Saturday, July 27, 2024

Whose Job Is It to Keep Our Roads Accident Free – ZRHSG QUESTIONS


The Zambian Roads and Highway Safety Group (ZRHSG) has questioned the government on which office or institution is responsible in ensuring that roads and highways are kept accident free.

This came to light after the two recent accidents that happened in Great East Road Lusaka near the University of Zambia UNZA claiming 11 lives and the accident that happened in Northern Province, where 22 United Church of Zambia UCZ members died.

The Zambia Roads and Highway Safety Group (ZRHSG) Admin Mthoniswa Banda stated that their Group would like to know which government office is going to be held responsible for the deaths of 11 Zambians on the Great East Road and the deaths of 22 United Church of Zambia (UCZ) members in Northern Province.

“We want to know which government department is tasked with ensuring congestion on our roads is dealt with and traffic is allowed to flow,” Mr Banda stated

Mr Banda noted that their Group wants to identify the office that is paid to ensure that the roads are well maintained and obstacles on the roads are removed.

He added that the ZRHSG members wants to distinguish the Agency that signs off the poor and non-reflective road markings paint which are not visible at night and why the road signage are not up to international standards and cannot be easily read by road users.

“These and many questions bother us whenever we see the increasing number of accidents and fatalities on our roads with no visible corresponding action by the government agencies in charge of fixing our roads and in charge of keeping our roads safe and usable,” Mr Banda mentioned

He cited that the recent accidents that have occurred in Zambia point to a road sector that is badly designed and badly maintained for safe passage and safe usage.

Mr Banda explained that the UNZA accident for example, points to a busy entrance into a University that is placed at a dangerous depression with a zebra crossing that forces fast-moving highway traffic to stop for students that feel they have a right of way.

He added that another place waiting for an accident is the entrance to Levy Mwanawasa Teaching Hospital and Chainama College, as these places require a new lane of their own or a roundabout to be built to allow for traffic to turn without stopping other traffic.

Mr Banda has called on the Government Agencies such as the Road Development Agency (RDA), Road Traffic and Safety Agency (RTSA). and the National Road Fund Agency (NRFA) charged with looking after the roads to become more proactive and minimize the chances of accidents occurring through the use of proven methods of keeping the traffic flowing and removing all obstacles on our roads such as humps, right hand turns and pedestrian crossings where there are no traffic lights.

“Let our narrow roads be widened and overtaking lanes built in areas known to be congested or known to be black spots,” Mr Banda said

The Zambian Roads & Highway Safety Group (ZRHSG) is a registered road safety and road health group with over 10,800 members who promote an improved road network and road safety in Zambia.

The Group offers space for sharing personal experiences and knowledge on road safety issues on Zambian roads and Highways, these discussions will help identify road safety issues, bad policies and bad road designs requiring improvement by government and its agencies such as RTSA, RDA, NRFA, ZP and the Local Councils.

Periodically, the ZRHSG will produce a statement summarising the group discussion and sharing this opinion with Road Safety agencies and other policy makers so they improve Zambia’s Road Safety.

The Group also has awareness and capacity building programmes for keeping road users safe and healthy while on the Zambian roads.


  1. The elephant in the room (bigger than reintroducing roadblocks) is that the traffic lights at UNZA (almost all along the way to East Park Mall) have hardly ever worked. To the best of my knowledge. So where will you put roadblocks again? I thought we already have cops randomly mounting speed traps (which mostly do not even make sense).

  2. Thats is the quality of works òf the roads that were built with borrowed money. Now we all have to pay for mostly poor workmanship of most structures that were built at exaggerate costs. And what’s annoying is that the ACC and DEC have up to now not convicted anyone from that criminal gang that was masquerading as a ruling party

  3. Most accidents are caused by human error and involves the driver. How don’t know how someone else can take up responsibility fro that except the person that caused the accident. Perhaps the only intervention from Government should be to change the Law so that few traffic offenses are punished by fine. Most traffic offenses only attract a fine to the offender. You can imagine somebody who causes 20 deaths through dangerous driving is fine K2,000 as punishment. So I request Tayali to amend that Law instead of advocating for police road blocks

  4. My personal feeling is that these accidents will eventually prove to be very expensive to the Govt than building or just fixing a d@mn road. You cannot have citizens, some of them in the prime of their lives who should be contributing to the building of the country’s economy, dying left and right in situations that the Govt can fix one way or another. Just imagine how many orphans and potential destitute children these accidents are creating, Govt be doesn’t think if this continues it can eventually have a negative effect on society? Economically, socially, and otherwise?

    You loose 21 women (many of them most likely MOTHERS) in one swoop, can you imagine how many children those mothers have left behind to go through life motherless? Most of these accidents are unnecessary and…

    • Continued:

      ….avoidable if Govt took this issue seriously. You can’t tell me Ministers, MPs, and the President himself, have not traversed these roads and streets and know how BAD and UNSAFE they are. They do know, but they just don’t care. In fact, some of them (these HONORABLEs) have themselves been involved in accidents. But nothing changes. WHY PEOPLE?

      To make matters worse, drivers in Zambia are some of the most careless immature drivers on planet earth. Sometimes you even wonder how some of these people got their driver’s licenses. Let alone keep them licenses. Any Govt that looks away when such Carnage is going on in the country, and shows no sense of agency to fix the problem, deserves nothing but contempt.

  5. PSV drivers are worst culprits. They think they own the roads. They ignore road rules with impunity. A minibus parks wherever they want even in the middle of the road & at road junctions and NOBODY DOES ANYTHING ABOUT IT. If they would be punished severely, they wouldn’t do it at all. Additionally, there are roads like Esther Lungu road, Chawama that doesn’t have bus stops. Minibuses just stop all along the road. Clearly, there are some people who are NOT doing their work and yet we are happy to pay them every month.

  6. The other day I saw road works done at night near downtown, Lusaka. Working at night is commendable since it doesn’t add to disruption of traffic flow. However, I was not very impressed with the workmanship. Definitely substandard works.

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