Saturday, July 27, 2024

It is difficult to fight corruption with weak institutions of governance


CHAMA North PF member of parliament Yotam Mtayachalo says it is difficult to fight corruption with weak institutions of governance.

In a statement, Mtayachalo said there was need to eradicate corruption, tribalism and nepotism in Zambia.

“Corruption, tribalism and nepotism are the biggest enemies facing Africa today including Zambia and unless such vices are eradicated, we shall not achieve much in terms of economic development. Further, I have heard politicians in the ruling parties pledging that there shall be no sacred cows in their fights against corruption, but I wonder how they can fight corruption with weak institutions of governance,’’ he said. ‘’And as such pronouncements are just a window dressing exercise in absence of effective state institutions of good governance which are truly autonomous. Therefore, the so-called fight against corruption shall not bear much fruits as long as politicians drive this agenda because the probability of biasness against their political foes is very high.”

Mtayachalo said it was unfortunate that some people are always investigated after leaving office.

“It is a fact that people are mostly investigated when they leave office, which is a clear indication that these law enforcement agencies are toothless bull dogs and dance to the tunes, to those who control the instruments of power. I’m looking forward to see a president who is genuinely committed in fight against corruption by putting in place state institutions of good governance which are truly autonomous, have teeth to bite and their heads have security of tenure, because currently power does not reside in the law enforcement agencies as the real power resides at State House,’’ Mtayachalo said. ‘’Therefore, these institutions merely dance to the tunes of the President and most often they target political opponents, overlooking the real corruption taking place in the public service and private establishment because presidents in Zambia and Africa as a whole have too much powers than state institutions.”

He said there was need for people to be investigated while in office.

Mtayachalo said it is not right to only pursue people after they have left even when the law backs investigators.

“Some Presidents in Africa have abused their powers by abrogating their constitutions with impunity but go scot-free until when probably they leave office, which in my view, undermines the fight against corruption and good governance. Unless if they can be investigated and prosecuted while holding office like the way it is civilised societies then we shall be moving in the right direction, but this can only be realised when we build strong and independent state institutions of good governance failure to which we shall continue to change governments frequently,’’ said Mtayachalo. ‘’But we shall be singing the same song even fifty years from now and we shall continue taking former presidents and former leaders to various courts of law which is costly and time consuming because white collar crimes are highly sophisticated. That’s why you will never hear the President of USA or UK just to mention but a few saying they will fight corruption because it is not their roles but it’s the role of institutions which our friends have built to do their job they were created while politicians preoccupy themselves in governing the country.”


  1. We’re are in a terrible situation. Much as we might say instructions come from State House, individual officers should act professionally and stand up to the nonsensical instructions coming from the so-called above. What is the point of going for training when you don’t even apply what you learned. You are better off employing someone from a bus station.

  2. Most politicians mistakenly believe that if they influence law enforcement agencies then they’re being powerful. What they actually do is to weaken themselves. They leave themselves so vulnerable that the moment they’re out of office they’re lame ducks. So nowadays when you accept an appointment as Minister, PS or any senior service position you’re a sure candidate for prison. The same way those in the PF are facing the Law is what most of those serving now will go through. It’s a vicious cycle and it’s very unfortunate. So secure your future by not being involved with such vices, you never know may our next President will be a Chainama case he’ll ensure that many of you are behind bars

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