Wednesday, October 23, 2024

EU finances the Chinsali-Mpika road


Works to overhaul the 156 kilometer Chinsali-Mpika stretch along the Great North Road, is set to start with financial support from the European Union.

Muchinga Province Minister Henry Sikazwe told ZANIS that the contractor is expected to camp on site soon.

He described the road as a death trap with big potholes which will require a complete overhaul to save the lives of motorists.

“We shall soon see a contractor moving on site to work on a stretch between Chinsali and Mpika which is in a deplorable state,” said Mr. Sikakwe.

In a related development, Mr. Sikakwe disclosed China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited the contractor working on Lot 1 of the rehabilitation of the Great North Road between Chinsali and Isoka and China Railway Seventh Group working on Lot 2 between Isoka and Nakonde, will also work on some township roads in Chinsali, Isoka and Nakonde.

Mr. Sikakwe said that the Provincial administration has already engaged the two contractors and will soon reach an agreement on the number of kilometers of Township roads to be done in each district.

“We are in talks with the two contractors and soon we shall know how many kilometers of Township roads will be allocated to each respective district,” said Mr. Sikakwe.


  1. I thought we were told of massive development from the last gang of thieves called PF that’s why the country has so much debt. Why do we still have these roads in bad shape?

  2. I would have celebrated if the title said ‘EU partnered with Zambia on road development technology’ otherwise it’s another one of those bribes to access much bigger resources under our noses. This is like sending money to your family via mobile money and expecting them to build you a mansion. If you ever wondered how our ministers become so wealthy, your answer right there. Doing the same things but expecting different results.

  3. Once upon time,the rival people of the community area were complaining against the leadership of the the community because of the fixing of the roads they were engaged in.The rival people felt their living neglected by the leadership, and worsened by the escalating cost of living in the community.The rival people felt that it didn’t add value and make sense for the leadership spending time fixing the the roads when the stomach of people of the community was empty. The rival people spoke and promised their community that once chosen to preside over the affairs of their people they would make sure all the pot holes of the stomach of the community were mended.Surprisingly,when the rival people ascended to power they began fixing the pot holes of the roads instead of fixing the…

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