court judges soon as long as u stole.

  26. And it will look like witch-hunting a certain tribe (Bemba to be specific). Cos the Bembas also danced to Lungu’s song of tribalism and helped him only employ Bembas in all key institutions. They played along, they benefited heavily more than any other tribe in Zambia for 10years. And now it’s pay back time for the next ten years. Cos every corrupt institution either has a Bemba or Easterner and almost the entire government was Bemba. Including parastatals- Zesco, ZRA, Zamtel, Zambia Railways , everything was simply Tribalised or Bembalised. Everything

  27. LT, why allowing such naked tribalism exhibited by @37 We voted him out Anayenda?
    I thought this platform is for intellectual discussions rather than hate speech against bembas and easterners. Very sad indeed.

  28. #38 Actually that is the general feeling among people like him. What the president is doing in his appointments has not pleased the majority of his supporters like #37. I hope it dies in the bud.

  29. We voted him out Anayenda
    I don’t like people who mention any of the 72 tribes when debating a point , better you leave that one out as it stinks no one wants to talk about those primivities let’s just have the topic at hand.
    Corruption here is the issue every human being is corrupt if you think this new man in state house is not then you are dreaming.
    This man has put everything under his nose as he has more problems he wants to solve since now he has instruments of power.
    This President has a lot to hide from the people of Zambia and the ( supersonic speed wealth ) he acquired, now he wants to make good we can already sense insurmountable corruption in the offing .
    The president FTJ remarked that power is sweet yes it is see the White gloved man has even changed…

  30. The vice, president, Ministers are human beings and can be accused/suspected to have stolen. Let the public put pressure on them to be investigated – Do not place ACC and DEC under OP. Those the president loves will not be arrested, ‘legally’ this time around

  31. When government starts recruiting teachers and health workers, they must first start with those young people who have decided to volunteer their labour without pay. These have shown patriotism. The other qualified people can then be considered after these “volunteers” have been recruited. Many have now been working for more than one year, for free- not even transport money.

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