Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fuel Shortage in Kitwe to be Resolved in Two Days


The government has announced that the temporary shortage of fuel in Kitwe, which has inconvenienced residents, will be resolved within the next two days. Ministry of Information and Media Director Spokesperson, Thabo Kawana, confirmed that Indeni Energy Company Limited would intentionally increase the supply of petrol to Oil Marketing Companies in Kitwe.

Expressing regret over the inconvenience caused to Kitwe residents, Mr. Kawana assured the public that the government is taking swift action to address the issue. He also urged Oil Marketing Companies to ensure they have sufficient petrol stocks and emphasized the government’s commitment to monitoring their operations.

The Oil Marketing Companies Association of Zambia attributed the ongoing fuel shortage in some parts of the Copperbelt to thin profit margins against the cost of importing the product, which has made it currently unattractive for these businesses, causing a slowdown in supply.

Some Kitwe residents voiced their concerns, calling on the government to closely monitor the activities of Oil Marketing Companies to ensure an adequate supply of petrol. Chilufya Mushota, a motorist who was among those queuing for petrol, expressed confusion as to why Kitwe specifically faced a shortage while the rest of the country had sufficient petrol stocks.

In response to these concerns, Ministry of Information and Media Director Spokesperson, Thabo Kawana, visited various filling stations in Kitwe to assess the fuel situation, particularly with regard to petrol. During his visit, he assured residents and stakeholders that the situation would improve. Indeni Energy Limited Company has increased its supply of petrol to the Oil Marketing Companies, and by Thursday or Friday, the situation is expected to normalize.


  1. Chingola has no fuel also. Vehicles are queuing everywhere. New doom government. Ba praise singer where are you. We are queuing up for expensive fuel

  2. My father told me that i should always try to stay away from debt…” the medication is bitter”…..they should brace themselves…this is just the beginning

  3. 300 million cars in the USA and not even a single day of fuel shortage….and this is the country that depends on Zambia for its natural resources getting them for free

    • Try 1 billon cars , when you note that American families each member have a car plus all the delivery trucks, defence force, govt cars and rental cars.

  4. The shortage hasn’t been caused because Indeni can’t supply fuel. Kawana is a foool. From the time the K3 reduction was announced OMCs scaled down. They have fuel but can’t absorb the K3 loss per litre. These monthly price fluctuations don’t make sense. We told you but you’re incorrigible. I challenge Bally to send shushushu to inspect filling stations. They’re just hoarding fuel as a protest

    • Actually the shortages have been going on for weeks. Kawana says it will be solved by Thursday. There are only hours to Thursday and we don’t see tankers delivering the commodity…..or will the fuel reach the filling stations via underground tunnels?

  5. That is what you get for imposing prices. UPND is desperate to show people that things are fine when we all know what the cost of living is. If HH does not concentrate on what is happening at home and just goes trotting around the world taking pictures, we are in for the worst. What HH needs to do is sort out the mining sector, sort out the agriculture sector and start servicing debt. We have a conman running things. Paris club and China still need their money and we have minerals just under our feet.

  6. @ Ayatollah

    Is right…… the anticipated depreciation of the Kwa because of the IMF deal……..

    GRZ should be ready with a fund to compensate OMCs in times like this………

  7. The minister in charge of fuel is very du.ll…………..

    Just like the woman minister of information and broadcasting…….

    And must be replaced with a pragmatist……

    Occasions like this should have been anticipated and planned for………

    Sack the minister………

  8. I think zambia needs a change of law to employ professionals to be in charge of ministries……

    The pool of ministers available has to many dullards………….

    How can you fail to plan for fuel shortages knowing the kwacha is volatile during these important times while GRZ is stabilising the economy ???

  9. Ministry of Information and Media Director Spokesperson, Thabo Kawana,
    The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting or media has no such post!

  10. Do what they do in the rest of the world and let the oil companies import the fuel and run their filling stations.
    Keep govt out of the equation

  11. Doesnt Zambia have strategic reserves? Botswana and Namibia have. Someone tells me even the DRC has

  12. And when did we ever have a permanent shortage of fuel?
    “The government has announced that the temporary shortage of fuel in Kitwe, which has inconvenienced residents, will be resolved within the next two days.”

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