Saturday, July 27, 2024

Matambo Emphasizes the Importance of Protecting HH and Party During Party Mobilization Drive


United Party for National Development (UPND) Copperbelt Province Chairman Hon. Elisha Matambo had a busy schedule in Kalulushi and Kitwe on his continued party mobilization drive and meeting party officials in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia.

Mr Matambo took to the podium in Kalulushi where he first thanked the party officials for all the contributions that they made over the years for the UPND party and President Hakainde Hichilema while apologizing for delaying to hold such meetings, adding that it was better late than never.

The Copperbelt UPND chairman, who is also the Copperbelt Province Minister, said as party officials, the people must move together as a united force. He told the party officials’ meeting to protect President Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND party. Hon Matambo encouraged party officials to go back to the structures from the wards, going upwards. He reminded them that councilors, mayors, Chairpersons, MPs, and others are there because of the party and urged them to never leave the party behind.

Hon. Matambo explained to the officials that the Community Development Fund (CDF) had cumbersome bottlenecks and processes, and those bottlenecks have since been removed. He added that going forward, all projects under CDF will be done at the provincial level through local government officer supervised by the Province Permanent Secretary. He further disclosed that going forward the District Commissioners will also be included in the CDF committees as supervisors.

Hon Matambo stated that party officials should help educate the people because President Hakainde Hichilema has done so much and he does not want to see any child sitting on the floor in 2023 and beyond as propagated by free education policy. Hon. Matambo said President Hichilema wants to see all clinics with a maternity wing and clean drinking water among other achievements.

He however, cautioned the officials and any other individuals that from now on anyone who will stand in the way and frustrates government under UPND will be sidelined because the UPND government is in a hurry to develop Zambia. “Let us get back to mobilize the party going forward, if there are those who think PF will bounce back. Never!”. He said. The UPND strong man concluded by urging all officials to hold on to the party because a bird in a hand is better than the one in the bush.

Later in the afternoon Hon Elisha Matambo addressed another party officials’ meeting where over 500 party officials turned up to listen to the UPND Copperbelt Province chairman in Kitwe. Hon Matambo went down to his knees thanking and praising the party officials for doing a tremendous job and all the contribution rendered to the party and Republican President Hakainde Hichilema. He reminded party officials never to abandon the ward because that is where the party is anchored. He said the party must not remain behind so that everyone must unite and move in tandem with the government UPND policy.

The Copperbelt Minister also praised the women, the security wing of the party and the youths in general for their resilience, patience, and hardworking. Meanwhile, several party officials in both Kitwe and Kalulushi party officials pledged to get back to the grassroots and continue mobilizing the party and defending the Republican President Hakainde Hichilema.

Hon Matambo is on the party mobilization drive and holding meetings in Copperbelt Province accompanied by UPND Copperbelt Vice Chairman for administration Mr. Kolala, Copperbelt Youth Chairman Wallen Hinyama, Patricia Mwaanga Copperbelt Chairlady among others. The UPND party is determined to win the next general election and bring much-needed development to the Copperbelt Province and the entire country under the leadership of President Hakainde Hichilema.



    • This is just another Bowman Lusambo in another party. Who told him to worry about the President’s safety when State House has every resource for security and a full time office for such? This broad just has nothing to do.

  2. We understand they worship humans in upnd. Hh is their god. Remember they said only a t0nga can rule upnd. Dirty donkeys

  3. Elisha Matambo knows that he’s incompetent and can’t manage GRZ programs on the Copperbelt. So in trying to show his boss that he’s relevant he’ll use his position to injure those that point out his shortcomings and those of the appointing authority. He’s one of those that might end up casualties in the next election. We should expect more violence on the Copperbelt as he’ll crush with their partners in political violence the PF

  4. What bottlenecks are there in acquiring CDF? You want it to be so easy that every Jim and Jack can just get and not pay back…

  5. @TIKKI
    Now you seem to be coming to your senses…these are Politicians my dear brother….All over the world Politicians are the same…..all they do is promise and get elected…but otherwise in reality nothing changes…everything is always on paper and Podium promises….and pronouncements

    • @ GRANT
      I have been advocating for a cabnet reshuffle for a while now,
      Some of the chosen are useless to say the least !!!

    • Politicians are great big failures. Who should we try? Sportsmen like George Weah? Musicians? Priests? Actors? Magicians?

    • Sportsmen yes George Weah isn’t doing anything as spectacular as what he did on the field. Pakistani cricketer khan was also invisible. Priest chakwera in Malawi seems as bad as mutharika. Actor Ronald Reagan fully exploited his acting skills to hide his racism and become popular. Comedian Zelensky is being severely tested by his war with Russia but looks like he’s losing grip.

  6. The president has all the instruments of power and he is the commander of the defence forces now how can a common civilian protect him yes indeed from what?

  7. @Tch Tch Tch
    Just hustle and provide for your family…we can try Business men,sports men,actors, priests or even magicians but still nothing will change…it’s a nature of the job…look at George Weah…his country men are still suffering after promising them heaven on earth…Scandinavian Politicians are a little bit ok…with all its wealth Nigeria is a toughest place to live…everything is hard in Nigeria…90% unemployment rate almost everyone is a trader in Nigeria…Lawyers and doctors operate from small booths like the Mobile money booths…people relive themselves in the open…no public toilets

  8. Bwana HH is the current President of the Republic of Zambia therefore we owe him the highest levels of protection so he can continue to transform Zambia into the envy of the world.May God help him and guide him,Amen.


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