Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND to politically deal with PF officials and members insulting President Hakainde Hichilema


Ruling UPND youths on the Copperbelt have threatened to politically deal with PF officials and members who are allegedly insulting President Hakainde Hichilema.

UPND Copperbelt Province deputy youth Chairperson Kangwa Kamando said his youth wing has stopped treating PF in a brotherly or sisterly way.

Speaking at a media briefing in Ndola on Friday morning, Mr. Kamando said UPND youths have a duty to protect and defend the ruling party and its leadership from any attacks.

He said the UPND have let the PF become big headed going to the extent of issuing derogatory remarks against the head of State.

“We are in politics and we are politicians and anyone who insults the president will be dealt with politically. That is how we are going to deal with them. We are going to deal with them politically. When we decided to forgive the PF it was not a sign of weakness. We beat PF when they had the police, when they had all the cadres, the NATO forces; we managed to beat them hands down. Now that we are in control, we decided to live with the PF like our brothers and sisters which has proved to be a problem now. So our brotherhood, our sisterhood with PF comes to an end today,” Mr. Kamando told journalists and party youths.

“One of our responsibilities as youths of the political party is to mobilise and protect the party. In this instance we have failed the party because online publications and PF members are insulting the President at will and we are watching. That watching has come to an end today. Those that are insulting the President will be dealt with by the Police; we will also deal with them in our own way.That should be very clear from today moving forward. He is not only the head of state but he is also a party president. As cadres we don’t run the government issues but we run the political party issues. UPND is our baby; it remains to be our baby. There has been a continuation in this party. Our first President the late Anderson Kambela Mazoka left this party to be run prudently. Even when the President (Hakainde Hichilema) runs his ten years in office, UPND will still remain here and we will have a new president afterwards,” Mr. Kamando added.

Mr. Kamando dared the PF that UPND were not afraid of anyone in the pending Kwacha and Kabushi by elections saying they can even field former President Edgar Lungu.

“So we need to guard and protect this party with jealousy because it is not meant to die after ten years. It is meant to live on. To provide the Zambian people with good governance and leadership which has been exhibited in UPND. Let me also make it clear, in Kwacha and Kabushi we are not afraid of anyone contesting. If they want they can bring Edgar Lungu to come and contest in Kwacha. But the truth of the matter is that the Zambian people have not forgotten what they went through under PF. PF are on top of their voices saying the President has not done anything to this country. That is what they are saying but if we would ask the PF as we go into this by election can we campaign the PF way. Ask any of them if they will agree to campaign their way. Even they are afraid of what they used to do. So as we move on, as we continue mobilizing and campaigning in Kabushi my instruction is that lets protect the party at all cost. We used to defend ourselves in opposition now that we are in ruling we need to protect the party. The party and its leadership is our responsibility, it is our baby,” Mr. Kamando said.

“So, as we go to mobilise in Kabushi and Kwacha put it in your head, the Copperbelt youths that we are in this political party to offer leadership and protection to its leadership. So, from today moving forward we have been sleeping for too long. We have let the PF become big headed, even going to the extent of calling the President ati banyala, that’s what one coloured boy from PF was saying and we are quiet. Chilufya Tayali can wake up and insult the President at will. Even a failed KBF (Kelvin Fube Bwalya) can come and say he sponsored the UPND. UPND had been in opposition from 1998. KBF two-weeks into the party he says he sponsored the party? Huh, what sort of nonsense is that? So we shall not go in this direction,” he said.


    • They can’t intellectual deal with them. They can only fight them. When did you see Zambian youth engaged in a debate? Never
      But you often see them hurling rocks at each other. Which political leader in Zambia encourages his youth to debate any issue? None they only use youth to beat up rivals

  1. I used to think that since HH came from the cooperate world he would be that kind of executive president, no pettiness.. but the last few days has shown that he is no better than the call boy time political leader

  2. He says they are not afraid of Malanji and Bowman? So those who are not PF are free to insult HH the Upnd president? Apart from Nakachinda I am yet to see another PF official or members who have “insulted” the Upnd president. And what is political dealing with someone mean?


  4. HH has 5 years mandate to be in office not 10 years as stated in your statement.They say lies have short legs .UPND as a party you are showing us that you are no different to the PF

  5. If you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. The president is a public figure, we will robustly criticize him without fear. Don’t intimidate citizens with threats of arrest because of “insulting” the president. Get rid of POA so we can freely engage the the prez & govt on issues we not happy with. Don’t use draconian laws to suppress our voices

  6. How are you going to deal with PF politically? Are you going to debate with them …stop this nonsense? Who is the SG for UPND you need to control your rank and file.

  7. It looks like the recent legal battles have taken a toll on them. How about the Luangwa loss frustrations?

    Could it have dawned on the New Dawn to show us their “watermelon” colours after one year of pretending?
    Are cadres defying the party President’s directives of coexistence, non violence, or they have his full blessings?

    Violence begets violence

  8. What is to “politically deal” with PF? Is it a euphemism for violent acts against PF? I wonder how else one would politically deal with a rival

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