Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chirundu district to be realigned back to Southern Province


Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary, Robert Kamalata has disclosed that a roadmap has been developed aimed at actualizing the re-alignment of Chirundu District from Lusaka to Southern Province.

Mr. Kamalata says the roadmap will include the preparation of necessary documentation of both moveable and non-movable inventories among others.

This came to light today when the Lusaka Provincial Permanent Secretary addressed Heads of Government Departments and Heads of Quasi-Government Institutions during the maiden preparatory meeting for the handover of Chirundu District from Lusaka Province to Southern Province.

Mr. Kamalata explained that the handover of Chirundu to Southern Province is premised on the declaration by President Hakainde Hichilema on November 17, 2021 that the district should be re-aligned back to Southern Province.

And speaking at the same meeting, Lusaka Province Director of Finance, Raphael Sinfukwe said the provincial administration wants to ensure a smooth handover and avoid disruption of implementation of government’s developmental agenda.

Mr. Sinfukwe reiterated that the handover processes will require that certain processes be undertaken such as the preparation of necessary documentation among many others.

Earlier, Lusaka Province Planning Unit (PPU) Assistant Director, Tiszah Katowe said in line with the provisions of the budgeting cycle, the budget for Chirundu District is expected to move to Southern Province for the 2023 Medium Term Expenditure.

Chirundu District Commissioner, Patrick Kasambila and Chirundu Town Council Secretary, Laura Munkanta were also in attendance.

So far only Chirundu District Education Board Office and the Chirundu Town Council have successfully been handed over to Southern Province while the entire district is expected to complete the exercise by 31st December,2022 in line with the current budget cycle.

The preparatory meeting for the official handover of Chirundu District to Southern Province marks the beginning of the handover process which involves a number of activities that will culminate to the handover ceremony between two provinces.

There had been calls from Chiefs under Chirundu District, to have the district taken back to Southern Province from Lusaka.

Chirundu district was realigned to Central by late President Michael Sata in 2012.


  1. So be it. Perhaps even Itezhi-Tezhi can go to Southern province. The people of Chama have resisted being re-aligned to Eastern province and I hope their wish shall be granted as well

  2. How does this help Zambian citizens? The bureaucracy and paperwork will just cost the taxpayer. Know how to enforce plans you have taken over. Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater

  3. You move from Lusaka into Southern province and drive for hundreds of km and enter Lusaka province again. Thats a journey to Chirundu

  4. Wasting time and money on nothings. It means cartographic information will have to be changed perhaps even using a favored and aligned consultant.

  5. Then another guy will come and take Chirundu back to Lusaka province, such decisions should not be made by one man, it was a mistake by PF then and also wrong by the UPND now, though PF is a worse devil

  6. And since we have just failed on our own, lets hand back this country to the people who were sharing it in 1885 in Berlin without our knowledge, lets give it back to those bandits

  7. #8 De Javu, you just don’t know. The Black Mountain was aligned to Lusaka and some parts of Southern province long ago.

  8. No consultations were done under PF. let it go back and then proper consultations are needed before any such decisions are made.
    Chirundu to Choma is short is only that there no proper road net work except the livingstone-lusaka road. Very sad indeed.

  9. Any normal thinking person will wonder how Sata aligned Chirundu to Lusaka? Chirundu speaks Tonga everywhere-no other tribe there, Which is what is spoken in the whole Southern province and you go ahead to align it to Lusaka (Nyanga speaking)? What sense does that make? And besides chirundu of all places and Itezhi, even Mumbwa itself, all those are typical Tongas. Here i now suspect the Bemba tribalism we experienced in the Lungu rule, started or was designed by ba Sata. As one can see that the whole purpose here was to slowly shrink The Mighty Southern Province as he wanted to claim the Kariba north Bank power generator.

  10. We have given our Presidents too much power..the amount of money Sata wasted on such pointless decisions that were just bloating expenditure!!

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