Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Hichilema calls for servant leadership


President Hakainde Hichilema has advised the Lusangazi UPND Council Chairperson by-election candidate, Blackson Tembo to practice servant leadership when elected into office in today’s polls.

President Hichilema says it is not in order for politicians to turn their backs on the people who were elected them after winning elections.

He stresses that political leaders are elected into office to work for the people that voted for them and not for their personal benefit.

The President said this today when he addressed rallies at Ukwimi and Mabanda grounds in Lusangazi district to drum up support for Mr. Tembo, who is the UPND candidate in the Lusangazi Council Chairperson by-election.

And Mr. Hichilema has reitterated that his administration will build maternity wards in all clinics in rural areas to ensure pregnant women give birth in safe and conducive environment where there is running water.

He said government was determined to improve health care system in reduce maternal mortality rate in the country.

The Head of State has also told the people in Lusangazi that government will build dams and drill boreholes to increase people’s accessibility to safe drinking water and for their livestock.

President Hichilema said The UPND’s campaign promises have been tested and proven to be working.

He said the UPND administration has fulfilled its promises of free education, increasing CDF and employing teachers, health workers and other employees in government withing 14 months.

And UPND candidate for tomorrow’s Lusangazi Council chairperson by-election, Blackson Tembo has promised to serve the electorates diligently if elected into office.

Mr. Tembo said the people of Lusangazi should trust the UPND administration which has since fulfilled key campaign promised.

Meanwhile, President Hakainde Hichilema has thanked the traditional leadership in Lusangazi district in Eastern Province for their unity of purpose aimed at fostering oneness and development in the area.

President Hichilema observed that chiefs Sandwe and Nyampande of the Nsenga people exhibited unity when they agreed that the Amon Mumba, who was earlier nominated to be the UPND candidate for Friday’s Lusangazi Council chairperson by-election, to give chance to Blackson Tembo.

Mr. Mumba hails from chief Nyampande while Mr. Tembo is from chief Sandwe’s area. The former was given the adoption certificate but it was agreed that the latter contests the polls instead.

This is for alternating purposes to have one chosen candidate from a particular chiefdom at a time.

Speaking when he paid a courtesy call on Chief Nyampande on Thursday, Mr. Hichilema underscored his administration’s focus on two thematic areas namely uniting the country and developing it.

Mr. Hichilema also thanked the two chiefs for ensuring that campaigns for the Lusangazi Council Chairperson by-election are conducted in a peaceful manner.

He reiterated that the UPND hates violence hence discouraged caderism in markets and other public places.

He noted that the peaceful campaigns were indicative of good leadership which the two chiefs are practicing.

And a rally to drum up support for Mr. Tembo, President Hichilema said his government has given power to people in various communities to choose how they want to develop their constituencies using CDF.

And chief Nyampande thanked President Hichilema and his administration for fulfilling campaigns promises.

The traditional leader said said President Hichilema was a trustworthy leader who deserves support in his natioan and economy development drive.

President Hichilema was in Lusangazi to meet chiefs, headmen and campaign for the UPND candidate in the November 4, 2022, Council Chairpersonship polls.


  1. Katundu, real men. Well done HH, we are still suffering but the direction is good, at least we are out of the wilderness where the rejected party the PF dumped us

  2. HH its high time you addressed the nation and answered some question…you are now featuring in so many of these working day by election campaigns…I remember Mwanawasa never wasted time with these things

  3. Working visits campaigning for Council Chairperson i think he can do much better than this, if the president can take leave and go to campaign for council position then where is the SG, party mobilization team pa ground. i see a problem in the party for such the head all what he needs are resoults from his team.

  4. From 1964 people have been told not to turn their backs on the people who put them in power…..more backs have been turned on us and the number keeps on growing with each change of government.

  5. Says the monkey who is always flying around in the presidential jet he claimed he would sell. Go to hell you failure of a president l.

    By the way we warned you that Mr Simon mwewa Lane was a mere upnd cadre. A very useless childish baby pig who has refused to grow up

  6. In this country servant are driven in expensive vehicles, tour the country at the mention of a bye election and fly in private Jets. HH does not visit any part of this country unless there is an election in the area. He only goes to tell more lies. Government since colonial times regularly employs teachers, health workers etc. Free education up to grade 12 in government school has always been there. He has avoided to talk about fuel, fertilizer, mealie meal, cooking oil and the cost of living which used to be his song 14 months ago.

    • In the constitution review we should include clipping some of the powers the president has. That way they will be careful in whatever they say or do. If the president of the mighty USA or the PM of Great Britain can be impeached or removed what is so special about a president of a mick mouse country.
      These fellows are more powerful than God so to say…….we choose whether to go to church or not….but with these fellows even suggesting that someone is Muslim would land you in jail.

  7. What ever you say is useless and shows that you are not patriotic but a terrible chancer who took advantage of a sick Leader of PF by not taking him to hospital in time.

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