Saturday, July 27, 2024

It’s not true that Civil Servants are sabotaging the UPND Government-Monde


PF presidential hopeful Greyford Monde has argued against those insinuating that the civil service under the New Dawn Administration is sabotaging government’s agenda. Hon Monde wondered how a civil service that has been existing way before PF ascended to power could sabotage the UPND government.

He has expressed worry over the continued tendency by the UPND government to align the civil servants to the former PF regime.

“You know that the civil servants live longer than the tenure or term of a politician. A politician is only five years. The civil service, right now you go to check the civil servants, some of them, how long they have been in those seats. They have been, some of them for 30 years, 40 years, others are even retiring,” he said.

“Why would they want just to sabotage the UPND today as if it’s the only political party? No, it’s because the UPND party has gone out for them and begin to align them to the former political party and say these are PF.”

Hon Monde said calling the civil servants “PF civil servants” is the beginning of failure.

He explained that civil service is like a vehicle as he likened politicians to drivers. The party presidential hopeful said this when he featured on a debate hosted by Linda Banks yesterday.

“I want to tell you that when I went into the ministry myself, I had a very good time with those civil servants who are very well qualified. Some of them are not trained only in Zambia, they have gone into serious countries where they have received a lot of training and they have come out with serious qualifications,” he said.

“So for anyone to just come today and call them that these are PF civil servants, that is the beginning of the failure. So the way the civil service is, it’s like a vehicle. And these policy makers who are the politicians are like drivers. So you get into the seat, driver the car to where you want to take it. And the civil servants are always ready for these changes, following the manifesto, following the changes, following the budget, this is how the civil service works.”

He lamented that the civil service right now is receiving a lot of attacks from the UPND leadership, starting from the Presidency.

“But these civil service right now is receiving a lot of attacks from these politicians, from the President to the last person. Even cadres are going out for the civil servants, calling them names, wanting to change them and all of that,” he said.

“That is the problem and this is why you see that nothing is holding in this government. Completely nothing. Which sector is thriving today as we speak? You can ask everybody here there is no sector that is holding that you can call having achieved or having managed to treat the citizens, according to what they expect.”

Commenting on agriculture, Hon Monde said the UPND have made the same mistake of attacking the civil service in the sector.

“It’s a very sad story. And when I talk about agriculture and I talk about services in the health sector, I don’t want to speak from a political point of view because these are issues or matters that really affect our lives. And to start politicizing these issues and come to platforms and begin to blame everybody, including the PF…,” he said.

“You know that this is the second season that UPND is delivering services in terms of agriculture inputs and so on and so forth. The first season was actually the season 2021/2022 farming season and that season came out very successful. Everything went well, no farmer complained. That reason I want to tell you that it is not UPND that performed that, it was the PF structure. So UPND just literally found all systems going… so this is their first season where we have rated them, not the first one.”


  1. It is the poor work culture of Zambians……….

    Made worse by 10 years of PF

    ” free money in ypur pockets ”

    Mentality……..with stealing on top of the agenda………

  2. Is it the question of a poor carpenter blaming his tools?

    Why not simply review :
    , The Systems
    . The Structures
    . The Rules?

    • Comrade the only way is to educate the civil servants that they work for Zambia not individuals by incoperating your three points.
      In the mining industry we do not care on who becomes our general manager. Our aim is to meet targets safely and earn our bonuses.

    • HH is making it more difficult for himself now since he is appointing PS and creating positions as a way of rewarding cadres just look at new PS in Ministry of Health, these people bring in their relations because such people can not work with seasoned civil servants they need to be surrounded by fellow drumbeaters like Spaka. THis is totally against what HH promised in his first presser.

  3. It is not worthy wasting time debating, people are just lost and will say anything to defend their inefficiency. (2) Rules not each time government changes civil servants are fired and replaced with “loyalists”
    Inculcate the culture of “ownership” in civil service by way of “indoctrination”

  4. We know no one sabotaging government. This clueless government blames everyone else except themselves. load shedding is blamed on PF and Zimbabwe, shortage of medicine PF, high cost of fuel PF and Russia, FISP delays PF, failing to manage government is blamed on civils servants. What are they going to accept as being their doing. Then when it comes to infrastructure development the president is out there COMMISIONING and not even mentioning PF.

  5. A failure like hh will always blame everyone else but themselves. This is what we call narcissistic behaviour. Upnd are azzh0les.

    We now learned that hh spends his time reading and responding to comments on social media and even Lusaka times. Hh I know you are reading this ka chicarla!

  6. Who is Greyford Monde? This village kid was given a Deputy Minister – Agriculture and Livestock back in Feb 2013 when it was fashionable to hand these posts to opposition MPs to distablise opposition parties by Sata. Before that there is no profile of this kid it just states businessman …I am even surprised this boy wants to stand as President of PF.

  7. Iwe’ Gr@yf0rd Mambala, just because they’ve given you crumbs from illicit proceeds of the challenger jet ba Jona used to do manone in, does not mean we are all dull like your tu P1yefu c@dres & supporters.
    Ask your fellow b@ndits like abena “Bany@la Zayello”.
    Didn’t they more than once in the recent past brag that “we control the civil servants, including those in diplomatic services & they do our bidding & not H.H’s”?
    Some of us DON’T have the memories of goldfish, like some Piyefu supporting zealots & other dull citizens who’ve already forgotten Piyefu’z state sponsored violence & kleptocracy.
    If you’re enjoying your crime proceeds, please do so quietly & as your moral & ethical compass is totally non functional & to say the least bankrupt!!

    • @Faysus Hiiingoolu -gulu, formerly K3L3ni, being bitter like that doesn’t it hurt? It is like being ugly it must be painful.

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