Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF is Like SIN; UPND Can’t stop talking about it


By Prince Bill M. Kaping’a Political/Social Analyst

Some people have wondered why UPND leaders and President Hichilema in particular keep on talking about or apportioning blame on PF when it’s no longer in power. “Concentrate on delivering the grand promises you made to the electorate,” they’d postulate.

We’ll respond to such assertions with a practical example. Whenever we go to Church on whatever days are convenient for us, we are always reminded of how SIN can lead us to misery or eternal death if we don’t refrain from it. As a matter of fact, it is as a result of SIN that our Almighty God surrendered his one and only begotten son that we may be saved. It’s because of this same SIN that we keep on going back to Church otherwise there would no point.

In other words, PF is like SIN! It would therefore be folly for the UPND government to stop referring to this terrible SIN that left us in such a precarious situation…….. a suffocating debt crisis that has left us at the mercy of creditors otherwise we would fall into temptations and be subjected to untold misery again.

Wasn’t it under this SIN called PF that citizens were gassed in their houses? Wasn’t it under this SIN celled PF that anyone seen wearing opposition political party apparel was beaten to pulp? Wasn’t it under this SIN called PF that a people hailing from certain regions of the country were retired in so-called national interest or transferred to remote areas as punishment? Wasn’t it under this SIN called PF that certain ethnic groupings weren’t represented in cabinet?

Wasn’t it under this SIN called PF that markets were gutted in suspicious circumstances? Wasn’t it under this SIN called PF that private media suffered suffocation – Prime TV, The Post and Komboni Radio suffered a similar fate? Wasn’t it under this SIN called PF that university students were robbed of mealie meal allowances? Wasn’t it under this SIN called PF that Jerabos instilled fear in our citizens and caused terror and panic in our communities? Wasn’t it under this SIN called PF that we lived with police brutality?

PF is a terrible SIN! Whay do you want us to erase such a thing from our minds? Like the SINS that the clergy keep on reminding us of lest we go astray, someone has to keep reminding us of this SIN called PF otherwise we would find ourselves in hell on earth again!

Yes, the UPND might have clocked over 2 years in office and it’s now time for them to deliver on their promises, but nobody is going to gag us so that we don’t talk about this SIN called PF anymore.


  1. And upnd will die with this obsession of the pf sin. move on please and develop this for the sake of us poor people. How can you buy new cars and sell them within a period of less than 6 months. Is that also because of the pf sin?

  2. Bill M. Kaping’a uli toll lay sir na.. They keep talking about PF because their Moses has failed to part the read sea…PF is still Peoples Fav..Just wait.

  3. Fearing for the unknown UPND is a crying baby always talking about dead Pf instead of working I wonder where the problem is. CDF is rhetoric partial withdrawal rhetoric self praising when in actual sense they are all failed projects

  4. Indeed the biggest SIN is the party in government that buys luxurious vehicles on the pretext of using these to serve Zambians but end up selling these to themselves. Ba SAKALANYONGO imwe, have some shame! How can you be selling public property bought at very high prices to yourselves?

  5. What is the criteria to be published on LT? Asking on behalf of my 4 year old nephew, he just learned to write.

  6. I just came to say I stopped reading this cadre’s posts a long time ago. Napita mukwai.

  7. Right now Upnd’s police have raided Lungu’s house and you say PF was sin. HH was arrested for interfering with the presidential motorcade but still says it was okay to interfere with the presidential motorcade. So kapinga what is a sin in your tribal mind.

  8. you will find youself in hell alone,do you even know what Hell is? A stingy party will find it self in Hell.Ati tulapepa mmmmm kkkkkkk lekefyo iweeeeee

  9. UPND still think they are in opposition. They still need to blame someone or some power for the ills the country is facing. They have no way forward no solutions.

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