Saturday, July 27, 2024

ECZ Rejects nomination of PF candidate Bowman Lusambo


The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has rejected the nomination papers for former Kabushi Member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo on the basis that he does not qualify to recontest the Kabushi seat that was nullified by the Constitutional Court citing to Article 72 (4) of the Constitution of Zambia Amendment Act No. 2 of 2016.

The ECZ Officials at the nomination center for Kabushi Constituency informed Mr Lusambo that his nomination is invalid and any questions henceforth should be addressed to the Courts of Law.

The officials further urged Mr Lusambo to desist from causing any form of violence outside the nomination center premises.

Speaking after his rejected nomination, Mr Lusambo who’s commonly known as the Bulldozer stated that the game is till on until his face is found on the ballot paper, because the ECZ is not the final institution to make a final decision as there are institutions in the country such as the Courts of Law.

“There will be no election in Kabushi Constituency without his face “Bowman the Bulldozer” appearing on the ballot paper and God is his witness,” he mentioned

“We have just come from the Courts and the Court did not disqualify anyone,” Mr Lusambo stated

Mr Lusambo added that despite today being the last day to file nominations, he is confident that everything will be fine as the anointing of God is upon him.

“I will come back, we are ready for them, and am inviting that person whose fearing me so much, he knows himself let him come and stand in Kabushi,” he said

Yesterday the Electoral Commission of Zambia Corporate Affairs Manager Patricia Luhanga issued a statement stating the Commission’s position on the eligibility of candidates whose elections were nullified by the Constitutional Court and thereby causing vacancies in the National Assembly.

Ms Luhanga noted that the Commission’s stance was in accordance with the nominations currently taking place today Thursday the 25th of August, 2022.

Ms Luhanga cited that the Commission in line with Article 72 (4) of the Constitution of Zambia Amendment Act No. 2 of 2016 will therefore, not accept nominations from any candidates who caused a vacancy in the National Assembly.

“Article 72 (4) of the Constitution of Zambia Amendment Act No. 2 of 2016 states that (2) The office of a Member of Parliament becomes vacant if member; (h) is disqualified as a result of a decision of the Constitutional Court; (4) A person who causes a vacancy in the National Assembly due to the reasons specified under clause (a), (b), c, d, g, and h shall not, during the term of that Parliament (a) be eligible to contest an election,” she cited

She added that Electoral stakeholders should take note that the above position relates to the National Assembly elections and not the Local Government elections.

Ms Luhanga said that the Commission is urging stakeholders to acquaint themselves with the two recent judgments and the Constitutional Provisions on eligibility of candidates who caused a nullification or a vacancy in the National Assembly.

Meanwhile, the Law Association of Zambia President Lungisani Zulu said that the with the ongoing debate surrounding the eligibility of former Kabushi Member of Parliament Mr Lusambo and the former Kwacha Member of Parliament Mr Malanji to re-contest their seats that were nullified by the Constitutional Court last month, the Association has felt statutorily bound to offer its understanding of the law.

Mr Zulu stated that eligibility to stand as a Member of Parliament is provided for under the Constitution of Zambia and adherence to the provisions of the Constitution affects the rule of law and it is for this reason and in light of the extended public interest that the Association has felt compelled to explain the law.

Mr Zulu explained that regarding eligibility following nullification of election as determined by the Constitutional court in the matter of Lusambo vs Kanengo and Anor (CCZ/A 19 of 2021) [20221 ZMCC 13 (28 July 2022), the question of whether a person can re-contest is dependent on whether the courts not only nullify the seat but also disqualify a person in such a petition.

Furthermore, according to the Constitutional Court decision in The Law Association of Zambia vs The Attorney General 2021/CCZ/0051, where this issue was addressed, the Court stated that a nullification of a seat by the court is distinct and not the same thing as disqualification of a person.

“Our perusal of the decision in the Lusambo vs Kanengo case reveals that the court merely nullified the seat without disqualifying Mr Lusambo in the election petition,” he said

He added that LAZ has also noted the observations of the Constitutional Court in the Lusambo vs Kanengo case on the gaps or lacunae in the Constitutional provisions relating to Members of Parliament and re-echoes the call for Constitutional reforms to urgently address these to enhance their clarity.

Mr Zulu mentioned that as far as eligibility following nullification on the basis that one does not possess a grade 12 certificate as determined by the Constitutional Court in the matter of Joseph Malanji vs Charles Abel Mulenga and Electoral Commission of Zambia 2021/CCZ/A0021, the question of whether Mr Malanji can recontest is dependent on whether he possesses the minimum qualifications set in the Constitution at the time of nominations.

“Mr Malanji’s eligibility will therefore depend on whether he will adduce evidence that he possesses a Grade 12 certificate at the time of filing in of nominations,” he mentioned


  1. When our first republican president was technically barred from standing for elections in 1996, his party boycotted.
    When Kwacha and Kabushi candidates insisted on filing in, they were saying: there will be no election for our party if our candidates are disallowed.

  2. This is what happens when you make laws targeting to fix certain people. You end-up fixing yourself. So dance to the tune of your music, because it sounded good when you were making it. Now you have to listen and dance to it, after all it is your tune!

  3. Just who is running ECZ? It has no chair, vice-chair and CEO. It looks like UPND cadres are now in charge of ECZ. There is no democracy in Zambia any more. We are slowly descending into a banana republic. It is such a sham!

  4. This man called Lusambo is supposed to be in prison for murders, thefts and violent crimes he committed. Instead of showing his ugly criminal face on the streets.

  5. Ba PF don’t you have non corrupt people to rescue you: why use the Mr Lusambo who was found wanting? Limited options maybe…

    Ba chi tweba ba Kate ka benue, ati nga twa pwisha apa, ndefwaya muyambepo ku Ndola, nomba ine ndefwaya, heeeee eeee hee heeeee, Honalebo Koseni!!
    Haha ha ha……

  7. If I understand LAZ’s statement properly, it would appear that LAZ is actually saying that both Lusambo and Malanji are qualified to recontest their seats despite the fact that the Constitutional Court nullified their seats. This is because the Constitutional Court did not disqualify the two gentlemen from recontesting their seats in their judgements.

  8. Upnd are chickens. Scared of Lusambo out of their feathers. The guy hasn’t been nullified and he hasn’t yet been convicted of any offense so you can’t bar him from anything yet. I thought the election offers you a chance to crush him?

  9. They are making noise to gain sympathy………

    The law is the law , otherwise……….

    Let those 2 criminal suspects run in elections , if they win, highly unlikely………

    and anyone is unhappy, drag them to court again……….

  10. What a bunch of time wasters …can you imagine if their Bill 10 went through and they lost they elections…they would be crying all the way to the Polling Station. The Fixers are getting fixed at their own game!!

  11. What kind of leadership do they have at LAZ today? Another grade 7 like Malanji? How can he produce grade 12 documents today when he never had it for the courts or when filing for nominations for the last elections? Shouldn’t they even arrest him for forging a document that never existed in the first place? Ba LAZ ubukopo. That court cannot contradict itself as such. A month ago they nullified his elections due to not having a grade 12 certificate, and today LAZ is saying it depends? Depends on what? Forged documents? Fake grade 12. certificate? Get out of here LAZ!

  12. This is not the time of Sata where despite being a Grade 2 he was allowed to run for president where the minimum requirement is Form 5. Unless one’s problem is the Queen’s language itself, it’s hard to see how one can misinterpret Article 72 (4) of the Constitution of Zambia Amendment Act No. 2 of 2016. Maybe we need to translate it for Lusambo into Lamba and Mr Malanji into his native Ovimbundu from M’banza Kongo Province of Angola.

  13. Oh! Now I know the truth. This man Malanji is a refugee from Angola. With that money from oil, he can easily become a President. This is Zambia my friend. Like Lusambo said, “stealing from the poor means good leadership”.

  14. kubweku, are you the only jew in jerusalem who doesnt know the truth about nakachinda’s binoculars? the truth is that his binocula so outdated and so deffective that it cant help any normal human bein in seing any thing. It is for that reason that he ha failed to see the paragraphs in the consititution and help boman and joe. imagine , he couldnt even the bg camera pole to caution his driver.

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