Saturday, July 27, 2024

Itawa Flats Ndola Residents Protest over alleged Brutality by some Somali Nationals


Residents of Ndola’s Itawa Council Flats on the Copperbelt today staged a protest over alleged brutality by some Somali nationals in the neighbourhood.

The residents have complained some Somali nationals occupying the Itawa flats especially have been mistreating them for a long time.

This follows a matter in which a taxi driver identified, as Joseph Sauti got assaulted and had his car windscreen smashed by a woman of Somalian origin identified as Hodan Abdiwoxin.

Mr. Sauti is reported to have been beaten by some people hired by Honey’s husband after he asked for his payment from the said woman upon reaching her home.

According to the taxi driver ( Joseph Sauti), the couple booked him from Masala to the industrial area for hours. Surprisingly upon reaching at their flats, the couple gave him a K100 instead of the K250 they agreed upon.

He said after querying why he was not given the K250 as agreed, the woman threatened to kill him and after which her husband pulled out a extra K50 which he gave him.

Mr. Sauti adds that upon noticing that her husband had given him the extra amount, Ms. Abdiwoxid started chasing him so that she could get back the K50.

He said after running away, Mr Abdiwoxid resorted to getting stones which she used to smash Mr. Sauti’s car.

Meanwhile, Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer, Sharon Zulu said police have since arrested the suspect whose real name is Hodan Abdiwoxin and charged her with malicious damage to property.

“ Initially, Abdiwoxin had reported the matter to Masala police station that she was assaulted by a person she could easily identify if seen, “ said the Commanding Officer.

Ms. Zulu has disclosed that after seeing that she had committed an offence, the woman rushed to Masala police station to report that she had been assaulted.

Surprisingly her Station learnt that a similar report of a report of malicious damage was also reported at Ndola Central Police Station against the complainant in the Assault case.

Meanwhile, the residents have expressed disappointment in the manner police had initially handled the matter.

Miriam Masuwa said when the matter was reported to Masala police station about the taxi driver being beaten and have his windscreen broken, officers paid attention to the Somalian woman and chased the taxi driver.


  1. There’s no other country in the world where a foreigner can do that and get away with it. Wake up Zambians !!! Bragging of being friendly people simply means being docile.

    • Do you want us to go and beat them up? Your post advocates for some savage solution you have seen from some savages in other countries. Thats uncivil. Try and crusade for the law to take its course.

    • @Amenso Yabili, no one is advocating a savage solution, don’t read between the lines. You need anenso Yabili to read properly. You seem to be bitter and illogical. Zambia has so many laws to protect it’s citizens, so no one needs to do anything savage

  2. If this criminal behaviour has been going on for a while and the police have not done anything to resolve matters – not surprising then, that, residents are protesting. People don’t tend to protest over one incident. It’s this sort of conduct which makes our authorities appear to be overlooking foreign nationals’ bad behaviour at Zambians’ expense. As a guest, you should respect your hosts and live within the law.

    #plant a tree please.

  3. Don’t believe everything people say. Those are frustrated upnd thugs who believe they deserve those flats to themselves. We have had somalies there for many years without issue, so why should that change now when upnd are in power. Fuseke

  4. @1 – docile is too mild. More like doormats – being trodden on daily, in your own home! How sad.

  5. Do you want us to go and beat them up? Your post advocates for some savage solution you have seen from some savages in other countries. Thats uncivil. Try and crusade for the law to take its course.

    • You can’t fix stupidity. If you can’t stand up and defend yourself as a people, you are not worth being called a people. Violence begets violence. How do you allow a foreigner to beat you in your own country? “That’s uncivil” are you in kindergarten? Idi0t!

    • July 10, 2022 At 11:27 am
      Some of you like coming here just to insult others. Odiiiot ideot everyday. I think Zambia needs a bigger psychiatric hospital cos people are really mentally ill. They vent by insulting those who they don’t even know. Be careful So many are posting anonymously. this is the internet age. Babies and grandparents are all bloggers. You will insult your parents

  6. Somalis are some of the worst people’s to live with…………..

    They stick to themselves , very warlike and in large support all forms of criminality……

    • A somali woman refused you there abroad. So you are now angry and hating on them . I have mingled with somali women and they are very beautiful inside and out.

  7. @Amenso Yabili, no one is advocating a savage solution, don’t read between the lines. You need anenso Yabili to read properly. You seem to be bitter and illogical. Zambia has so many laws to protect it’s citizens, so no one needs to do anything savage

    • But you are. In your initial post you equate Zambians ‘friendliness’ to docility. You obviously want Zambians to be belligerent. You have nt offered what’s called progressive criticism like asked for police to be efficient

  8. Most Somalians aren’t normal, especially the women. They exhibit some violent mental disorder. Maybe it’s because they are circumcised. Stop FGM

  9. Our Somalian brothers and sisters are just ok don’t judge a whole community because of the alleged actions of a few. In this case you are innocent until proven guilty and don’t forget that most taxi drivers are a serious nuisance both on the road and in their behaviour towards most of their customers.

    • Thank you my brother for a sober assessment that is severely lacking here. These are the same people who will cry racism when
      a black man is assaulted by white police who think all blacks are criminals. But here they are painting all Somalis with one brush! And doing it without quoting any evidence. It’s just from stereotyping or blind hate

  10. But you are. In your initial post you equate Zambians ‘friendliness’ to docility. You obviously want Zambians to be belligerent. You have nt offered what’s called progressive criticism like asked for police to be efficient.

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