Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mutinta Mazoka Resignation from UPND is because of fear of political attacks on her husband Fred M’membe – Mark Simuuwe


The United Party for National Development – UPND Consultant Mark Simuuwe says the resignation of Mutinta Mazoka from the Party comes in the wake of not wanting anybody to politically attack her husband, who’s the Socialist Party President Fred M’membe.

Mr Simuuwe disclosed that Mutinta Mazoka’s resignation is because she doesn’t want anyone to say anything against her husband.

“So, the question is assuming that today, Fred M’membe becomes the President then who’s going to be the first lady because assuming that Mutinta Mazoka remains in the UPND as a member of the National Management Committee member, which is the highest governing organ of the ruling party and so, a decision to resign had to be made by herself,” he said

He mentioned that many people wondered how she managed to remain in the ruling party when the husband is in the opposition, this is a very difficult area to explain because the common thing that has witnessed elsewhere and everywhere, is that a wife will follow the husband’s political journey as way of showing moral support, they will tend to speak your mind whether wrong or right as it is rare to find couples going parallel in terms of being political affiliated.

“For instance in the United States of America when Clinton was President, the wife supported him overwhelmingly and when time came for the wife to try to contest for candidature as American President, the husband also supported her overwhelmingly, what this demonstrates is that two people that spend nights in the same bedroom cannot easily disagree on political grounds because then they will mess up so many things as politics come with a lot of challenges especially when it comes to certain political attacks that cannot be bared,” he said

“It doesn’t sit well with Mutinta Mazoka when people respond to Fred M’membe’s malicious attacks, I was personally confronted by her when I responded to Fred M’membe, she cautioned as to why I was taking such a route to the point of attacking her husband but you can’t stay in politics like that, because when you decide to join politics there are all those attacks that come but you have to be ready and equal to the task to take them on. So, in my view this is something that has greatly contributed to her decision of resigning from the UPND,” he stated

Mr Simuuwe explained that if one looks at the personality of Fred M’membe who is usually keen on talking about issues to do with tribalism, as many of the youths especially those that are in the mid-20s don’t know Fred M’membe well especially when it comes to ethnic rivalry, and those that may not have known this is the man that has been at the center of tribalism in Zambia, because when tribalism started in politics the POST Newspaper played a very critical role in harnessing that particular tribalism and often times using the Editorial comments as they would call directly to attack viciously the late UPND President Anderson Mazoka not as an individual but the Tonga people themselves, as the POST Newspaper would go deep in attacking them and their persona.

“Fred M’membe attacked Mazoka upto the last nail on his coffin and afterwards, he even married the daughter Mutinta Mazoka, but he continued attacking the one who took over from Mazoka who happens to be Hakainde Hichilema, as many people found that the POST Newspaper carried so many headlines against either Hakainde as an individual, or the Tonga people from Southern Province, and issues of regionalism started with M’membe as he took it up to attack all the regions viciously,” he mentioned

Mr Simuuwe stated that freedom of association basically means that one is free to belong to an organization or a group of your choice, one is free to associate and make a decision but how one makes that decision is entirely up to them, it’s also entirely up to the reflection that one makes for instance, a number of factors which can be private or maybe one could not fit in an organization and in some cases it’s because of personal reason as people make decisions based on what they think.

Mr Simuuwe highlighted this during an interview on JOY FM.

In a letter dated 8th November, 2022, addressed to the UPND Secretary General Batuke Imenda, Mutinta Mazoka resigned with immediate effect from the Party, as she further thanked all the leaders and members of the UPND for giving her an opportunity to work with them.


  1. She infact was the one leaking all our classified info to PF through their stoogie Fred Mmembe. Now, is the right to strike , she must go down with him as collateral damage. UPND will now hit at Fred directly with no shield in the middle. For a long she stood in our way this stupid woman. Her father was partially killed by Fred Mmembe through character assasination and she goes ahead to marry such a villain and calls him husband? She must dissapear with him and time is now ba UPND , the door is open. Finnish off Mmembe!

  2. It is very difficult to understand Mutinta…… firstly her decision to marry the man who single handedly villified and demonised her father when he was alive came as a shock to many Zambians… those of us who are old enough know that Fred publicly hated Mazoka because he was wealthier than him just like he hates HH because of his wealth…..

    Fred is one of the few young people that has continuosly preached tribalism,yet he claims he is educated… but sinks to the same level as Chishimba Kabwili… why ????? Fellow Zambians,I urge you to reject any politician who preaches tribalism for they are NOT fit to lead our great country in this modern era,maybe in the 1950s…….

  3. She has seen the true colors of HH and she is not happy the way he is handling things….. Frankly the whole Mazoka family are very disappointed with HH….. …I know this family very well and Muntita is like a sisters to me. HH is more interested in enriching his friends and himself….

    • It has nothing to do with her fearing for him
      He is irrelevant and not going anywhere
      You not the only one knowing this family
      the truth will come out soon

    • @ 4.1

      I am every right to comment on what I know…… You are also entitled to do so. Why is that you always want to be the one that knows everything and want to shoot down everyone’s comment? You appear to be a very insecure and unhappy person. A confident person will respect other peoples insights…….. Does it bother you that I know this family so well and grew up with them very close. The late Mazoka was my dad’s close friend and I grew up with this family like my own family member……..

  4. Its like couple going to two different churches teaching diff doctrines. She’s finally been delivered from end time confusion

  5. HOw long has she been a member? I mean Mutinta has in the party when Membe was writing worse things about HH…fear of political attacks on her “business partner” would the least of her concerns.

  6. People are addicted to getting attention. Who cares if this woman resigns or not. What Zambians need is food to fill empty stomachs. This characters Calle M’membes and Mutintas, they are selfish millionaires. But power hungry selfish individuals. Who role in Zambia is to unknown.
    I have respect for Zambians like General Miyanda and his wife. Who are really doing a lot for
    Orphans and the poor. Can likes of Mutintas and M’membes shut their mouths and follow the example of General Miyanda and his wife.

  7. Those who are labelling Mmembe as a tribalist have not demonstrated how tribal he is and those attacking Mmembe as having been anti-Mazoka and anti Tonga haven’t substantiated their claims! Whem Mazoka launched UPND, the Post was the main independent newspaper that was reporting objectively on Mazoka and I believe it contributed to making UPND popular and Mazoka popular. I do recall people in some rural areas waiting for buses from Lusaka to deliver the Post Newspaper so that they could read something different from what MMD and FTJ were telling them on ZNBC,Daily Mail and Times of Zambia! When Mazoka fell sick and showed signs that he couldn’t lead the party well, the Post wrote Editorials that were advising UPND to find a new leader to ensure the UPND run efficiently and carry its…

  8. No body is attaching Member. Member is attaching himself and showing a lot of ignorance on many issues. Politically, he is not near be a politician. He is just akabova in his Party if at all it is a Political party. Member is the only kabova who has not seen the failure of socialism in the world. If you what to see the failure of Socialism do not good to Russia nor any Socialist countries, visit the Indian Reservations Centres in America and your eyes will see.
    Have you been there Member?

  9. This is a sad development even if she has a right to resign,,, lessons are abound to handle each resignation with care. MMD began its fall when the likes of Nkumbula et al broke away…the naysayers said ‘good riddence’..PF let CK GBM go calling them ‘wantaways’ but the end is there to speak for itself ….indeed even when one ‘wants’ to leave its better to manage issues in house…have a proper exit discussion and if they still want to go…then its different.

  10. ..continued from 8…When Mazoka fell sick and showed signs that he couldn’t lead the party well, the Post wrote Editorials that were advising UPND to find a new leader to ensure the UPND run efficiently and carry out its role effectively as a main opposition party! When the UPND started to hit back to
    fight the post , the responses from the latter were sometimes unsavory which is common in our politics! However, MMEMBE WAS NOT AN ENEMY OF MAZOKA per se,may be an enemy of those who hated Mmebe’s criticism of Mazoka! Then there are those who are calling Mmembe a tribalist. Just how? Mmembe has fought tribalism in all recent governments of MMD (under FTJ, RB, not so much under Levy),PF and now UPND! Mmembe speaks the truth about and against Tribalism so may think he favours some tribes,…

  11. It’s not true that Mmembe and The Post attacked Mazoka and UPND then. From memory The Post then were attacking FTJ and MMD. Mmembe and The Post only started attacking HH and UPND after HH ascended to power by tribally kicking out Saki Sakwiba Sikota used Ackson Sejani and Ngande Mwananjiti… then he HH never left HH alone calling him ‘Bantustan’. To his credit, HH never reacted to these negative comments.
    Then of course HH supported Sata and PF so he could get favours and get his tax debt and Zambian Airways debt written off.
    I know this because I used to read Post editorials everyday. I think they used to be written by Kellis Kaunds and Amos Malupenga, among others (at Mmembe’s blessings of course). Perhaps even the likes of Aka Mbikusita used to write some. I say this because…

    • …Perhaps even the likes of Aka Mbikusita used to write some. I say this because Fred Mmembe’s written articles these days are not as articulate and intelligent as The Post editorials used to sound back then.

  12. Fred M’embe is not a socialist but a pseudo socialist who gained a lot of wealth through THE POST newspaper.
    He is a selfish man. WORKERS were underpaid. With those millions he has never established even one simple foundation to help Zambians. What a rubish person.

  13. She was always on the fence was she not? This should be a lesson that you cannot inherit all your father’s qualities. What real impact has she made other than being a child of the founding president of that party? The morals of these people genuinely need to be questioned because you cannot come from complaining about the PF to now dealing with them simply because they are in opposition? Something is lacking here. Good riddance.

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