Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Hichilema’s record historical – Mutale


Former Muchinga Province Mayor and Provincial Patriotic Front(PF) Treasurer Thomas Mutale has hailed the United Party for National Development’s good governance record within one year in power.

Mr Mutale has also praised President Hakainde Hichilema for the various socio-economic developments that he has initiated just within one year as head of state.

Mr Mutale said in Chinsali today, that the UPND government under the leadership of President Hichilema has recorded a good number of developments in almost all the sectors of the economy.

He mentioned the provision of bursaries and scholarships through Constituency Development Fund (CDF) which he said has enabled many young people in the country and the province to access tertiary education.

Mr Mutale added that the free education and the employment of over 40 thousand Zambian citizens in both education and the health sectors is a milestone which the Zambian citizens should be proud of as it will remain a history in the country.

“For the first time in the country we have seen a huge recruitment of civil servants which has never happened with these other past governments since Zambia got independence,” Mr Mutale said.

The former Mayor added that in just one year, people’s lives have been changed in many ways.

He further challenged other political parties to emulate what the UPND has done saying politics of just talking should not be entertained instead politicians should focus on what the people want and implement various projects if they want to win the people’s hearts.


    • Nothing to you means something.U are pretending to be dull and blind not to see all what the UPND and president HH has done. To you unless if it was gassing people,cadreism,corruption etc then you could have said they are doing something. You better go hang yourself nechinkonko.

      Walamwenako muli ku wire ba PF with your father.

    • Within the first year of PF, the country had borrowed and plundered USD 1 billion from the capital markets with nothing to show people in the villages. Not even taking them to school. By next year, all the constituencies will have too much funds such that even idle minds like yourself will have no choice but to be creative and see how you can LEGALLY benefit from the funds…Let’s go Bally!! That’s how you put more money in people’s pockets, not the PF way of plunder and stealing by cadres…

  1. This is a sensible and imtellegent article.
    One of the best I’ve seen in your newspaper. Unlike the usual garbage from bush doctor Fred or the guy with the Irish name Sean

  2. If all Zambians can work with this GRZ untill atleast 2025, hand in hand………

    Zambia would record remarkable progress in development……..

    • Spaka

      So what are you doing, just sitting 24/7 just vomiting nonsense on lusakatimes, claiming UK Un-Employment Benefits and spilling your frustration about your life which everyone can see. You are in UK and failing to use your position to develop Zambia, but just waiting for HH

  3. @Uwakwisano. The ‘New Dull’ government has borrowed close to a $bn dollars in the first year. What do they have to show for it? Tell us here right now since you forward chaps are seeing things we are not.


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