Saturday, July 27, 2024

Justice Esau Chulu reported to Itezhi Tezhi Police


Former Electoral Commission of Zambia Chairperson Esau Chulu has been reported to police in Itezhi Tezhi.

A concerned Itezhi Tezhi resident has reported former Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Chairperson Esau Chulu to Itezhi Tezhi police station for allegedly announcing results of a constituency that does not exist during the 2016 General of Election.

Justine Mutti said that as a complainant, he wants the police to arrest the former ECZ Chairperson for announcing results from Chitulika constituency in Mpika district in Muchinga province which he claims does not exist.

According to Mr. Muti, Itezhi Tezhi police who have already opened a docket should also establish whether Chitulika constituency does exist in Zambia.

“During 2016 the chairperson announced Chitulika constituency in favor of the Patriotic Front (PF)” Mr. Mutti said

Mr. Mutti who lodged the complaint at Itezhi Tezhi police station this afternoon was flanked by Itezhi Tezhi UPND District Chairperson and other party officials.

“We came here to report the former high court Judge and former ECZ Chairperson Esau Chulu for announcing results from Chitulika constituency that does not exist” Mr. Mutti said

Mr. Muti further said that the system of citizens reporting cases in different districts was not knew adding that in 2016 he was reported by a concerned citizen in Lusaka and was accordingly transported to Lusaka where he was detained.

Meanwhile Itezhi Tezhi United Party for National Development (UPND) Chairperson Hardwork Kang’ongwe said that UPND party was aggrieved in 2016 when ECZ Chairperson announced Chitulika constituency which he claims does not exist in Zambia.

“Justice should take its course in this matter. People from ECZ should learn a lesson that whatever they are doing when they are in government, if you mess up it will follow you” Mr. Kang’ongwe said.

The complaint against the former ECZ chairperson comes barely few days after government announced that they were not going to renew the contracts for the ECZ Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.


  1. “…..Justice should take its course in this matter. People from ECZ should learn a lesson that whatever they are doing when they are in government, if you mess up it will follow you” Mr. Kang’ongwe said…..”

    Very good………

    Even the new ECZ heads should remember this……….

    Esau chulu was complicit in prolonging PF and lungus looting of zambia from 2016…………

    I told you he has a lot to answer for. His only option is to name the parapet masters from state House, other wise he will lose everything he worked for……….

  2. “…..Justice should take its course in this matter. People from ECZ should learn a lesson that whatever they are doing when they are in government, if you mess up it will follow you” Mr. Kang’ongwe said…..”

    Very good………

    Even the new ECZ heads should remember this……….

    Esau chulu was complicit in prolonging PF and lungus looting of zambia from 2016…………

  3. #3  Iris Kaingu 

    June 15, 2022 At 8:10 pm

    “Because it is the ruling party reporting, Police will swing into action….”

     And why would the opposition report their own man ?????

  4. The behaviour of UPND cadres in Southern Province, with the obvious silent support by Minister of Home Affairs, is sickening and shameful. Let Historians know that in the Kunda ethnic/traditional culture, all the five Kunda Chiefs (Chiefs Nsefu, Malama, Jumbe, Kakumbi, Munkhanya ) belong to the CHULU-CLAN. Hence UPND’s planned persecution of Judge Essau Chulu entails the persecution of the entire Kunda Royal Clan in Mambwe District. However, we know that 99% of people in Southern Province are civilised & well-cultured. Hence, we REFUSE to believe that the Tongas are the most primitive group of people in Zambia. But UPND cadres are free to dispute our assertion and thus continue to expose their true barbaric genetic make-up.

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