Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Legal education important in fighting financial crimes – ZIALE


The Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education (ZIALE) has reaffirmed the importance of Legal Education on Corporate governance and in the fight against financial crimes in the respective organisations.

ZIALE Council Secretary, Leah Ngulube, represented ZIALE Director, Ann Ononuju and says the promotion of the rule of law in the governance of private and public Institutions is critical in the development of institutions.

Ms Ononuju explained that the aim of the training was to provide an in-depth understanding of the principles of corporate governance and the law.

Speaking during the closing ceremony of corporate governance and the law training which started on May 18, 2022 to May 20, 2022 held at Bonanza Resort, Ms Ononuju said the training has enhanced understanding in corporate governance among participants.

She said that the objective of the training was based on the general core principles or pillars of transparency accountability, efficiency and effectiveness in respective organisations that participated in the training.

“There is indeed plenty to reflect upon and if this in any way enhances our individual and collective contributions to meeting the corporate governance challenges and agenda, then the training can truly be termed as successful,” she said.

Ms Ononuju noted that the training did provide a platform for the participants who were drawn from both public and private sectors to update and sharpen their skills, exchange information, ideas and experiences for professionalism in organisations.

She was hopeful participants had acquired a full knowledge of how to run their respective organisations.

“This useful and relevant information should be used and implemented to assist in the sustainable governance of the organisations you are representing,” she said.

And in his vote of thanks, Charles Sichangwa, a participant, said the knowledge acquired will help to turn around the economy of the country if organisations which participated in the corporate governance training implemented the learnt knowledge.

Mr Sichangwa also called on his fellow participants to guard against money laundering activities as the vice retards economic development.


  1. I think ZIALE needs to change the curriculum for draftsmen and women. The manner in which most of our Laws are crafted leaves room for several interpretations. A Law ought to be simple, plain and clear even for lay persons. The legal fraternity has brought more confusion when it’s expected to help resolve matters. It seems lawyers don’t take matters of Law seriously. They don’t weigh how the Law affects the lives of others, especially the masses. Zambia’s legal system supports white collar crime, which is the constituency of the affluent

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