Saturday, July 27, 2024

Israeli envoy to Zambia mugged in Lusaka


Israel’s ambassador to Zambia was mugged on a street in Lusaka last week, with the robbers making off with her diplomatic passport and her cellphone.

Ambassador Ofra Farhi was crossing a street in Lusaka on Friday when a car pulled up alongside her and the occupants grabbed her bag, dragging her off her feet and causing her minor injuries.

Some cash was also in her bag.

Her bodyguards, who were with her at the time, did not manage to prevent the crime.

Farhi was treated at a local clinic and continued on to her scheduled meetings with local officials.

The ambassador said in a statement that though it is the kind of incident that can happen anywhere in the country, “Zambia is very safe and peaceful” and “very friendly to Israel.”

Foreign Minister Stanley Kakubo and a presidential adviser both called Farhi to offer their support.

Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, who also called Farhi to ask about her welfare, said it is an example of the kind of dangers that diplomatic staff face.

“More than once, Israel’s ambassadors around the world have put themselves and their families at risk in order to serve the country,” Cohen said in a statement. “They deserve full appreciation for that.”

Farhi is a roving ambassador who lives in Israel and makes diplomatic visits to the countries she serves.

She is also the ambassador to Zimbabwe and Botswana and is due back in Israel in the coming days, according to the report.


  1. Look how excited hh is when he is around whlte people.

    There is lack of security and order under upnd. How does diplomat get robbed hahaha

  2. So embarrassing that our police are incapable of solving even a straightforward crime like this. The stolen phone should make it even easier to locate the criminals.

    As for the bodyguards, they should be fired.

  3. If those thieves have any sense at all just take that phone back because immediately its SIM card is placed back in and its turned on Mosad will be on you just pray ZP gets you first.

    • This is no ordinary or random crime. Those thieves in that car that pulled up alongside her and grabbed her handbag knew their target and what they wanted to get. Believe me the phone has been trashed after syphoning every iota of information therein … the passport already replaced by the Israelis … the cash spent (but not primary objective).

    • Silhouette – Read the article and you will find that its vague ..they dont disclose the street she was crossing and the model, type of the this “small car”..these crooks are amatures who thought they stumbled on a rich businesswoman with cash in hand.

  4. All this INSECURITY when SOMEONE IN THE PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT SPENT 100s OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON A PROJECT CALLED “Safe Cities”! So how safe are we now with all that money spent?? Someone must answer!!

  5. To Zambian Observer on the gifts given to a catholic church… here are my comments since I was not able to post the comments on your site. Zambian Observer, make your site user friendly…. ” The catholic church through this priest is accepting monetary gift from PF thugs. There is no longer a difference in this church between holy spirit and evil spirit.. No wonder most members of such churches also believe in witchcraft.”

  6. Laws that enhance security should be an encouragement. Laws that enhance and promote insecurity Should be discouraged. Laws can create and promote environment for development or under development. Criminals desire and fight for an environment where there’s less fear to do their business.

  7. Ba Lusaka times you are over censoring comments thereby not publishing important comments!!!!!!! Watch out you will lose popularity like Zambian watchdogs!!!!!!!!!!! So far you are no longer my favorite as before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. What kind of body guards are they couldn’t prevent that crime? I hope they’re not from G4S, or Lebanese or pretty much Palestinians. I feel sorry for her, but this doesn’t look like an ordinary crime. Lusaka muggers know their targets, they don’t mess around with diplomats

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