Saturday, July 27, 2024

Emulate Mahatma Gandhi, Nalumango tells political players


Vice President Mutale Nalumango has counselled Zambian politicians to desist from engaging in confrontational politics and the pursuit of personal boasting but instead emulate Mahatma Gandhi’s simplicity and non-violence style of doing things.

Ms. Nalumango says pursuing confrontational and violent politics does not add value to economic growth, meaning and purpose to one’s contribution to humanity.

The Vice President said contemporary leaders must desist from egoistic politics of personal boasting but should rather engage in politics of purpose and selfless service to the people they lead, to build a united, peaceful, just and prosperous society.

Ms. Nalumango said the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi still remain deeply relevant in the Zambian political landscape.

She noted that Mahatma Gandhi played a crucial role in Zambia’s liberation through the influence he had on First President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda and other liberation heroes and Heroines.

“He led a political life of non-violence, a peaceful one, we also get from our founding fathers back home the simplicity of life, the simplicity of life that Mahatma Gandhi lived,” said Ms. Nalumango.

Ms. Nalumango said  when she visited the Raj Ghat, Mahatma Gandhi’s tomb in New Delhi,  to pay homage to one of India’s founding Father Mahatma and political icon who she described as a great man.

“Remembering the great man you were. How you influenced my leader Kenneth Kaunda to lead Zambia through a peaceful struggle which led to the independence of Zambia. Peace remains in India, Zambia and the entire world” reads Ms. Nalumango’s message in the visitor’s book at the Mahatma Gandhi mausoleum.

The Vice President said posterity demands that society should love and emulate great men like Mahatma Gandhi who have left an indelible mark on society and the globe.

“It’s my prayer that the leaders of our nation be able to emulate such people because they will be remembered,” said Ms. Nalumango.

She also paid tribute to the Indian community and businesses and those that have become Zambian citizens for playing a cardinal role in the country’s economy.

“Zambians of Indian origin are very vibrant and very strong participants of our economy, infact they keep our economy going” said Ms. Nalumango.

The Vice President was accompanied to the tomb of Mahatma Gandhi by her Permanent Secretary for Administration Lilian Kapusana and her counterpart for Resettlement Mervis Nkomeshya, and other senior government officials from Zambia and India.

Ms. Nalumango is in New Delhi where she attended the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) EXIM Bank India Africa Growth Partnership Conclave from July 19 to 20.

The Vice President used the occasion to market Zambia to over 600 African government and business representatives and about 500 local Indian firms.


  1. Unfortunately Mahatma Gandhi was a Racist who looked down on Black Africans when he lived in South Africa many years ago.
    People should read & inform themselves as there’s no excuse for ignorance in this day & age of digital information. Anyone doubting this, as they say “Google is your friend” Check out Mahatma’s racist attitude towards Black people. Ine napita!

  2. Unfortunately M@hatma Gandh1 was a R@cist who looked down on Black Afric@ns when he lived in S0uth Africa many years ago.
    Pe0ple should read & inf0rm themselves as there’s no excuse for ignorance in this day & age of digital information. Anyone d0ubting this, as they say “G00gle is your friend” Check out M@hatma’s r@cist attitude towards Bl@ck people. Ine napita!

  3. This woman is an embarrassment. She is shielding upnd cadres involved in the fertiliser corruption scandal. Emulate the words your president uses. And also buy a better wig. Not looking like the female version of katuka

  4. Ala mayo don’t connect Zambians of Indian origin with Gandhi. If they are contributing to development praise them not Gandhi. In Ghana students removed Ghandi’s statues go ask yourself why


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