By Hon Mupishi Jones
You can choose to maliciously accuse President Hakainde Hichilema of being a failure depending on your political lenses, but we can all agree that the man is honest! Yes we can all agree that once in a while, as a failable human being, he can make errors of judgment, but we can still all agree that his errors are genuine not calculated. While we were accusing others of being plunderers of the national treasury, but we can all agree that not President Hakainde Hichilema!
Whilst we were grappling with political hooliganism and indiscipline in the past regime, not with President Hakainde Hichilema as in charge.Whilst we were being subjected to political party cadres openly beating sitting full cabinet Ministers in broad daylight, not in President Hakainde Hichilema’s government.
It is still fresh in our minds when Innocent Kalimanshi was exchanging insults publicly with Kampyongo who was then country’s Minister of Home Affairs in charge of internal security,is there anyone who thinks such levels of indiscipline can happen under President Hakainde Hichilema’s tutelage? We were hearing stories of infidelity, troubled marriages and professional misconduct of sitting Presidents,is there anyone hearing such stories against President Hakainde Hichilema today? We were hearing stories that such and such a shopping mall, filling station, chain of flats mashrooming were for the sitting President,do we still hear such stories against President Hakainde Hichilema today?
We were being subjected to threats especially when you hold different views from Ministers like Kampyongo, Bowman,do we see such scenes on national television today? When did you hear Hon.Jack Mwiimbu,as Minister in charge of Internal security issuing threats to the general citizenry? We all know that Gary can talk, and sometimes very sarcastic,why do you think he’s mute today?
That’s the definition of leadership.Leadership that recognises that it’s a role model of many youths aspiring to be leaders in the future.Who wouldn’t want to groom his child to grow up and be like President Hakainde Hichilema? Who has ever heard of President Hakainde Hichilema’s children misbehaving publicly?
You can accuse one or two of President Hakainde Hichilema’s Ministers of impropriety, but who can equate that to former Ministers conduct? The ruling UPND has a spokes person and a media director,who can compare these with the likes of Antonio Mwanza in terms of ethical behavior? Is there anyone who can single out a sitting cabinet Minister today who behaves arrogantly towards the citizens?
Is there anyone who doubts that President Hakainde Hichilema is providing leadership?
How many of his political adversaries can carry themselves the way President Hakainde Hichilema carries himself given the amount of wealthy he has without going mad? Am I talking to Chilufya Tayali,Wynter Kabimba,Sean Tembo, Raphael Nakachinda out there?
Let’s just face it, today we have a leader in state house whom we can all be proud of not those playboys and gangsters of yesterday.
I’m proud of our President because each time he speaks,he inspires hope to the hopeless that even when things are gloomy today, tomorrow will be bright,
Are you in touch with reality or not? Please write something that we can appreciate not some personal opinion of worshiping someone..
100% on point. Well spoken and truth be told Hon
I heard similar stories about Edgar Lungu by………
Praise singers. What was loud speakered then?
He is a humble man
Well spoken I admit that.
Well in a society which allows different opinions, one can say you are right and another one will say you are wrong. The truth of the pudding is in the eating.
Like ” I have been doing work in the background and I have eliminated loadshedding…”..boom we are in darkness?
You cannot compare HH to the leaders of PF who were the worst in government since1964. I am the only PF functionary who decides to tell it as it is
“You can choose to maliciously accuse President Hakainde Hichilema of being a failure depending on your political lenses…”
And then you give a politically tainted lenses to write an article that describes other humans more than the one you seek to describe! What a missed opportunity!
Almost all wealthy Zambians made their dough through government contracts. Unfortunately GRZ contracts are always inflated and there are many kickbacks. If those that fall in this category can be described as honest then you’re right. It’s the reason it’s very difficult to profile Zambian business gurus. Even the new ambassador to the US admitted to this fact.
2H made his wealth with professional thieves so please stop comparing him with our petty thieves who only elevated themselves by taking a little but left plenty. The problem we have with 2H is that his so called innocence could land us in trouble with his friends because history does not favour us when dealing with theses people. It’s called being naive.
The opposition leader to take over from HH has not yet appeared…………..or is not born yet.
There is no comparison……..
Forward 2031……….
kikikikikikikikiikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ba crook aba.He has failed
It’s a 5 year mandate ……….
We are under 2 years in………….
Forward 2031………
An honest man? Really? What about his numerous lies? Bane, ubufi tabukumbwa musunda!
Honesty is the last attribute I can give to HH. Someone who hasnt told us how he swindled a whole country out of state privatisation money
An honest man? Really? What about his numerous lies? Is this not what Archbishop Emeritus Mpundu calls “turning lies into virtues”? Ala bane, ubufi tabukumbwa musunga!
Those are not lies but intentions…….
The mind and body are willing, but………
The physical conditions don’t permit
In Zambia and Africa in general we celebrate poverty…..we defend our leaders even if they’re stealing and looting….HH’s praise singers are sick in the head….they will defend him even if he starves them to death…..
Yes just like Lungu’s praise singers were sick in the head….they would defend him even if he starved them to death
Just debate or rebuff the article……….
Each point is given per paragraph, to make it easier for you to argue if you have any arguments……………
As for the campain promises , we say……….
The damage and mismanagement wrought by PF and lungu was more widespread than anticipated…….
The only problem is that he came on a platform of lies. He lied all the way to the top. He has continually continued his lies even when he is holding the highest office in the land. He should be sincere for once. Let him tell the nation the truth not always lying like he usually does. You cannot build leadership on a plethora of lies.
When Lungu talked about corruption and promised to fire some ministers, he whispered.
When Lungu promised to arrest HH ‘next week’ he shouted.
When Lungu gave a go ahead for ubomba mwibala to plunder, he shouted.
When Lungu denounced violence, he whispered.
This is the diffence.
Has HH shouted when his ministers have been pouring kachasu down the throats of children? Has he shouted ehrn his health minister was discovered to be in a corrupt deal? Has he shouted when his minister entered sinamo cement and came out with “cement” in a brief case?
I am PF and yes we made mistakes but we’ve learnt our mistakes, I hereby ask all our supporters to rally behind us again and we’ll reward them with Proper infrastructure development in all the corners of this country and we will put more money in their pockets. We’ve learnt and we’ll prioritize the peoples wishes. Vote Green.
Kikikikiki! You think we are that foolish? Once beaten….
Show me one honest politician and i will show you heaven.
Word… 100%…. Only those who benefited from the looting of the PF & their relatives will disagree
@Moono I didn’t benefit from the PF but I can’t say HH is anything different from the PF and Lungu. The only difference is that Lungu liked to dance and smile while HH is stiff with a sneer on his face.
His very actually PF was the worsed like chef 187 put it in his song pettyson daka “busy nama antics
Cadre ukwisa bika locko Ku shop yamu aunties
Ati wa boyo talesapota ichipani
Rather be boyo than ukusapota ifilwani”