Saturday, July 27, 2024

It is unacceptable that Zambia is still poor 57 years after independence-HH


President Hakainde Hichilema has said that it is unacceptable that Zambia is still poor 57 years after independence.

President Hakainde however said that the new dawn government’s desire is to develop the country hence placing emphasis on economic transformation, adding that his administration is eager to restore macro-economic stability and growth, attain debt and fiscal sustainability and improve the livelihood of the Zambian people, especially the vulnerable.

The Head of State added that it is only through economic transformation that Zambia will become food secure, reduce poverty and create the much-needed jobs, especially for the youths.

In his address to the nation ahead of the country’s 57 years independence anniversary Sunday, President Hakainde said the day gives citizens an opportunity to reflect on freedom and self-rule.

He said the day also reminds citizens of the need to promote patriotism and national unity.

President Hakainde further stated the importance of paying tribute to Zambia’s freedom fighters like founding President KENNETH KAUNDA and SIMON ZUKAS who passed on this year.

He said citizens must never forget the two’s generation of selfless and patriotic citizens who sacrificed for the freedom being enjoyed today.

President Hakainde said the 57th independence day anniversary celebrations theme “celebrating a new dawn anchored on good governance, national unity and development,” is a reminder of the renewed hope that the new dawn administration brings for a better Zambia.


  1. My president you are right.. it is like zambia is married to a thieving gold digger from Northern or Eastern province who keeps using juju to take advantage of us a nation.

    I have confidence in you to turn this around. Although I feel like you are complaining too much and not taking action more. Don’t become a talkative innefective leader, otherwise you will be voted out. Remember the promises you made. I want to come back to zambia and invest and live good life and escape my old irritating wlfe! Don’t let me down

  2. Privatization is one largely cause of poverty…Out of 200 plus government owned companies today we only have about 26…From exporting various products bicycles,tyres,combat uniforms,car batteries, Radio batteries, assembling plants of cars ….to begging and someone wonders why Zambia is still poor..What has made China great it’s exports period.

  3. I hope you are not going the same route as the late president Sata. He also started with good intentions, but after three months he got used to all the yes-men and helicopter rides, and completely forgot to govern – and within weeks corruption set in. Which Edgar China Lungu just let prosper. Almost 100 days, Bally, and we have seen NOTHING!

  4. So he’s just woken up today…this man is a clown…you’re the President now and you promised Zambians heaven on earth am sure reality has finally downed on you…and today you’ve just realized that Zambia is still poor…how do you expect Zambia to be rich when you yourself have a begger mentality despite all the natural resources we have and you decided to prioritize begging your first day in office…useless President 2026 you out of office

  5. Sounds like mocking the poor. You were lucky man. Had opportunities by God’s Grace (not your intelligence) you got where you are.

  6. HH is equally to blame for the poverty in Zambia. His involvement in privatisation has left a lot of Zambians without jobs.

  7. And for as you keep lying to the people of Zambia just to get into office..for as long as you keep on shielding known criminals…for as long as you can’t disclose source of your wealth then expect Zambia to remain poor for the next 500 years

  8. And for your own information people have started playing “ALEBWELELAPO PAMUPANDO”…..better pull up your socks otherwise 2026 you’re out of office…just continue shielding all PF Bandits and you’ll probably won’t even last 2 years in office…Zambians will remove you from office by massive protests…we’re watching you…this is Saulosi I saw your motorcade in Washington DC when I was driving UBER

  9. At 1 Tarino Orange, desist from inciting tribal talk. When I went to UNZA from the CB, I never knew that tribalism existed until I saw groupings. Others did not want to mix with other tribes with reasons best known to themselves. I can attribute that tribalism in Zambia began with a certain tribe I won’t mention. Theft is not about the actual stealing. Theft is also an act of employing all your tribesmen at a certain institution. We used to see it in Banks. I have seen companies where if you have a certain tribe as a manager, then all the employees will come from that tribe starting with a toilet cleaner. Not long ago tribalism was not there in Zambia. I believe one tribal senseless behaviour triggered this. Others are professional thieves who steals through tribalism and by employing…

  10. Zambia’s economy was enroute to lasting prosperity (6.7% growth) until PF came on the scene with their “know it all” attitude and ruined the economy.

  11. Too bad that Malaysia,Singapore ,UAE and indeed Kenya,Botswana and Mauritius have put Zambia to shame with their better economic transformation than Zambia.Hard questions must be asked of where we went wrong.(PF and UNIP are major culprits)

  12. We look forward to 29th October when the 2022 Budget will be presented, of interest will be the structure that is focussed on enhancing business opportunities, job creation and sustainable & affordable development. Do not be distracted by the noise makers, do what is right for this country and you are mandated for 5years, that’s when you will have to present to the Zambian people what your government would have achieved. We know the debt balance that you have inherited, and after 5years, you will be evaluated to see how you have faired against what you have inherited. We know the poverty level, unemployment level, etc..those are the metrics / KPI`s that you will be measured against. We are watching you very closely, and giving you sufficient room to show us what you can do for Zambians…

  13. I wonder which country he was for President for…he thought he was running to become President of USA…and today October 23, 2021 thats when HH has realized that Zambia is poor….just like making fun of the poor….but how did you become rich in a poor country…can you explain your wealth…you the same makakas making things difficult for Zambians because of your lies and causing more misery on poor Zambians…you rush to get more Kaloba and yet you know what Kaloba does to a country…please don’t get me started Mr Baby President

  14. Happy Indepence Day to all Zambians…..Zambians can do better! Don’t be hypnotized by the PF fans negativity. Be positive for the future.

  15. PF cadres want results in two months, you *****s above, the only thing u can achieve in two months is theft , corruption & tribalism which is what yo party achieve is short period. So, if we are going to talk of development – I command all of u mwankoles here to sit down and let HH drive his country to where he wants it to be. Thankyou

  16. Saulosi please stfu ,are you not part of the collective rot that has made Zambia poorer? Hopefully HH will put you to shame proving you dead wrong.

  17. Zambia is indeed poor, we all know this! Which makes the whole thing of building mansions for ex Presidents a fallacy! We are a joke!

  18. He is President of a poor country and yet he is creating big money positions at state house and massive Cabinet….This Makaka of a President is a Joke….

  19. Talking always and doing the opposite. Has HH appointed any vulnerable person to any position? All we are seeing are his Tonga friends and already rich people like Mwanawasa’s daughter. The biggest contributor to poverty and unemployment is now mocking the poor, Even in his few days in government he has made more people unemployed and the only jobs he has created are at state house for his friends.

  20. Foreigners don’t flock to poor countries.. Zambia ain’t has an educated human capital, fairly good infrastructure and above a conducive environment…. it’s the people who are poor as a result of selfishness.

  21. At Tarino Orange, by your response, I can tell how tribalism is deeply rooted in your blood stream. I am 1/4 bemba, 1/8Lunda, 1/8 Tonga, 1/8 Aushi and 1/8 Eastern. Does that make you feel better? Stealing is not only stealing hard cash. Corruption behaviours such as tribalism is also another way of stealing from deserving tribes to be in those positions. At UNZA, for instance, it is difficult to pass an exam if you belong to a certain tribe. You have to study like a mad person to pass an exam. As I said in my earlier comments, tribalism started with a certain tribe. Others learnt from them. SO, TARINO TRIBALISM IS BAD. WE ARE GOD;S CREATION. I voted for HH. I am pure at heart when it comes to tribalism

  22. The patriotic front government worked..
    Built 5 universities, Hospitals, School,opened Zambia through road construction and connectivity. It’s not everything that pf did was bad,Took back Zamtel, Zambia Rail way which were sold by MMD, Got the two mine firms KCM and Mpani mine, gold mine the idea was to be exporting minerals and the forex raised was to go direct to Bank of Zambia.. Increase shares of ZCCM HI was key. Yaba ba under5 government want to reverse that and thinking you can develop a nation by just collecting tax from mines! What a joke.Ooh no hichilema said Zambians can’t run mines. UK and USA are coming to loot our minerals ruthlessly watch the space and again the nation will not benefit…I miss Pf

  23. HA HA HA

  24. Zambia is not poor,only mishandeled and that since independence.For good ness sake do something about it otherwise this beautifull country will still be poor in another 57 years.

  25. Poor work ethic and thieving mentality……

    Zambia needs to look at the Chinese model of indoctrination of their youg school children who are taught hard work and patriotism are the main pillars of society…..

  26. #32 Try to do the Chinese in Zambia and you will see how the NGO and other groups will be running to the UN that you are infringing on their human rights.

  27. #33  

    “#32 Try to do the Chinese in Zambia and you will see how the NGO and other groups will be running to the UN that you are infringing on their human rights…”

    This is where we need a strong president, like kigame…….

  28. Good Point but if it could be reduced to Indicators for which human development can be measured in the pronouncements it could differentiate further Yes we need economic development that will result in sustained growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP),that will
    result in Gross National Product (GNP),the GNP per capita because that how you measure human development and quality of life You can assume it all by speaking about the The Human Development Index (HDI) ,the current position and where we would want to be The Brian’s Budget this 29th this rating could be upgraded or downgraded depending how the allocations towards the social sectors will be We need to have great ideas on…

  29. ***********ATTENTION*****************
    Bloggers beware of UK based impostor I dont post on LT to bring attention to myself or my family or post tribalistic claptrap…there is only one desperate sad individual on LT who does this….I stated right here that if PF lose this sad individual will find another hobby its the same pattern!

  30. Lets hope that when tribute is rightly paid to the freedom fighters James John Skinner’s significant contribution to the fight for freedom is also acknowledged. He was in the country’s first cabinet but even on the 50th anniversary of independence was not acknowledged. He sacrificed much to defend many freedom fighters when they were to be imprisoned in that fight for independence and provided much of the legal advice throughout the struggle to achieve independence. He deserves to be remembered along with the other freedom fighters.

  31. #38 You have a point. Maybe it’s the way he was forced to leave that is standing between him and that deserved honour. Let’s hope it will be full filled.

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