Friday, February 14, 2025

Cholera Outbreak in Lusaka: 26 Confirmed Cases and 2 Fatalities


A cholera outbreak has emerged in Lusaka, with health authorities confirming a total of 26 cases since the disease’s outbreak on October 15th. This outbreak has claimed the lives of two individuals within the same period.

Health Minister Sylvia Masebo made this revelation in a Ministerial Statement delivered in Parliament. The affected areas include Kanyama, Chawama, and Chipata Compounds, which have been particularly hard-hit by the outbreak.

In response to this public health crisis, Ms. Masebo reported that health officers have intensified surveillance and contact tracing efforts in the affected regions. These proactive measures are aimed at containing the spread of the disease and mitigating its impact on the community.

Additionally, Health Minister Masebo issued a plea to the public, emphasizing the importance of taking preventive measures to reduce the risk of cholera transmission. She urged individuals to boil their drinking water and adhere to stringent hygiene practices. These measures are vital in safeguarding the public’s health and preventing further cases of the disease.

The government is working diligently in collaboration with healthcare professionals to manage the outbreak and provide necessary medical assistance to those affected. Cholera is a highly contagious waterborne disease that can spread rapidly, making the prompt response of health authorities crucial in safeguarding public health.


  1. This is embarrassing to HH the world superstar!! Cholera is for dirty countries. I never heard of Cholera under ECL’s PF except covid.
    SHUTDOWN the country, lock down Lusaka. Shut the fvk down!!! Right away. Deploy soldiers and prisoners to clean. Shut the thing tomorrow!!! Or else….

    • Cholera has Zambia’s reliable companion ever since Kenneth Kaunda’s government allowed local government to die. Strict planning of residential areas was allowed to become optional. The government watches on as permanent settlements emerge without essential infrastructure for electrocity, water and sanitation. No land is reserved in such areas for social capital such as schools, health facilities proper roads and drains. As these areas are built over, the land loses much of its capacity to soak rainwater and flooding then ensues. Instead of celebrating independence or Christmas, attention is diverted towards fighting avoidable emergencies.

    • Evidence of a failed government. Cholera is for countries that cannot manage basic hygiene. That Lusakacity is the dirtiest in Southern Africa

  2. Symptoms of a failing regime. Soon it’ll be in Community House and all goons will scamper in all directions. You can’t run government through propaganda. This is failure. Those cases aren’t mere statistics but humans

    • Are sure sure its not the citizens failing ??
      throwing litter from the buses and other vehicles
      councils with no regular garbage collections
      and mainly are we not an uncaring and prideless people ??

    • Cholera is caused by consumption of faecal matter. It breaks out mostly due to consumption of contaminated water mainly from shallow wells. People dig shallow wells due a lack of clean water caused by a failure by water utilities which 100% owned by government to supply communities with water. Government is to blame for cholera outbreaks. It’s a sign of failure

    • Symptoms of a failed regime? This your fault and your thieving “ntolelefye mentality”. You took the assets of the councils such as houses and shared them among yourself and deprived the council of the ability to collect the revenue they were from rents. That left the council broke and without the ability to provide services. This failure to understand the importance of investments and capital is precisely why your areas will remain poor no matter how much money is taken from other areas and put there.

    • There are no shallow wells in Lusaka. This leaves us with the conclusion that the unplanned and not to forget outdated pit latrines in numerous parts of the city are leaking into the Lusaka water supply pipes thereby desecrating drinking water. Gary Nkombo should join hands with Sylvia and Mike Mposha and come up with a master plan to stop cholera once and for all. Its already too late

  3. More evidence that Upnd and hh are dirty failures. Ifiko. Just look at how unkempt hh is. He cannot cut his hair.

    • Before you throw accusations
      did this lawless not accrue from your PF days
      when there was a free for all and your only concern was handing out parcels for votes

    • Kalya-nyoko, PF-MMD created the mess that is in Zambia. They took the assets of the councils, such as houses, and shared them among their tribesmen, and thus depriving the councils of the ability to generate revenue. As a result, the councils can now no longer deliver services, such as clean piped water, and the extraction of human waste. It your fault. This is the reason why Zambia is in this mess.

  4. Blame Simon Chushi Mwewa, the incompetent buffoon placed as mayor of Lusaka who let shanty compounds creep without regulations or restrictions, and created condition in which parts of Lusaka look like the worst slums in Bangladesh or Mumbai or Lago Nigeria.

  5. There is a problem somewhere. Rains have just started and they are not on peak we are experiencing this deadly disease. People are eating faeces in these over crowded compounds. The disease, if not contained, will wipe away a lot of people in these compounds. Government should put up strong measures to eradicate such a shameful disease.We are having a lot of economical challenges, cholera should not be another burden on our hardship.

    • If you are guilty you are guilty; not even death can expiate the crime of incompetence and neglect. It is the fault of Simon Chushi Mwewa. May he rest in peace

  6. You even now wonder where the $32billion money the PF borrowed went to…Those townships affected are filthy to the core.

  7. This is what happens when you have a business minded government. What is sad is that street vendors were chased and accused of bringing dirty in town! It’s sad that in this day and time we must be talking about cholera this is a clear sign of failure by the government.

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