Thursday, September 12, 2024

PF supporters have show up at the DEC HQ to offer support to the former first lady


Despite the warning by the Inspector General of Police Lemmy Kajoba to people planning to meet at Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) to offer solidarity to former first lady Esther Lungu who has been summoned to appear before the commission, Patriotic Front (PF) Members of the Central Committee (MCC) have showed up at the DEC HQ in a quest to offer support to the former first lady.

PF Deputy for Information and Publicity Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba noted that the directive given by the Police IG is illegal and against the constitution of Zambia as people have freedom of association, assembly and can express themselves.

“So, when orders are illegal, you ignore them and that’s what we have done,” he said

Amb. Mwamba has since appealed to the Police IG to be professional and respect fundamental rights of people and ensure that he moves away from what Zambians condemned which is Police brutality, abuse of state institutions and the Police to operating professionally.

He added that the PF party announcing a peaceful presence at DEC HQ should not worry the Police because no one will get violent unless it’s the Police themselves who will get violent.

“They have not allowed us in, I have tried three entrances but to no avail and I introduced myself but they have still stopped me like am harmful or carrying any weapons, so why are they stopping me?” he stated

Zambia Police getting ready to manage the crowd escorting first former first lady Esther Lungu
Zambia Police getting ready to manage the crowd escorting first former first lady Esther Lungu

He noted that when Hon. Kampyongo former Home Affairs Minister and the former Police IG Kaganja offered a similar directive to President Hichilema, he didn’t listen, neither did he obey the orders and instructions.

“President Hichilema boasts that he has brought freedom of expression and freedom of assembly, so he wants to repeat what he used to condemn or does he what to apply vengeance because for me this is a very simple matter as I have the right to association,” he said

Amb. Mwamba cited that the huge mobilisation of the Police, closure of the road is a huge expense and big inconvenience to people, as it has even caused a traffic jam.

He stated that the Police have probably spent more money in the huge mobilization than the value of the flats they are investigating.

He said that as MCC they felt duty bound to go and offer solidarity to the former first lady as they do not believe the charges that have been offered on the former first lady on the issue of 15 flats.

He added that seeing the declarations by ordinary Members of Parliament who have assets worth 35 million of Kwacha, it’s no doubt that a woman of caliber like the former first lady whose been married to a very successful lawyer for many years, a Minister for 5 years and a President for 7 years could fail to build 15 flats.

“Ordinary people even you journalists have flats, so what about a former first lady,” he said

Zambia Police getting ready to manage the crowd escorting first former first lady Esther Lungu
Zambia Police getting ready to manage the crowd escorting first former first lady Esther Lungu

Amb. Mwamba holds that what is happening is mere persecution of the first family, the DEC and other law enforcement agencies have not found any case warranting even this process, this is therefore a huge witch hunt to divert the country from what is cardinal to attend to the issue of economy in the country, cost of living, and lack of employment.

“They still haven’t bought fertilizer and this is July, the PF would deliver fertilizer by May, this is government is still struggling to procure fertilizer,” he said

And Charity Kapona a Member of Central Committee (MCC) noted with concern as to when offering solidarity became a crime in Zambia because as MCCs we have the right to follow and support the former first lady so as for her to see that she has fellow women who are daughters and sisters and care for her.

“President Hichilema himself said he will give people the freedom of speech, that’s why we are here and not harmful we just want to support our mother, for this is a woman who has been the wife of the President for many years,” she said

“We have told our youths not to come in numbers and stay where they are,” she said

She cited that such a move is very discouraging to women to take part in politics because being a woman in politics will make people call you all sorts of names, as women are usually insulted, disrespected, intimidated and victimized, which is not supposed to be the case because women are needed to speak out.

PF supporters offering solidarity to the first lady
PF supporters offering solidarity to the first lady


  1. You cannot stifle the support of the masses for a great woman and family. This is a sign that pf is coming back in 2026. This scares hh because he knows what awaits him after 2026. We thank God for protecting mama Esther. God bless


    • Arrest that criminal opportunist because she took advantage of unguarded government reserves under the biased control of dishonest Lungu. Lungu gave Ester the keys of the state volt and, the criminal wife appropriated (stole) too much money without being controlled whilst ordinary Zambians were wallowing in abject poverty. It is criminal to let her go and the so-called solidarity will not have any bearing on the merits of the case itself. It is long overdue because justice was delayed and, Ester Lungu must be quickly tried by an impartial judge president and incarcerated as soon as possible. Afterwards, the convicted Ester must testify against trial awaiting Lungu, a seasoned crook, then the two convicted offenders must share a family suite at Chimbokaila Maximum Security Prison. We have…

    • When you pay people K100 each to carry out a task, best believe they will carry it out. So when you think that this is indicative of what is obtaining on the ground, you are deluded. Indeed, Zambians are frustrated with the current standard of living in the country, however, this does not translate into goodwill for the PF. Zambians are about done with the PF.

  2. She is more popular than mutinta hichilema. What do you expect? You cannot keep a great woman down

  3. Poor People,,,,showing support,,,,this is insanity….that is stolen money stop supporting criminality….PF NEEDS TO BE DISBANDED….AM NON PARTISAN

  4. “……..successful lawyer for many years, a Minister for 5 years and a President for 7 years could fail to build 15 flats…….”

    Stop talking………..

    Lungu could not even afford presidential nomination fees at one point……….

    He declared only k1.8 million when he ran the first time, ………

    He came with almost zero assets. Let him tell us what kind of business he had………

  5. Corruption is corruption, regardless of who is doing it, man or woman. Being a President’s wife doesn’t mean someone cannot be corrupt. How many Presidents and their wives have been corrupt across Africa? Plenty of them. Not saying former first lady is guilty of corruption. But, like any other Zambian citizen, she has to account for her source of income for the properties she built. No one is above questioning, or above the law. If the properties were built with clean money, then she has nothing to fear.

  6. The madness from Emmanuel mwamba is worrying, can sa sane person surely surely equate the cost of those luxury flats to police operational allowances?

  7. I think Emmanuel “Tombolilo” Mwamba has gone mad in the head, ati even after I introdcuced myself they still refused to let me in. Wena uzisunge, ugainiza ati DEC ni toilet ya anyoko to even try accessing three gates! Unless you were stealing together with Esther Lungu, then you can join in, but not before then.

  8. You can move freely outside the DEC offices like you have been allowed to do but to enter the DEC yard is the prerogative of DEC. Not anyone is allowed to enter anyhow even on a normal day when there is no one being questioned.

  9. My take is that law enforcement agencies should stop inviting suspects for interviews. A suspect has no duty to help the police or other law enforcement agencies with their investigations. The so-called “call out” is a sham and should be ignored.

    Once you’re done with your investigations you can move in to effect an arrest. But don’t expect a suspect to assist you gather evidence against him. After all, the Constitution guarantees the right to remain silent.

    • Its stupid. They should do their investigations and then catch the suspect unawares not invite them. Invite them? so they can prepare answers? All the books I have read about detectives like Hercule Poirot they never do that. Mafutu sure ba DEC

  10. This Mwamba is a useless hypocrite and a definition of what is wrong with our politics. He is a waste of space and publicity happy for nothing, he thinks Zambia belongs to him alone, always in the news speaking absolute nonsense. We would have applauded you if you PF criminals and Gangsters did what you were telling HH to do and that is not to go with his supporters to Police Headquarters, we would have respected you Pf fools but you did exactly what you didn’t want him to do, what hypocrisy. Mwamba in what year did you learn that mobilizing Police is costly, did your corrupt, incompetent, thieving and violent Lungu use stones to mobilise and organise Police when Kasongo and Nsama were killed. By the way you are next, how did you acquire those flats in Bonaventure Area? Zambia is the…

  11. Confucius once said, “In a country that is well-governed, poverty is a source of shame, however, in a country that badly governed, wealth is a source of shame and embarrassment.” This explains why many wealthy people hide their money here.

  12. Only Christian country in the world where suspected criminals are glorified, worshipped and emulated by their members and supporters. In the western world leaders are rarely escorted by their political cadres when they are suspected of committing crime, Zambia has no values not even bad ones.

  13. 1. Historically, those who have face a Call-Out by the DEC or Police have had their cases against them fall flat. Call-Out is mostly used to blow the trumpet by the police so you face public persecution/prosecution and often to humiliate you. If these guys have tangible evidence, they could have charged her by now. That said she has to explain herself, where she got the money and the circumstances how she got the money.

  14. The trouble with most wealth in Zambia, it’s created overnight as if by magic. An ordinary individual snapping up a government job will suddenly start acquiring property worth millions of kwacha and you think, how was that possible. Without much money saved…(as it’s near impossible to save on the pay most Zambians get…right?) how do you explain your quick change of fortune? The people just want answers – don’t get upset, cooperate and prove you truthfully earned the money!

    #plant a tree please.

  15. 2. In Zambia, often court cases that are based on circumstantial evidence fall flat due to prosecution lawyers failing to paint a clear picture pointing on the accused. Too many times the accused walks away free. Our security / investing forces are not good at collecting and following the tracks of evidence. They are lazy and lack *resources. So, they count on intimidations and confessions. Often it does not work to those who can afford a good lawyer, which makes the fight against corruption a joke. Besides, those fighting corruption are also very corrupt. Its a rat race.

  16. Arrest that criminal opportunist because she took advantage of unguarded government reserves under the biased control of dishonest Lungu. Lungu gave Ester the keys of the state volt and, the criminal wife appropriated (stole) too much money without being controlled whilst ordinary Zambians were wallowing in abject poverty. It is criminal to let her go and the so-called solidarity will not have any bearing on the merits of the case itself. It is long overdue because justice was delayed and, Ester Lungu must be quickly tried by an impartial judge president and incarcerated as soon as possible. Afterwards, the convicted Ester must testify against trial awaiting Lungu, a seasoned crook, then the two convicted offenders must share a family suite at Chimbokaila Maximum Security Prison. We have…

  17. Whenever you people are talking about overnight wealth, don’t forget about how HH got rich. Can HH provide records that he sold animals and transfer the proceeds to Panama? How does helping foreigner companies get Zambians assets cheaply different from the kick backs ministers get from government tenders? Which ever way you want to look at it or mislead Zambians that UPND is cleaner than PF, its only people who refuse to think who can fall for that. 3 Months in government UPND had a $50million fertiliser scandle, next Kakubo with Sinamo, next Kabwe central overpriced projects. Infact HH himself said PF is teaching his ministers how to do corruption, really? Politicians are the same MMD, PF, UPND etc that’s why they increase their salaries when masses are suffering. So let us be…

  18. The truth is that some of us got brown envelopes to go and show moral support to the former first lady…I just hope the ward in chapani also shared the goodies given by bossman…

  19. The argument about how HH become rich is a tired and dead one, you fools who still peddle it must be ashamed of yourselves. You used it against him and we still did not buy it and we voted against your criminal and Gangster Pf, it was anything else but PF criminals. The PF Government had ten years to prosecute and jail him. Concerned Zambian above you explain to us how a private citizen can sell Government Assets. Also, tell us the name of the Mine, where it is and the amount at which it was sold. We are tired of this cheap shot at HH find other arguments.

  20. You journalists better stop creating ridiculous titles for your newsmakers. Kacha ya chizungu yamene tikopa it only allows for uniformed forces, church and certain Academics to carry titles with their names but in Zambia you have ambassadors struggling for recognition by trade, engineers wanting to be identified. Should we call Me as Accountant musokotwane and the minibus crew as Conductor Mvula and driver Mulowa? And Journalist Malupenga. How ridiculous!

  21. A lawyer of many years does not equal a successful lawyer…a successful lawyer does not steal monies of a widow.. he/she cannot fail to pay the presidential nomination fee…he/she will not dance ridiculously on the podium..and chant a ka saka using public funds…he will not had a hoard of damzels at his wake and all….the legal professional is a noble one is calls for a particular posture in and out side the public eye….

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