Saturday, July 27, 2024

Speaker is not biased in handling parley debates – acting Clerk


The acting Clerk of the National Assembly of Zambia, Roy Ngulube has clarified that Speaker of the National assembly Nelly Mutti was not biased in her ruling when she allowed for questions on November 18, 2022 that were already addressed the previous day in a ministerial statement.

Mr Ngulube explained that on Thursday, November 17, 2022, the Minister of Finance and National Planning, Situmbeko Musokotwane rendered a ministerial statement in the house on the engagement of private firms to audit the procurement of goods and services so that the government can ascertain its debt to the suppliers.

Mr Ngulube said that, the following day during Vice Presidents’ question time, two Members of Parliament (MPs) from the opposition Patriotic Front Party, asked questions on the same subject matter as of ministerial statement.

The acting Clerk indicated that although the two questions were inadmissible under the rules of the Assembly, the Speaker used her sole discretion to admit the questions.

He added that Ms Mutti was on terra firma and within her jurisdiction, as she only acted and curtailed the debate on the said matter after another member of parliament attempted to ask a third question.

“The Speaker’s discretion to curtail debate should not in any way be understood to be an act of biasness on her part against any member including those of the PF,” Mr Ngulube stated.

He reiterated the Speaker’s duty is to ensure that the rules of the National Assembly are enforced without fear or favour so that the dignity and decorum of the Assembly is maintained.

This is according to a statement issued to the media by the National Assembly of Zambia Press Liaison Officer, Stephen Kawimbe, in response to the letter of complaint by PF MP to the Speaker of the National Assembly on November 22, 2022.


  1. Its true that Nelly Mutti is biased and curtails debates . Her and the other young man(What ever name) very biased. They must be watched carefully to avoid parliamentary debates degenerating into a circus.

  2. Let’s get this out of the way as we get out of the gate: She is mandated to push her party’s agenda so of course she is bound to be biased as she tows the line. That said, in matters of running the chamber there are explicit rules and regulations covering decorum and etiquette while conducting debate. She presides over that. She cannot sidestep or be biased on this front. However, in encouraging party policy she must facilitate it and lean into what the party in power wants done. She’s not biased? Duhh!

  3. She is a CADRE in robs. The difference between PF and UPND is that PF had un-educated cadres while UPND has educated cadres like this woman and chipenzzzzzi. All in all the difference is the same.

  4. The worst speaker in the history of Zambia. She is very biased and controls flow of debate using political spectacles.Parliament has been turned into a house of appeasing UPND.

    • Advice to women: you don’t need facial creams. It’s the manufacturers who need you to believe that you need them.

  5. Can the acting clerk surely say YES I HAVE ALSO NOTICED THAT SHE BEEN ACTING WITH PARTIALITY? Definitely not. Let’s leave it at that.

    • Ma reporters mumvera? Stop making headlines out of a dog barking at people. Dogs always bark at people. It isnt news

  6. My take is this: Nelly is a fully bloated UPND carder. Even at it’s worst, parliament was never a mediocre drama chamber that it has become.

  7. I miss Robnson Nabulyato and Fwanyanga Mulikita. Not this Nelly ….. The house has degenerated into a UPND party Chaotic meeting.

  8. Honestly upnd government have reduced very sensitive and key institutions like ECZ and Parliament house to a play ground by appointing their cadres, I thought when hichilema was campaigning for presidency he spoke of integrity and getting people on merit, he promised to do away with appointments of cadres! He is doing the very opposite of what he said.. Shameful extremely shameful. Do people understand the meaning of integrity!

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