Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dictators aim at absolute power and wealth: That is what should be worrying every Zambian


By Venus N Msyani

Dictators aim at absolute power and wealth. Refusing to publicly declare assets and liabilities makes President Hakainde Hichilema appear to aim at that. This should be worrying every Zambian.

Reflecting on his Friday the 24th of February address to the parliament on progress made on the application of national values and principles, it is clear the Zambian president may never let the public know his businesses.

A not long time ago it was argued here that if not checked, President Hakainde Hichilema will leave office richer than expected.

Sacko Mine saga in Mkushi district in Central province point to that though the president is not directly mentioned. The story should be taken as an eye-opener.

Sacko Mine ownership appears to be a drop from the master’s table. If servants are getting mines, what is for the master? That is what we should be asking ourselves.

What makes it even worse is the fact that the people of Zambian may never know what the master gets or has already gotten.

For the sake of accountability, the master (President Hichilema) must disclose his businesses to the public. Even if they are not for profit.

On the above date, Friday the 24th, Hichilema informed the parliament that his administration has reorganized the leadership and management of investigative wings and also increased resources to support their operations in an effort to strengthen the fight against corruption.

He went on to repeat that in their fight against corruption, there shall be no sacred cow. Urging every Zambian to uphold the integrity and denounce any form of corrupt practices.

Urging Zambians to uphold their integrity and denounce any form of corrupt practices implies Hichilema believe Zambians are fools; they don’t know that playing games on assets declaration is a corrupt practice.

Refusing to publicly declare his assets and liabilities makes the president corrupt and a sacred cow. Hence not fit for the fight against corruption.

President Hichilema disclosed that he still maintains an interest in his businesses during a live interaction with the public on Hot FM radio at a State House in Lusaka last August. Up to now, he hasn’t disclosed these businesses.

Hence makes sense to conclude that Hichilema is aiming at becoming the richest person in the region. A character of dictators. They all aim at absolute power and wealth and that is what should be worrying every Zambian.


  1. The mane is an absolute dictator. Forget him losing 2026 because he will do anything to cling on to power. Just wait.

  2. There is no place on earth where close associates of the leadership dont take advantage of the situation…………

    That is unfortunately human greed and nature……….

    This happens every where humans are leading a government……..

    What counts is the continued public fight against corruption so the leaders can be called up to explain any discrepancies as in this case………

    Unlike the past lungu regime who accepted corruption and nullified any finger pointing on corruption, this GRZ , by publically fighting corruption, has left the door open to finger pointing

  3. There is no place on earth where close associates of the presidents dont take advantage of the situation…………

    That is unfortunately human greed and nature……….

    This happens every where humans are leading a government……..

    What counts is the continued public fight against corruption so the leaders can be called up to explain any discrepancies as in this case………

    Unlike the past lungu regime who accepted corruption and nullified any finger pointing on corruption, this GRZ , by publically fighting corruption, has left the door open to finger pointing

    • What corruption is being publicly fought by this government? We have the fertilizer scandal, we have hunting license scandal, we have single sourcing of auditing service by the President and associates, his special advisor for legal affairs was giving instructions to police not to prosecute a company who deposited a million into his law firm.
      I ask again, which public fight against corruption? And please do not talk about former gvment ministers.

    • Unlike your PF………

      This GRZ has actually sacked people for corruption…………and are still sacking people…………

    • #Spaka…when Bowman Lusambo stops talking and dishing out money the ACC leaves him alone. But as he starts to open both his mouth and purse the ACC swings into action. I don’t call that fighting corruption, it’s silencing opponents.

    • There is no leaving alone………

      It is a meticulous process……….

      These PF theives were very good at disguising stolen money……..

      No matter how long it takes , in the meantime they will not enjoy the illicit loot……….

  4. This irks me, and when we question we are referred to a thinly veiled declaration of assets as proof that he has done that. Why not just lay it bare if there’s nothing to hide?

  5. The real dikiteta is the one who has already served 2 terms during which he distinguished himself and minions as a thief. But still wants to bwelelapo. Keep hallucinating, Lungu is finished.

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