Tuesday, January 21, 2025

HH directs that Flags fly at half-mast until Queen Elizabeth II is put to rest


President Hakainde Hichilema has directed that, as a mark of respect and in honour of Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth Il of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Head of the Commonwealth Group of Nations, all flags in the country should fly at half-mast, with effect from Sunday 11th September, 2022, until the day of the State Funeral of Her late Majesty.

In a statement to the media released by Cabinet office the Republic of Zambia will observe a Day of National Mourning on the day of the State Funeral of Her late Majesty, once announced.

Queen Elizabeth II, the UK’s longest-serving monarch, died at Balmoral aged 96, after reigning for 70 years.

The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon, the royal family has announced, plunging the nation into mourning.

Her family gathered at her Scottish estate after concerns grew about her health earlier on Thursday.

The Queen came to the throne in 1952 and witnessed enormous social change.

With her death, her eldest son Charles, the former Prince of Wales, will lead the country in mourning as the new King and head of state for 14 Commonwealth realms.

In a statement, Buckingham Palace said: “The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon.

“The King and the Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow.”

All the Queen’s children travelled to Balmoral, near Aberdeen, after doctors placed the Queen under medical supervision.

Her grandson, Prince William, is also there, with his brother, Prince Harry, on his way.

The flags in Downing Street were lowered to half mast at 6.36pm.

A period of national mourning is beginning, as tributes flood in from around the globe, hailing the Queen’s commitment to serving her country and the Commonwealth.

The new King releases a statement
A statement has just been issued by the Royal Family on behalf of Charles, the new King.

He writes: “The death of my beloved Mother, Her Majesty The Queen, is a moment of the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family.

“We mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished sovereign and a much-loved mother.

“I know her loss will be deeply felt throughout the country, the Realms and the Commonwealth and by countless people around the world.

“During this period of mourning and change, my family and I will be comforted and sustained by our knowledge of the respect and deep affection in which the Queen was so widely held.”



    We are waiting for the dum asses to come and argue about lowering a flag…………

    In theean time , much work to do…….

    • How low did the English lower their flags when Mwanawassa died? Why would you honour the death of someone who reigned over a country that brutalised and tried to obliviate you

    • HIS HEXCELLENCY! Typical House negro behaviour. Wanting to cry more than the master. Why are you overhonouring her when we have no ties with her? Britain is headed by a Prime Minister. The monarch is an archaic token head whom we acknowledged only under colonialism when her subjects were busy DISCOVERING us. Imagine! They discovered our most of tunya while we were sleeping.
      She plays no part in our independent state because she wont even give you the money you ironically beg for after Britain looted your minerals for free. It’s downing street that does.

    • Yaba a single upvote for this muzungu anikonde comment. Obviously coming from the author himself. Please Zedian society help this mentally enslaved nitwit realise his enforcement of his own enslavement

  2. Does Muppet Show still produce new series? How many Zambians Presidents have past on and have had Britain flags lowered? I wonder how many African black puppets are performing for their oppressors.

    • Here is one such dum ass who has come to argue about lowering a flag……….

      Oblivious to the fact zambia can not survive without donner aid in health and education……….

    • @Spaka, if you think Africans should just give in to any expectations, commands and demands from the West, just because the West gives aid to Africa, then you’re an ignoramus. That’s the thinking of a mentally colonized mind. While Africa is trying to do away with dependency on Western aid, you’re here promoting it. What the West gives in aid to Africa ( to continue controlling Africa) is nothing compared to how much they syphon out of Africa each year. France alone siphons $500 billion out of its economic colonies in West Africa. Wake the heck up. Stop being a house Negro.

    • @The Patriot. He doesnt know that its his money he is begging for. Britain is where it is because it stole money from all over the world, mostly from Africa and here is a house negro wanting to sympathise with his looter. Muzungu wanga all the time

    • I tried to upvote “The power of propaganda ” it wasn’t registering. Lt have blocked anti Queen upvotes. They are brainwashed

  3. For any African leader/citizen to honour the Queen and the Royal Institution is not only morally wrong but insulting to the very core of being African.
    Surely, the painful treatment over millennia, the de-humanization of black peoples, and the racism to mention painfully but a few wrongs inflicted on Africans by the Queen and the very Institution she headed is unforgivable. Surely, if there is a God out there, such people shouldn’t enter the heaven Realms!!

    • You are blogging from UK and now want to condemn. Come and settle in your village and develop it. If you were a President, you would have done the same. When Kaunda died, Queen Eliza issued a personal statement mourning KK and many other countries in the Commonwealth lowered the flags

    • So what if he is blogging from outside Buckingham Palace? He is entitled to his view its not s/he is free loading like the royal family…go to an Scotsman and ask them for their views you will surprised on the royal family you who had it worse who was robbed, raped, enslaved in your own land are still busy kissing the Queen’s brown ring.

    • So what if he is blogging from outside Buckingham Palace? He is entitled to his view its not s/he is free loading like the royal family…go to an Scotsman and ask them for their views you will surprised on the royal family you who had it worse who was robbed, r@ped, enslaved in your own land are still busy kissing the Queen’s brown ring.

    • *So what if s/he is blogging from outside Buckingham Palace? He is entitled to his view its not like s/he is free loading like the royal family…go to Scotsman and ask them for their views on the royal family you will surprised; you who have had it worse who was robbed, r@ped, enslaved in your own land are still busy kissing the Queen’s brown ring.

    • The reason why we hate the English is what they did in our country, and not so much what they did to us in theirs. The English could come to our a visit pain and suffering on us; steal our land, our minerals, and deprive us of African citizenship. Even though they were in our country, they did not feel any compulsion to love us. And yet today, you want to demand that a Zambian should love the English because he is in England? Would you like to effect that policy in Africa and eliminate all the white people in Africa who have so hated us that when they had power, they legislated that hate in the laws of apartheid, UDI and colonialism, and still practise that hate in our independent countries, on the enormous tracts of (our) land that they hold…

    • TO

      The royal establishment in the UK brings in hundreds of millions of pounds from tourists……….

      The Royal establishment also is used well before trade negotiations with other nations………

      It works well for the British……

    • Spaka – Where is this data that reflects that Royal family promotes tourism to Zambia …in anything you will find more tourists from Germany, Nordic countries than UK. Are you on income support in England? The average Joe in England detests the Royal family and what it stands for…they couldnt even accept Harry’s mixed race wi fe who are you?

    • TO

      you have not been to Londons Buckingham Palace have you ?

      Each day there are thousands to tourists…………..

      Touring UK without the obligatory photo of changing those guards at the Palace is a reality for all tourists…….

    • TO

      “….Are you on income support in England? The average Joe in England detests the Royal family and what it stands for…..”

      Your friends must be all tramps and junkies ………

    • Really laughable..some chaps you would be mistaken for thinking they maybe a 0.001% chance of them being mentioned in the Queen’s will or maybe a role in looking after the Queen’s beloved Corgi dogs.

    • Do you think the British would…?
      Take a look at this:
      Celtic fans’ ‘f*** the crown’ banner spotted in away end at Champions League game
      WARNING STRONG LANGUAGE: Celtic fans displayed a couple of banners referencing the death of Queen Elizabeth II ahead of their Champions League clash with Shakhtar

  4. Zambia lower the flags for the Queen of an empire that literally looted the African continent of its natural resources, precious artifacts, artworks, and arable land. Lower the flags…for an empire that killed millions of Africans across the continent. For what? Our founding father and freedom fighter, KK, when he passed last year, did the British lower the flags for him? We will mourn our own African queens. Let the British mourn their own queen.

    • Is this a joke or am I just having a bad dream….is HH being serious????…..this man is a sellout and this confirms just who he really is…very unpatriotic and its was wrong for Zambians to vote for such a traitor as a President…..ashamed to be Zambian by birth…..

  5. I totally agree with this move, well done President HH. KK himself was a great friend of the Queen, Mandela and before that Kwame Nkrumah too.
    Our historical ties with the Commonwealth are what bind us as a family of nations. It is very befitting that we honour HM Queen Elizabeth whose policies towards Zambia has seen many Zambians attain education, citizenship and work in the UK which has also benefited other people back home here in Zambia. I don’t care about the clowns who oppose everything, myself I will honour and mourn HM the Queen.

  6. What is wrong with African leaders…when their own Paramount Chief dies they dont even have a minute of silence for them? HH7 you think the Queen willing gave Zambia independence in that 70 year rule your people had to shed blood for that; stop this coonery, I hear there is national mourning in Zambia for 10 days what rubbish ..wake up from mental slavery ffs.

  7. Let HH go and lower the flag at his personal home where he live the so called Community House in New Kasama…leave the people of Zambia out of your nonsense. This is absolute coonery…please send some people to State House to educate this man on Pan Africanism.
    Wake up!!

  8. Very unpatriotic President..a big sellout no wonder he is now giving away our natural resources to the western world…..Zambians need to wake up HH has shown his true colors whatever he’s doing is not for the interest of Zambians….just for himself no wonder he is making loan stupiddd loan deals…..

    • Not according to the 2.8 million majority and growing who gave him the mandate………

      Only the ever shrinking clique think like that……….

  9. Our Presidents die…
    Our Kings die…but have you ever heard any Western World country lower their flag…..and for next 6 months I won’t be watching News on TV here in the USA because I know it will only be about the Makaka old hen so called queen….I will just be watching the weather on TV…finito…no news

  10. It’s rather embarrassing to be living in the west yet all you do is mourn about patronisim and being robbed by the west…………

    You are shames people with no pride…………

    Go back to zambia and develop the country instead of living in an inferior complex all your lives………

    • @10 Spaka, Human beings are free to live anywhere they like as long as they are happy and living there legally! That doesn’t mean they have to forget where they come from and does not mean they have no right to criticise what they don’t like! Even here, we have Europeans, Americans living here some of who make mockery of our lives but they live here and have not forgotten where they have cone from!! Yes we are part of the Commonwealth and have good diplomatic relations with the UK but believe me, even under KK who fiercely attacked the British and Americans over their policies in Southern Africa during apartheid, we were even more respected because we had a leader who reminded all the time about our independence and equality of human beings! We may the only country in Africa with the…

    • 10.3  Zedyatu

      The president is showing friendship and respect to the west by honoring the Queen………

      It looks foooolish to condem this attempt as a way of protesting past history ……….

      while you live in the west and enjoy the benefits of Western development………

      It’s bizarre that most of noise makers actually are enjoying western living and development, is it not ????

  11. Now everyone knows who really Spaka is……a useless morooon and very unpatriotic just supporting HH because he is his tribesman…..so the IMF deal was not even a deal at all….it was the lender dictating and telling HH to become one of the strongest Western puppets…the Westb has sensed danger because Majority of Africans now are pushing for Pan Africanism…..weak leader HH is just a demagogue and worst puppet of the West….Just go to the UK and ask the British if they even know a country called Zambia…..

    • Look at this useless used condom salosi…………

      Living and enjoying the west , shouting patronisim, the west this and that ………..

      yet the wanka can’t live in zambia……….

  12. Stop being childish and hypocritical.
    Just a few weeks ago you were celebrating Muzala Samukonga’s historic Commonwealth Games gold medal. Why did you not condemn him for participating in that sporting event.
    Queen Elizabeth was the Head of the Commonwealth and her government are the key funders of the Commonwealth as well the games.Zambia has been a member of that organization since independence.
    So lowering the flag is in order and sign of respect. Some Zambians are really silly.

  13. On November 25, 1969, John Winston Lennon of the iconic “Beatles Rock Band”, returned his (MBE) medal to Queen Elizabeth II, in protest against the central role played by the British during the Nigerian-Biafran Civil War & British support of America in Vietnam.

  14. To all those protesting lowering the flags because of past british wrongs ………..

    I suggest you first boycott using the English language………….???

    From now on blogg in your own language

    Let’s see how far your patronisim will go ??


    • Suddenly those protesting about lowering the flags in her honour have just realised that they actually use her language in their everyday lives…………


      That’s the best joke of the week…….

    • Spaka – What has language got to do with being against the monarchy or astrocracy? So all those Americans against the monarchy need to stop using English…you my friend are the joke of the day. This is pure coonery …I hope you attend the burial of your Queen in London.

    • Poor logic. If I’m against their queen I shouldnt speak their language? Where is it propounded? Oh I see perhaps it emanates from tribal fighting as this is one of the most primitive tribal warfare proponents here

  15. Spaka is a true reflection of inferiority complex and house negroeee mentality…I used to think he is a very Patriotic Zambian it turns out he only supports his small god demagogue makaka President HH….and just HH is his tribesman….that is wrong Mr Spaka chief Lumbani Madoda praise singer….be objective and what will happen when HH is no longer President in 2026….you will probably disappear on Lusaka Times kolweee iwe

  16. I have a lot of UPND good friends of mine based in Texas and they’re very disappointed with HH…and these are educated and very Patriotic Zambians not you useless keyboard warrior Spaka Lumbani Madoda chief praise singer

  17. At the end of the day………..

    You procrastinate all day about lowering a flag………..

    But the majority 2.8 million who voted for HH are too busy expecting important development to be delivered, than to argue about lowering flags………

  18. Too much miseducation among our people yesterday one blogger going by the name of Buckteeth Lungu responded to a blogger that the Cullinan Diamond on the Queen’s crown is from India….really laughable…little did he know that the stone, the 3,106.75 carats diamond was called Star of Africa to conceal its orgin his beloved British Royal family later changed the name to Culinan after Thomas Cullinan, the owner of the mine in RSA, They love your minerals but dont want to be associated with you by name because they detest you.

    • Buckteeth Lungu if there is a house nigg***r there is one. He thinks whites are Gods who never do anything wrong and we should therefore emulate. He knows zilch about African history and accepts what he is being told in America. He doesnt even know that the native Americans are not white.

  19. It becomes a problem when you start to think that royalty to the west is the key to your problems, brainwashed mentality is the waste kind of selvary

  20. I’m so happy that every post from Spaka has been overwhelmingly down voted. That means he is in a very tiny minority of mentally enslaved Africans in our country. I was really getting worried that Africa would get enslaved again with the help of such housenig**s

  21. There is nothing wrong with showing empathy at the death of the queen. It is actually being naive to want to criticize her and the monarch at this point. Let is not pretend to he wise by condemning the gesture of the Zambian govt. If we hate the monarch and the uk so much, let us boycott their relations completely.


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