Saturday, July 27, 2024

3 Zambians nabbed for attempting to smuggle 50 illegal immigrants


Three people have been arrested in Vubwi district in Eastern province for attempting to smuggle 50 illegal immigrants into Zambia.

The three, include two brothers Gift Sakala, 34 of Katete and Rodgers Sakala, 30 of Chadiza district and another person John Mumba, 41, of Kalingalinga compound in Lusaka.

Gift is said to be the ring leader of the group that attempted to transport the 50 illegal immigrants in Zambia.

Eastern Province Acting Commanding Officer of Police, Davis Simwanza, confirmed the development to ZANIS, stating that the three were jointly charged and will remain in police custody.

“The three Zambians were jointly charged with smuggling in human beings under section 9, sub section 1 of the anti-human trafficking act and are in police custody,” he said.

Mr. Simwanza added that 50 foreign nationals, who were being smuggled, are of Ethiopian origin and have since been surrendered to the Immigrations Department for further action.

He said of the total number, three were arrested in the morning yesterday while 43 others were intercepted in Vubwi district in the evening of the same day.

He added that the remaining four foreign national were intercepted from Chadiza district.

Mr. Simwanza explained that during the operation in Chadiza district two Toyota Corolla vehicles and one Mitsubishi Canter truck, which were being used in the human trafficking syndicate, were impounded.

“The canter is still in the bush because it broke down but the two Toyota Corollas are impounded at Chadiza police,” he said.

And according to eye witnesses, the foreign nationals were discovered by villagers in Nyamandevu mountains bordering Chadiza and Vubwi districts.

The eye witnesses narrated that the villagers tried to lead the illegal immigrants into the mountains to hide only to be intercepted by the police.

Meanwhile, information obtained by ZANIS indicates that the 50 Ethiopians are alleged to have left their country two weeks ago.


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