Saturday, July 27, 2024

Remarks by Former President Edgar Lungu at RB’s Funeral “UnZambian”- UPND Alliance


The UPND Alliance is disappointed with sentiments made by former president Edgar Lungu after the burial ceremony of late fourth president Rupiah Banda.

In a statement, UPND Alliance Spokesman Daniel Shimunza said that not only is it taboo and disrespectful to utter such weird words at a funeral, but it is also rude, uncultured and unZambian for a man of Mr Lungu’s stature to belittle the respect of such a ceremony.

Dr Shimunza says president Hichilema has been magnanimous in reaching out to former president Lungu even after some of the most blatant forms of abuse was relentlessly unleashed against him under Mr Lungu’s watch including his 100 days detention at Mukobeko maximum prison on trumped-up charges.

Dr Shimunza has since challenged Mr Lungu to do a lot of soul-searching and ask himself questions because, going by what has been seen so far, he himself is the hypocrite in chief.

He has further urged Mr Lungu to tone down and start living by the dictates of his stature.

Meanwhile, the ruling United Party for National Party for National Development (UPND) has urged the opposition Patriotic Front to stop the blame game and accept that the general election loss was caused by themselves.

UPND Secretary General Batuke Imenda states that the Party has noticed some reckless statements coming from the rank and file of the PF against the UPND led government with their acting Secretary-General Nickson Chilangwa freely convening a women’s conference in Ndola to disparage the UPND and its leadership in government.

Mr Imenda has questioned how the PF can today insult the intelligence of Zambians who democratically elected the UPND into office by insinuating that the UPND corrupted its way into government.

The secretary-general states that while it can be agreed that the PF has the right to cry and lament, they should not remind the Zambians of their brutal and dictatorial regime at the time when the citizenry is getting used to freedoms under the UPND.

Mr Imenda has stated that the UPND will continue and concentrate on the development agenda as espoused in its manifesto.


  1. If Edgar Lungu and the PF translate dialogue as people being forgiven for crimes then they are being disingenuous. I think it is necessary that the ACC and all investigative and enforcement wings do their job so that it serves as a deterrent even for the UPND. What was happening under Lungu cannot be accepted and neither should it be forgiven, all that should be done is that he is accorded respect and dignity as these suspicions are pursued. It makes me sad when we see the level of poverty people face in Zambia and yet a person used the presidency to make him and his friends Dollar millionaires. Edgar Lungu is as tainted as Chiluba, he really will scramble for a legacy if at all.

  2. I don’t agree with ECL’s views but I still respect his opinion. I will not condemn him for his democratic opinion. I can not even say there is hypocrisy or not because he did not expound what he meant. The beauty of democracy. And we should not gag his opinion, despite the thought that his government could have been worse, he is still very much entitled to an opinion which should be heard. He is a citizen with Free speech

  3. Free speech is something which should be taught to everyone in Zambia, especially to politicians. It doesnt matter whether it is HH, Lungu, Kambwili, Dora Smokey, They think noone else except them should have freedom of speech.

  4. People said good things after the death of RB. Now rewind to the time RB was President and after leaving Presidency to check the insults he received from the same people who were praising him in his death. I understand what ECL meant and he did not target one individual but all politicians past and present including himself. What he said is correct.

  5. @ All those with sympathy for Lungu. Lungu is a hypocrite and might have been talking about himself. He locked up the current president for 3 months for treason without cause. Frankly, Edgar Lungu and Sata rank as the worst presidents Zambia has had so far. You just have to elect who takes the #1 spot.

  6. Kambwili told us that PF chaps were the worst thieves, so how can Lungu escape that. Kambwili who of course has no leadership qualities told us that he was telling us as an insider. So how can Lungu claim hypocrisy because his kith, kin and former government ministers are being questioned for suspected embezzlement, no bwana, let the law take its course, you are only right because we don’t have a single conviction up to now apart from the money which was confiscated from that lady

  7. I think our former President was over whelmed with grief, in the process he allowed himself to be carried away by the occassion…let us agree we are all human we can make errors and this was an error…but we should not be harsh in commenting on his use of words… Lest we lose forecast….However, we shall not relent on the fight against corruption, ill-gotten wealth…or unjustified wealth….those who have continued to stick their tongue out at authority even when one can see they stole…well tax law will be applied so you pay to ceaser what belongs to ceaser. We have no choice we owe it to ourselves……but let us forgive our immediate past President he is entitled to error…

  8. Hypocrisy is too much for all politician ,But Mr.Lungu should have aired his views that can unite and build the people more especially being the time when other people are advocating for him to became father of the nation.

  9. #11  Miner 
    March 21, 2022 At 4:48 pm

    “People said good things after the death of RB. Now rewind to the time RB was President and after leaving Presidency to check the insults he received from the same people who were praising him in his death. I understand what ECL meant and he did not target one individual but all politicians past and present including himself. What he said is correct…”

     What lungu was trying to convey was him and others from PF being pursued for corruption while the president preachers unity and forgiveness……….

  10. There’s nothing wrong with what the former President said, it’s just been blown out of proportion.
    God please help this Nation to heal.

  11. That was the only forum His Excellence could express his views. The truth hurts.

    What did they want Edgar to say. Hakainde is on record insulting Rupiah. Today Rupiah is an angel because he is dead.

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