Saturday, July 27, 2024

People of Zambia won’t allow the Patriotic Front to return to power


Minister of Youth, Sport and Arts Elvis Chishala Nkandu has charged that the people of Zambia won’t allow the Patriotic Front (PF) to return to power because of the rampant illegalities and corruption the previous regime committed.

Mr. Nkandu said during the PF reign many illegalities such as informal and illicit allocation of land were committed by cadres and people in authority.

The Kaputa Member of Parliament said PF left the country in a mess which the New Dawn government is correcting methodically.

Mr. Nkandu was speaking after touring Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola where some people and companies were allocated land in the area belonging to the stadium between 2012 and 2021.

He called for the proper utilization of land belonging to Levy Mwanawasa Stadium which is under his ministry.

“If we were like our colleagues (PF) even this land would have been occupied (sold) because it was just free for all. Someone can just give himself or herself land. Us we have cadres that consult when they want to do things. But I think the previous regime did not do justice to this country in terms of land allocation. So if some people are saying no ukubwelelapo pa mupando (retaining the seat) with this confusion they left sure who can let them come back with that confusion we had seen? So I think the Zambian people should be aware that this is a government (UPND administration) that has come to make sure that things are done properly. This is where we are saying we cannot allow anyone to encroach on this land,” Mr. Nkandu said.

He added that people that committed illegalities in the previous regime or the current administration must face the law.

“I think it is high time that as Zambians we refrain from corruption and also give land on a silver platter because at the end of the day the land belongs to the Zambian people. I am so disappointed with what I have found here, especially land encroachment. In fact, let me not use the word encroachment because encroachment is like someone has not been given authority but here people were just given land by people in authority or cadres. I don’t even know how to put it. My understanding is that any illegality, whether someone is involved in corrupt practices or in illegal allocation of land, is criminality and I know that whatever criminality is done it should be taken to court.”

“If there is that notion of illegal land allocation cases not being taken to court then I don’t know some people who say that think or reason. For me, those that had participated in illegal land allocation should also be probed so that each one can account for their deeds. Maybe it is the way we are trying to treaty these other people, others may think the illegalities they committed were ok. They are now able to go on an anthill and say we are challenging you to do this and that,” Mr. Nkandu said.

He asked Zambians to be patient as the prosecution of people involved in illegal activities in the past continues.

“There were a lot of illegal things that were done but you know as the President (Hakainde Hichilema) says we are doing things methodically and I think some other people are mistaking us to be very weak. We are not weak and we will make sure that those that participated in illegal activities are brought to book. It could be now or it may take some time but also people need to understand that the wheels of justice are very slow so let them be patient. So those who did something wrong should be prosecuted. Equally, if I also involve myself in illegal activities I will be prosecuted. The President has been very categorical on these issues saying corrupt practices of the previous regime, current or future regime will be prosecuted. We will not look at someone’s face as long as one is involved in illegal practices will be prosecuted. So think let us have some patience, by the end of the day we will be able to know who did what and who did not do anything wrong,’ he concluded.



  2. Elvis Nkandu is bitter against the PF because they banned his Zanama which he used to milk money from marketeers, the money which made very him rich, a boy who trekked from Zaire to sell kombo (salaula) on behalf of his uncle.
    On the return of the PF, if they do you will be to blame going by the way you are conducting yourselves.

    • Sylvia Masebo banned ZANAMA and UTTA because they had become a nuisance. Women marketeers have stories to tell about the ZANAMA leadership. Today Sylvia and Elvis are serving in the same government. What can we learn from that?

    • Ayatollah, that is why I don’t trust human beings. This Elvis may look clean in a clean suit but inside he’s got so many skeletons.

  3. I have a dog that only barks at intruders when it sees me…. not different from this man who says PF won’t return after his master said so recently on the Ukutumpa crusade
    Again the PF can return to power if you continue on the path you have taken.

  4. Just start preparing for your exit don’t speak like your boss ,those are public offices you are occupying so the people of Zambia will decide in 2026 on the suffering you have induced on them

  5. This is a simple puzzle, what the minister is saying was once said against UPND, but if UPND will not bring down the price of mealie meal,the price of fuel,the price of fertiliser, the price of cooking oil it is very likely PF to come back to power.It is very possible bwana sports minister and never you take people for granted, will be chucked out in 2026 just wait and see.Things are bad on the ground.

    • With what is going on, UPND is back to its 3 abd half regions. What looks impossible is for them to retain power.
      Southern Province shall be full of independent MPs and Councilors. Was there last week.
      Some are just saying, no more voting.
      There will be no more 90% voter turn out there. Let this Minister stop dreaming!

  6. Regarding the heading of this article, it is essential to emphasise that power ultimately resides with the people of Zambia to decide who should serve for the greater good of all. While the UNDP can play a role in promoting good governance and fair elections, they do not have the power to determine the outcome of the election. It is crucial that all stakeholders, including the UNDP, adhere to the rule of law and ensure that no one is above it.

    Ultimately, it is the people of Zambia who will express their voices through the ballot box, and their decision will determine the outcome of the election.

  7. It is amazing that less than 2 year after the UPND came to power ,people have already judged them as failures.On what account? Do we know the amount of debt this country owes China and other lenders? Do we know the effect of the debt on the economy of Zambia? Who will pay ?
    In 2026, the Zambians will decide if they still want to continue with UPND or bring back the corrupt pf or even allow the country to go back to stone age era by allowing socialism. The question however, is how will the billion dollar debt brought about pf’s incompetence and corruption be settled?

  8. has charged that the people of Zambia won’t allow the Patriotic Front (PF) to return to power because of the rampant illegalities and corruption the previous regime committed.
    The 18 million Zambians are speaking through some ka minister???

  9. Would you allow PF who left you in deep debts,destitute and in dirty rugs to return to your former middle income house? I wouldn’t either.

  10. PF can come back.Who can allow tribal party to continue ruling us.Appointments based on tribe.Look at the prices of mealie meal,fuel,dollar.A failed govt to talk about PF.You brought chaos to Zambians by blaming PF.You’re evil party ba UPND.Failed president Shi Promise


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