Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fuel and food price Increase inevitable – Kasama Chamber of Commerce


Kasama Chamber of Commerce has described the impending increase in fuel and food prices as inevitable.

Kasama Chamber of Commerce Secretary, David Chanda attributed this to the on-going conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Mr. Chanda explained that it would also be difficult for government to control the country’s inflation rate due as prices of commodities are expected to skyrocket.

“As a Country we have been in a crisis trying to put our economy back on the road and these external factors are going to make it difficult for us to achieve goals both in the short term and long term,” he said.

He further noted that the monthly review of fuel pump price is making planning and projection extremely difficult at both business and family level.

Mr. Chanda has urged the public not to be too dependent on imports but to find home ground lasting solutions that will be predictable in terms of fuel pricing.

“We can’t always be left in sought of situations where every little thing that happens somewhere else affects our planning,” Mr. Chanda said.


  1. No need to explain yourself ba Chanda, that one who doesnt agree must just go and form his own country were fuel costs the same price from jan to dec,rain or sunshine. Reason being that the utupuba utule talika etwa letele ama problems aya tukwete but they want to be the first one to talk.Innocent zambians are jst quiete-busy enjoying the free freedoms and economic benefits that are mushrooming. So sir,no need to explain yourself,just impose, even 500% is okey – thats how they themselves increased the Electricity tarrifs during Mundende-olo bayibala?

  2. “@step aside, We are not going to eat Freedoms . We need affordable food, electrictity and fuel. This goverment has done the opposite of what was promised. They told lies and lies and lies. In Lungu we thought food was expensive…….but look what is happenning now. Life naikosa ….iwe ati we have freedoms….What freedoms. Ubufi bulabwela

  3. the only two reasons why fuel should go up is if Zambia buys fuel from Russia, or if where we buy they decided to take advantage of the demand supply issue which could be created as a result of new customers coming to buy fuel from the same source as Zambia.

    This is simple econmics, what inevitable is this economics talking about.sha

  4. Every government has excuses. Today its Russia, yesterday it was Covid, the other day it was drought, last week it was floods, in 1991 it was empty treasury, the list is endless. Next year it may be free education. Our country is bigger than the imaginations of any political party. Managing a political party is way too small compared to a nation. Every leader gets confused when in power. Meanwhile 50kg urea fertiliser is K1170 today, from K680 three months ago.


  6. Fuel prices are dependent on oil prices from
    OPEC countries.At the moment oil prices are
    At its peak.Zambia will be affected by these
    High oil Russia Ukraine war will also play a

  7. Mention one achievement that has benefited citizens since this useless party upnd took over? Just even 1 you can’t. My friends who voted upnd have gone into hiding and are even sending me texts asking for money. Go eff your mothers you pwazlz

  8. And imf is delaying in giving us kamoney. Europeans ,forget to get kamoney from them. They are busy with supporting Ukraine. We urgently need to go back to China. European way is a non starter. Look and Uganda, Ghana, Kenya etc who are with China. They are miles ahead of us in terms of development . Just pay them the debt and get more from them simple. Europe has a lot in their hands

  9. IMF is not delaying. The Zambian government is delaying. IMF has set out the conditions for the loan, and the UPND government has not implemented any of them, hence the IMF is not transferring the money, plain and simple. IMF insists on abolishment of fuel and electricity subsidies, and NOTHING will happen until those subsidies are scrapped. Blame Bally, nobody else.

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