Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia’s current economic situation is bad, inflation rate is not a sign of economic improvement


Socialist Party Member of the National Mobilization Committee Frank Bwalya has rated Zambia’s current economic situation as bad. Mr. Bwalya, who is on a branch formation drive in Copperbelt Province, said many Zambians are not affording basic things such as food and bus fares.

He said the recent improvement in the national inflation rate is not a sign of economic improvement. Featuring on SUN FM Radio in Ndola, Mr. Bwalya said low inflation rate does not translate into reduced goods and services and emphasised that real economy is about affording food.

“The current economic situation in the country is bad and it is in the public domain. I will give this example of a church service that I attended on Sunday. I knew that attending that church service, the platform that was given was not supposed to be a political platform and that I wasn’t there to politic but politicians should speak about the struggles of the people, the disappointments and so on. And I struggled to find what to say in that church service because a platform was given to speak to the people but as I was sitting there praying, the choir sang a song ‘Tulefuluka Kenani’ mu Calo tamuli insansa. We are missing the land of Canaan, there is no happiness in the country, and there is no happiness in the land,” Mr. Bwalya said.

“That is an economic statement and it perfectly reflects what is happening in the country. Everywhere you go that is what is happening, the people are missing a situation where they can afford what Canaan represents. People are looking for a situation where they can afford a bus fare. People are looking for a situation where drivers, RTSA, the government and all stakeholders would be able to come to a round table, speak sense and ensure that those of our brothers and sisters who are running buses are able to be assisted to run their business smoothly. Not this unpredictability that we are seeing in the economy. Today you increase fuel, before people even realise this change has happened and then there is a small reduction. You increase by K5; you reduce by K3, very unpredictable that is in my view what can accurately describe the economic situation not only on the Copperbelt but in Zambia as a whole,” he said.

Mr. Bwalya added:”When we now zero in to the Copperbelt, there are certain factors of course that we may need to look at that may not apply to other areas. The Copperbelt as you know very well, this has been a mining province. That is why it is called Copperbelt. Not so much mining in Ndola but Ndola has benefited for many years from what has been happening on the Copperbelt. When you go to Luanshya, I was in Luanshya yesterday (Tuesday), I was told after a meeting with our members, this man tells me ba Father kabiyenifye mu market mulya.”

“People still call me Father (laughs) but they know very well that I am no longer a Catholic Priest, a serving Catholic Priest of course I was validly ordained and some people say once a Priest always a Priest but I want to make it clear that I don’t hang on to that title and maybe for political reasons or whatever I have made it clear and I am sure many people do see what is on my finger (wedding ring) that kwalibako bamo ku ng’anda. So this man says to me ba Father, ba Bwalya nga mwayafye mu market umuntu aleya amilombe 50 Ngwee. Nomba 50 Ngwee finshi wingashitamo? And said this is the situation kuno ku Luanshya. There is no economic activity to talk about.”

“When we talk about the real economy, the production of goods and services. When you talk about the real economy, ubunonshi bwa Calo bwaba mu mpoto (the real economy is in a cooking pot). When we talk about issues of inflation and so on. These are issues that can be tinkled here and there. They don’t practically reflect what would be happening on the ground,” Mr. Bwalya said.


  1. This chap enjoyed himself in Oz at taxpayers expense for the last 3 years now he is a socialist just like that!

  2. The prodigal Faza.
    One day he will return to the Papa and ask for forgiveness for wandering to a far off country of politics away from his sacerdotal home.

  3. Mr. Bwalya, we heard you.
    The same songs sung by all politicians, the simplest or easiest thing thing for you to do is to CRITICIZE, but from what rantings, there are no solutions whatsoever. How do you explain yourself from being a member of the far right party (PF) to suddenly being a Socialist?
    In addition, from above and I quote ” You increase by K5; you reduce by K3, very unpredictable that is in my view what can accurately describe the economic situation not only on the Copperbelt but in Zambia as a whole,” end quote.
    Surely, there is something missing in your understanding of how market economy works. Your Party does NOT have resources to run a government.

  4. Zambia is in stress state partly because of waisting money on hopless people like you in Australia………..

    All you showed zambia was your wedding photos ………..

    You archived nothing tangible for the nation in a very rich country…………

  5. Frank bwalya has been suffering ever since being fired from his cushy job in Australia so whatever he is talking applies to him personally.

  6. Ba LT and your fellow Zambian journalists mulibakapatulula sana.
    You call someone by the title Ambassador Mwamba but this one you refer to him as Mr. Are these titles reserved for your favorite news sources?

    • That’s because that Mwamba is called Ambassdor by his friends at the pub…that’s how riducluous it looks when I read Amb Mwamba even this boy Bwalya deserves to be called Amb..really laughable.

    • Obviously not meant for me as I do not speak this language; nor would I try to impose my own language on people who are not interested in speaking or learning it

  7. Whether ba Frank Bwalya the momad likes it or not,he is partly to blame for the economic mess this country is in right now,PF appointed him to that nice diplomatic job in Australia and he was quietly enjoying himself with his new wife.Now that he is back and jobless,he jumps onto the socialist party bandwagon…… why did you not condemn the PF government for over borrowing and corruption ????
    Please let Bally and his team fix our economy…..Zambian are very alert now for tu ma fake politicians like Frank Bwalya and his fake president Fred……in fact both of them got us into this mess by supporting PF.

  8. Be careful my brother. Hh and upnd are threatened by any opposition. Look what they did to my father’s house ecl when he was away. How do they Rob a former head of state. They are disgusting thugs

    • Kaizar Zulu, because you come from thieves, you think everyone is such a thief, that they would rob the worst thief Zambia has ever had for president; one who started by looting his own law client of $40, 000 and ended up engineering the looting of the country of US $30 billion- HH does not steal. He comes from a different mold, where you work hard for what you have

  9. Just sit down if you don’t understand Economics. This course is taught in higher Institutions of Learning (Tertiary).

  10. With the improving exchange rate and its projection to strengthen even further between end Aug and September and beyond, expect the cost of living crisis to ease up. Zambia is a net importer. HH is primed to outperform his predecessors and will only be comparable to Levy. Of course the ZMW will not get back to single digits because time has passed but it will hover around K14.5/US$ to K15/US$.

  11. Reading the stupidity of regular bloggers here , you know their names. I am not coming to Zed to sit with fools who are incapable of a mature debate except insults. I wish 2026 was around the corner so that we can kick this gabament out and silence the dander heads here. They crave for nothing but revenge !!!!. You cannot run a nation like that. No wonder most intelligents, the likes of me (not boasting but reality) stay in the diaspora. Better to be insulted by a white man here who gives me prestigious job and promotes me based on my capabilities than by a fellow Zambian who has nothing to offer me, except insults.

    • UPND vuvuzelas are always there to insult anything that does not favour them, it is ironic that they were very critical in opposition and now that they’re the ruling party they are resenting and are intolerant to criticism……it’s a shame indeed.

  12. Disgruntled priest, he misled many people and we need to be wary of him. This chap was in Australia enjoying life and was very quiet until he was recalled and given a some reasons to start uttering puke.

  13. Makes me wonder why Zambians tolerate such misinformation. The guy does not even understand how economies work. Being a fake diplomat does not make him smart. He is a liar and should be in Jail. These f.ools stole a lot under Lungu’s watch.

  14. Whatever the case things are very expensive and nothing is being done to mitigate the harsh economic conditions as it the poor who are suffering and not those enjoying tax-payers of the government. When one is in govt criticism will always be there and if you’re not ready to bear the burden of criticism. UPND is not the first ruling party in Zambia so guys get over your honeymoon of election victory.

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